ID | Raridad | Nombre de Unidad | Forma Evolucionadamy/Final | Como Obtener |
ES | Misidiós
N/A | Principio - requiere 2,000 XP | |
0 | N | Gato | Gato Mazado / Gato Crestado | Principio - dado automáticamente |
1 | N | Gato Defensor | Gato Muro / Gato Borrador | Imperio de los Gatos (Nivel 1) - requiere 0 XP para desbloquear |
2 | N | Gato Hachero | Gato Valiente / Gato Oscuro | Imperio de los Gatos (Nivel 3) - requiere 2,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
3 | N | Gatilargo | Gato Muslamen / Gato Piernacas | Imperio de los Gatos (Nivel 6) - requiere 3,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
4 | N | Gato Lechero | Jirafelino / Gato León | Imperio de los Gatos (Nivel 9) - requires 4,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
5 | N | Gato Pájaro | Gatovni / Gato Volador | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 12) - requires 5,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
6 | N | Piscigato | Ballegato / Gato Isleño | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 16) - requires 6,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
7 | N | Gato Lagarto | Gato Dragón / Gato Dragón Rey | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 20) - requires 7,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
8 | N | Gato Titán | Gato Titán Mítico / Miautante | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 24) - requires 8,000 XP or a Gatobolas Normales to unlock |
9 | ES | Gata Actriz | Madre de Gatos / Gato Cachas | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 7) - requires 150 Friskas to unlock |
10 | ES | Gato de Kungfú | Gato Maestro Borracho / Gato Bailarín | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 36) - requires 240 Friskas to unlock |
11 | ES | Sr. | Super Sr. / Hiper Sr. | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 11) - requires 160 Friskas to unlock |
12 | ES | Bondage | Neobondage / Bondage Definitivo | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 29) - requires 150 Friskas to unlock |
13 | ES | Domigatriz | Verdugo / Eladio Oscuro | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 32) - requires 150 Friskas to unlock |
14 | ES | Caja de Gatitos | Gatos Pandilleros / Gato de Asalto | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 20) - requires 90 Friskas to unlock |
15 | ES | Gato Braguitas | Gato Hoja / Gatopiruleta | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 35) - requires 90 Friskas to unlock |
16 | ES | Moneko | Miss Moneko / Moneko Superestrella | Imperio de los Gatos - complete chapter 1 for the first time |
17 | ES | Gato Triciclo | Gato Motero / Gato Monociclo | Daily Login Reward |
18 | ES | Gato Ninja | Gato Ninja en Rana / Gato Ninja Volador | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 6) - requires 50 Friskas to unlock |
19 | ES | Gato Zombi | Gato Demonio / Esquelegato | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 16) - requires 120 Friskas to unlock |
20 | ES | Gato Samurái | Gato Caballero / Gato Compotas | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 12) - requires 90 Friskas to unlock |
21 | ES | Gato Sumo | Maruja Sumo / Gato Bola de Arroz | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 9) - requires 150 Friskas to unlock |
22 | ES | Gato Buguibugui | Gato Samba / Gato Mariachi | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 24) - requires 90 Friskas to unlock |
23 | ES | Gata Faldera | Gata con Medias / Gata con Taparrabos | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 23) - requires 90 Friskas to unlock |
24 | ES | Gata Valquiria | Gata Valquiria Auténtica / Gata Valquiria Sagrada | Imperio de los Gatos - complete chapter 2 for the first time |
25 | ES | Gato Bégimo | Gato Bégimo Demente / Gato Bégimo Alzado | Imperio de los Gatos - complete chapter 3 for the first time |
26 | ES | Kerihime | Full color Kerihime / Wedding Kerihime | ? |
27 | ES | Cat Princess | Cat Princess beauty | ? |
28 | ES | Capsule Cat | Cramped Cats | Reward during MattShea Collaboration Event |
29 | ES | Masked Cat | Luchador Cat | ? |
30 | SR | Gato Bodhisattva | Gato Avalokitesvara / Gato Tathagata | Gatobolas Raras |
31 | SR | Gato Vándalo | Gato Vándalo Cabreado / Gato Vándalo Ultra | Gatobolas Raras |
32 | SR | Gato Hiphopero | Gato Bailarín Desvergonzado / Gato Cancán | Gatobolas Raras |
33 | SR | Gato Kotatsu | Gato Samara / Gato Pulpo | Gatobolas Raras |
34 | MR | Nekoluga | Gato Desconocido / Ultralan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
35 | SR | Gato Empollón | Gato Hacker / Gato Ciberpunk | Gatobolas Raras |
36 | SR | Gato Nadador | Gato Mariposa / Gato Pez | Gatobolas Raras |
37 | RR | Gato Pogo | Gato Masái / Gato Jiangshi | Gatobolas Raras |
38 | RR | Gato Rueda | Gato Solar / Gato Relajado | Gatobolas Raras |
39 | SR | Gato Manzana | Gato Cara / iGato | Gatobolas Raras |
40 | SR | Gato Bañera | Gato Bañera Sexi / Gato Bañera Lujoso | Gatobolas Raras |
41 | RR | Gata Presumida | Gata Parisina / Gata Cíborg | Gatobolas Raras |
42 | MR | Gata Gélida | Gata Reina Gélida / Gata de Cristal Gélida | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas & Antirrojos |
43 | MR | Robogato | Máquina Felina MK II / Máquina Felina MK III | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas & Antirrojos |
44 | MR | Gato Infrademonio | Gato Suprademonio / Gato Balrog Superior | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas |
45 | ES | Maiko Cat | Geisha Cat | ? |
46 | RR | Ronronícola | Niñera Cavernícola / Gatosaurio | Gatobolas Raras |
47 | RR | Gato Vikingo | Gato Thor / Maximum Luchador | Gatobolas Raras |
48 | RR | Gato Pirata | Gato Capitán / Gato Corsario | Gatobolas Raras |
49 | RR | Gatoladrón | Gatoladrón Fantasma / Gatoladrón Folclórico | Gatobolas Raras |
50 | RR | Gatobispo | Gatomonje / Gato Divino | Gatobolas Raras |
51 | RR | Gato Vidente | Gato Pescador / Gato Médico | Gatobolas Raras |
52 | RR | Gato Chamán | Gato Nigromante / Gato Nigrodanzante | Gatobolas Raras |
53 | MR | Gato Evangelista | Gato Filiembustero | ? |
54 | ES | Type 10 | Cat Transportation Type 10 | ? |
55 | RR | Gata Bruja | Gata Hechicera / Gata Maga | Gatobolas Raras |
56 | RR | Gato Arquero | Gato Cupido / Gatauro | Gatobolas Raras |
57 | MR | Gato Saqueador | Gato Berserker / Gato Paladín | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas & Antimetálicos |
58 | RR | Gato Espadachín | Gato Maestro de la Espada / Gato Duelista | Gatobolas Raras |
59 | MR | Gato Bebé | Gatos Bebés / Cuna de Gatos | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas & Antiaéreos |
60 | RR | Gato de Bronce | Gato Miguel Ángel / Gato Concursante | Premio - Paraíso de Oscuridad |
61 | SR | Gato Sushi | Gato Gamba Frita / Gato Huevas | Gatobolas Raras |
62 | ES | Toy Machine Cat | Vendor Cat | ? |
63 | RR | Gato Deportista | Gatos Secuestradores / Gatos Violentos | Drop - Autumn = Sports Day! |
64 | RR | Swordsman | Swordsman Johnny | ? |
65 | RR | Cow Princess | Giraffe Princess | ? |
66 | MR | KHM48 | Dark KHM48 / KHM46 | ? |
67 | RR | Chibigau | Chibigaugau / 067-3 | ? |
68 | SR | Enforcer | Enforcer 999 / Judgement | ? |
69 | SR | Sleeping Beauty | Sleeping Beauty II / Eternal Sleeping Beauty | ? |
70 | RR | Gato Currito | Gato Rencoroso / Gato Ritual | Drop - Loving Labor |
71 | MR | Sanada Yukimura | Yukimura Dios de la Guerra / Yukimura Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
72 | MR | Maeda Keiji | Keiji Dios de la Guerra / Keiji Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
73 | MR | Oda Nobunaga | Nobunaga Dios de la Guerra / Nobunaga Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
74 | RR | Piscigato Reno | Gato Sashimi / Gato Pastel Navideño | Drop - Jingle Cat Bell |
75 | MR | Brisabel | Brisabel (α) / Brisabel Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas & Antiaéreos |
76 | MR | Trónica | Trónica (β) / Trónica Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas & Antirrojos & Best of the Best |
77 | RR | Felidroide | Felidroide MK II / Felidroide Primaveral | Android Port Collab - "Reimei-ki kara no shisha" |
78 | RR | Gato Espacial | Gato Espacial Comandante / Gato Espacial Marine | Premio - Catástrofe Carmesí |
79 | RR | Gato Adulto | Gato Resacoso / Gato Prisionero | Drop - Happy New Year? |
80 | RR | Gato Malvado | Gato Caballero 2 / Caballeros Compañeros | Drop - Ritual Happiness |
81 | RR | Gatoñecos | Gatotrón / Miauladín | Drop - Bears be Bare |
82 | ES | Ninja Azul | Ninja Naranja | Serial Code - currently unavailable |
83 | MR | Sodoma | Sodoma, Rey de la Tierra / Sodoma, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores & Antiaéreos |
84 | MR | Megidora | Sacro Dragón Megidora / Megidora, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores & Antiaéreos |
85 | MR | Vars | Caballero Dragón Vars / Vars, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
86 | MR | Kamukura | Dios Dragón Kamukura / Kamukura, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores & Antirrojos |
87 | MR | Raiden | Matadragones Raiden / Raiden, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores & Antirrojos |
88 | RR | Gato con Comba | Gato con Comba Doble / Gatos Fideos | Premio - Inigualable |
89 | MR | Nimue | Neutralization Type Nimue | ? |
90 | MR | Monkey King | SSS Monkey King | ? |
91 | SR | Gato Demente | Gato Mazado Demente / Gato Crestado Maníaco | Premio - Gato Demente |
92 | SR | Gato Defensor Demente | Gato Muro Demente / Gato Borrador Maníaco | Premio - Gato Defensor Demente |
93 | SR | Gato Hachero Demente | Gato Valiente Demente / Gato Oscuro Maníaco | Premio - Gato Hachero Demente |
94 | SR | Gatilargo Demente | Gato Muslamen Demente / Gato Piernacas Maníaco | Premio - Gatilargo Demente |
95 | SR | Gato Lechero Demente | Jirafelino Demente / Gato León Maníaco | Premio - Gato Lechero Demente |
96 | SR | Gato Pájaro Demente | Gatovni Demente / Gato Volador Maníaco | Premio - Gato Pájaro Demente |
97 | SR | Piscigato Demente | Ballegato Demente / Gato Isleño Maníaco | Premio - Piscigato Demente |
98 | SR | Gato Lagarto Demente | Gato Dragón Demente / Gato Dragón Rey Maníaco | Premio - Gato Lagarto Demente |
99 | SR | Gato Titán Demente | Gato Titán Mítico Demente / Miautante Maníaco | Premio - Gato Titán Demente |
100 | RR | Gata Colegiala | Gata Deportista / Gata Luchadora | Drop - Teacher! It's Spring! |
101 | ES | Clone Elle | Clone ElleCC | JP-exclusive 3-way Collab Gacha |
102 | ES | Red Marron | Red MarronCC | JP-exclusive 3-way Collab Gacha |
103 | ES | Gato Cantante | Megagato / Megagato Especial | Drop - Final Boss Advent!? (JP) |
104 | RR | Gato Koi | Gato Koi Largo / Gato Koi Estandarte | Drop - Love is Sickness |
105 | MR | Kuu | Kuu (γ) / Kuu Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas & Antirrojos |
106 | MR | Kai | Kai (μ) / Kai Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas & Antiaéreos |
107 | MR | Cobrina | Cobrina (κ) / Cobrina Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas & Antiaéreos |
108 | ES | Bola de Gatos | Base Secreta | Drop - We're Number One |
109 | RR | Novia Maruja | Maruja Rey / Maruja la Sabana | Premio - La Novia Prohibida |
110 | RR | Celesse | Celesse CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
111 | RR | Nono | Nono CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
112 | RR | Olga | Olga CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
113 | RR | Norn | Norn CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
114 | RR | Yoichi | Yoichi CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
115 | RR | Serum | Serum CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
116 | RR | Fuu | Fuu CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
117 | SR | Aura | Aura CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
118 | SR | Rei | Rei CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
119 | MR | Wyvern | Wyvern Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
120 | ES | Healer | Healer CC / Healer Cat CC | Drop - Merc Storia Collab |
121 | ES | Merc | Merc CC / Merc & Cat CC | Download Merc Storia during Merc Storia Collab |
122 | RR | Diva Vacacional | Gata Oficinista / Gata de Atención al Cliente | Drop - Never Summer! |
123 | ES | Dúo Vaina | Gatos Sostén / Gatos Val Val | Imperio de los Gatos (nivel 23) |
124 | MR | Date Masamune | Dios de la Guerra Masamune / Masamune Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras & Antirrojos |
125 | MR | Takeda Shingen | Dios de la Guerra Shingen / Shingen Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
126 | RR | Gato Relojero | Gato Titiritero / Titiritero y Charley | Premio - Ira de los Cielos |
127 | ES | Gato Flor | Gato Ventilador / Gato con Bombas | Easter Egg - drag the door knob in the main menu until unlocking. |
128 | RR | Gata Vengativa | Gato Groucho / Gato Cometa | Drop - Ghostly Houseguests |
129 | SR | Gato Dorado | Gato Dorado Mazado / Gato Mazado Brillante | Gatobolas Raras - Limited Cats |
130 | ES | Lobo Ururun | Gato Ururun / Ururun Alzado | Drop - The Great Escaper |
131 | SR | Neneko | Miss Neneko | Gatobolas Raras - Limited Cats |
132 | RR | Gato de Kungfú X | Gato Maestro Borracho X / Garra de Hierro X | Drop - Old Guys About Town |
133 | ES | Hikakin | Bikyakin / Mukyakin | Serial Code - currently unavailable
JP-exclusive Collab Stage - "Hikakin kourin" |
134 | MR | Urashima Taro | Guardián Gamereon / Rey Gamereon | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
135 | MR | Grulla Agradecida | Cosmo Supergaláctico / Cosmo Extragaláctico | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas & Antiaéreos |
136 | MR | Momotaro | Los Ángeles del Melocotón / Los Demonios del Melocotón | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas & Antirrojos |
137 | MR | Kasa Jizo | Castillo Ambulante de Jizo / Megacastillo de Jizo | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
138 | MR | Princesa Kaguya | La Luna de la Muerte / La Luna del Caos | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas & Antimetálicos |
139 | ES | Nekondo | Nekondo HG / Nekondo SP | Drop - Punchy Prizefighter |
140 | ES | Squish Ball Cat | Muscleman Cat | Drop - None More Squishy |
141 | ES | Dios | Dios Secreto | Serial Code - Nyanko Ecology Report Special Edition |
142 | ES | Tutorial Cat | Behind Tutorial | Serial Code - Tutorial Collab |
143 | MR | Gata Enfermera | Gata Enfermera Cariñosa / Gata Enfermera Divertida | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas & Antiaéreos |
144 | SR | Minibase Gatuna | Base Gatuna Joven / Ultrabase Gatuna | Gatobolas Raras - Limited Cats |
145 | RR | Gato Pistolero | Gato Jinete / Gato Rodeo | Gatobolas Raras |
146 | RR | Gato con Zancos | Gatótem / Gatos Acróbatas | Gatobolas Raras |
147 | RR | Gato de Hojalata | Gatoavión / Robogato 2 | Gatobolas Raras |
148 | RR | Gato Roquero | Gato Artista / Gato Ramen | Gatobolas Raras |
149 | RR | Sirena | Gato de Camuflaje / Gato Camarógrafo | Gatobolas Raras |
150 | SR | Gata Julieta | Gata Princesa Julieta / Julieta Maiko | Gatobolas Raras |
151 | SR | Gato Halterófilo | Chica de Ring / Gato Pizza | Gatobolas Raras |
152 | SR | Gatos Patinadores | Gatos Actores / Gatos Bufones | Gatobolas Raras |
153 | SR | Gatostadora | Gato Proyector / Gatófono | Gatobolas Raras |
154 | RR | Gato con Aro | Gato Fanfarrón / Gato As del Aro | Drop - Sweet Irony |
155 | MR | Chicken Cat | Rooster Cat | Not released |
156 | RR | Drury Swordsman | Drury Witch | Drop - Dragon League Collab |
157 | ES | Nubobo | Gorubo | Achieving 1 win in "Dragon League A", "Dragon League X" app, in Nyanko Battle Arena. |
158 | MR | Uesugi Kenshin | Dios de la Guerra Kenshin / Kenshin Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
159 | MR | Kalisa | Kalisa (γ) / Kalisa Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas |
160 | SR | Yuurinchii | Reincarnated Spirit Yuurinchii / Gekirinchii | Gatobolas Raras - Princess Punt Sweets Collab |
161 | MR | Crazed Kerihime | Crazed Kerihime CC / Manic Kerihime | Gatobolas Raras - Princess Punt Sweets Collab |
162 | ES | Ayanokōji Shō | Shōyan & Cat | Serial code included in Kishidan's single "幸せにしかしねーから" |
163 | ES | Saotome Hikaru | Hikaru & Cat | Serial code included in Kishidan's single "幸せにしかしねーから" |
164 | ES | Saionji Hitomi | Tommy & Cat | Serial code included in Kishidan's single "幸せにしかしねーから" |
165 | ES | Hoshi Guranmanie | Ranma & Cat | Serial code included in Kishidan's single "幸せにしかしねーから" |
166 | ES | Shiratori Shōchikubai | Matsu & Cat | Serial code included in Kishidan's single "幸せにしかしねーから" |
167 | RR | Yankee Cat | Sukeban Cat | Drop - Kishidan Collab |
168 | MR | Asiluga | Asilan Pasalan / Asesino Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
169 | MR | Kubiluga | Kubilan Pasalan / E. Kubilan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
170 | MR | Tecoluga | Tesalan Pasalan / Lufalan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga & Antimetálicos |
171 | MR | Balaluga | Balalan Pasalan / Piccolan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
172 | ES | Mininyandam | Emperador Nyandam / Nyandam Bus Escolar | Drop - Saint Red Fox |
173 | SR | Baby Mola | Young Man Mola / Citizen Mola | Gatobolas Raras - Survive! Mola Mola! Collab. The kitchen part can be read as Kid-hen (Kid of a hen / chicken = chicks). |
174 | MR | Mola King | Living Legend / Master of the Pacific | Gatobolas Raras - Survive! Mola Mola! Collab |
175 | ES | Meowla Meowla | Catorpedo | Available as part of time limited collab's event prize
Drop - Survive! Mola Mola! Collab |
176 | RR | Gato Esponjita | Esponjita Inquietante | Drop - Sweetest Sorrow |
177 | MR | Dioramos | Dioramos el Archidragón / Dioramos, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
178 | ES | Mob Cat | Yakuza Vampire | N/A; Existing data, but no assigned system slot. |
179 | RR | Takuya & Yuki | Takuya, Yuki & Cat / Takuya& Lovely Yuki | Drop - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
180 | MR | Mystery Girl Yuki | Mystery Yuki & Cat / Mystery Catgirl Yuki | Gatobolas Raras - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
181 | ES | Yuki Cat | Lovely Yuki Cat | Clear level Chapter 1- Episode 4 in Shoumetsu Toshi app |
182 | ES | Cuckoo Crew 12 | Cuckoo Crew 12+1 | BCKR exclusive - Obtained by inputting special serial code. |
183 | RR | Cat Kart R | Cat Kart G / Cat Kart P | Drop - The Battle Cats POP! |
184 | ES | Mr. Ninja | Mint | Complete Mr.Ninja!! Fever's Adventure Mode until the first gate |
185 | MR | Hearscht | Hearscht CC / Revolutionary Hearscht CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
186 | MR | Cornelia | Cornelia CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collaoration event |
187 | MR | Juvens | Juvens CC / Holiday Juvens CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
188 | MR | Mystica | Mystica CC / Savior Mystica CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
189 | SR | Alois | Alois CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
190 | SR | Citrouille | Citrouille CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
191 | ES | Titi | Titi CC / Titi Cat CC | Drop - Merc Storia Collaoration event |
192 | ES | Yamaoka Minori | Queen Minori | Serial Code - currently unavailable |
193 | ES | Nakamura Kanae | Queen Kanae | Serial Code - currently unavailable |
194 | MR | Akira | Akira Sombra / Akira Infierno | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
195 | MR | Mekako Saionji | Dra. Mekako / Mekako Control de Misión | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
196 | MR | Catman | Catman Oscuro / Catman Definitivo | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos & Antiaéreos |
197 | RR | Psicogato | Neopsicogato / Psicogato Corrupto | Gatobolas Raras |
198 | RR | Gato Onmyoji | Gata Mágica / Gato Taumaturgo | Gatobolas Raras |
199 | SR | Gato Surfero | Gato Náufrago / Gato Marinero | Gatobolas Raras |
200 | SR | Gato Metálico | Gato Mazado Metálico | Gatobolas Raras - Limited Cats |
201 | RR | Gato de Banda | Gato de Estandarte / Gato de Mochi | Drop - Dimension of Despair |
202 | ES | Baozi Cat | Big Baozi | Drop - Secret Delicacy |
203 | MR | Kachi-Kachi | Cuerpo de Bomberos Kachiyama / Brigada de Asalto Kachiyama | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
204 | ES | Felyne | Felyne & Melynx | Obtained by playing collaboration quests in Monster Hunter app. |
205 | ES | Sheria - Kirin | Sheria - KirinX | Gatobolas Raras - Monster Hunter Collab |
206 | ES | Rathalos | Rathalos & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Monster Hunter Collab |
207 | ES | Rathian | Rathian & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Monster Hunter Collab |
208 | ES | Kirin Neko | Kirin Neko Kirin | Gatobolas Raras - Monster Hunter Collab |
209 | ES | Minigato | Minigato Mazado / Minigato Crestado | Gatobolas de Evento |
210 | ES | Minidefensor | Minigato Muro / Minigato Borrador | Gatobolas de Evento |
211 | ES | Minihachero | Minigato Valiente / Minigato Oscuro | Gatobolas de Evento |
212 | MR | Conejita Blanca | Gata Negra / Zorro Gris | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos & Antirrojos |
213 | ES | Gatomburguesa | Gatorroyal / Gato Comida para Llevar | Drop - Faster Than Fast Food |
214 | RR | HYAKUTARO | HYAKUTARO CC | Drop - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
215 | RR | MARCO | MARCO CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
216 | RR | TARMA | TARMA CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
217 | RR | ERI | ERI CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
218 | RR | FIO | FIO CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
219 | SR | SV-001 | SV-001 CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
220 | SR | ALLEN O'NEIL | ALLEN O'NEIL CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
221 | RR | MARS PEOPLE | MARS PEOPLE CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
222 | MR | HUGE HERMIT | HUGE HERMIT CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
223 | MR | JUPITER KING | JUPITER KING CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
224 | MR | DONALD MORDEN | GENERAL MORDEN | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
225 | MR | HI-DO | HI-DO CC | Gatobolas Raras - Metal Slug Defense Collab |
226 | MR | Brujo y Pedrín | Mercader Oscuro Babil / Doctor Klay Loco | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
227 | RR | Calabagato | Gato de Halloween / Gato Presagio | Drop - All Hallows Road |
228 | SR | Neneko Oscura | Neneko Bruja / Disfraz de Neneko Bruja | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval de Halloween |
229 | MR | Brujabel | Brujabel (α) | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval de Halloween |
230 | MR | Trónica Tétrica | Trónica Tétrica (β) | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval de Halloween |
231 | ES | Oden | Oden CC | Drop - YuruDora Collab; Reference:おでん |
232 | RR | Junior God of Light - Valkyrie | Junior God of Light - Valkyrie CC | Gatobolas Raras - YuruDora Collab; Reference:光の神徒 |
233 | RR | Junior God Brynhildr | Junior God Brynhildr CC | Gatobolas Raras - YuruDora Collab; Reference: |
234 | RR | Junior God Suruzu | Junior God Suruzu CC | Gatobolas Raras - YuruDora Collab; Reference: |
235 | SR | Goddess of Abundance - Freya | Goddess of Abundance - Freya CC | Gatobolas Raras - YuruDora Collab; Reference: |
236 | MR | God of War - Odin | God of War - Odin CC | Gatobolas Raras - YuruDora Collab; Reference:軍神 |
237 | SR | Novato Sabelotodo | Profesor Sabelotodo / Sabelotodo Director | Gatobolas Raras - Reinforcements Cats |
238 | SR | Gato Rico III | Gato Rico Sr. / Gato Forrado | Gatobolas Raras - Reinforcements Cats |
239 | SR | Recluta Gatotirador | Gatotirador Experto / Gatotirador infalible | Gatobolas Raras - Reinforcements Cats |
240 | MR | Togeluga | Togelan Pasalan / Shishilan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
241 | MR | Kai de Nieve | Kai de Nieve (μ) | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
242 | MR | Kuu Noel | Kuu Noel (γ) | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
243 | MR | Cobrina Bendita | Cobrina Bendita (κ) | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
244 | RR | Regalo Gatuno | Gato Sorpresa | Drop - Jolly St. Nick |
245 | ES | Minigatilargo | Minigato Muslamen / Minigato Piernacas | Gatobolas de Evento |
246 | ES | Minivaca | Minijirafelino / Minigatoleón | Gatobolas de Evento |
247 | ES | Minipájaro | Minigatovni / Minigato Volador | Gatobolas de Evento |
248 | ES | Gato No Muerto | Bake-Nyanko / Gato Vida Extra | Unlock by accessing this URL (JP) |
249 | RR | C&D Swordsman | Sailor Swordsman / Swordsman of the Ming Emperor | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
250 | RR | Horsemen Cavalry | Forest Horsemen Cavalry / Thunderclap Horsemen Cavalry | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
251 | RR | Ashura | Warrior Ashura / Kabukimono Ashura | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
252 | RR | Battle Balloon | Pirate Battle Balloon / Battle Balloon UFO | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
253 | RR | Dragon Rider | Horn Dragon Rider / Flame Dragon Rider | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
254 | RR | Pretty Cat | Lovely Pretty Cat / Cyber Pretty Cat | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
255 | RR | Cyclops | Cyclops of Steel / Cyclops of Time-space | Drop - Castle & Dragon Collab |
256 | ES | Golem | Rabbit Golem / Volcano Golem | Obtained by playing collaboration quests in Castle & Dragon app. |
257 | MR | Dios del Trueno Zeus | Zeus el Majestuoso / Zeus Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
258 | MR | Anubis el Protector | Anubis el Inmaculado / Anubis Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
259 | MR | Afrodita Radiante | Megafrodita / Afrodita Todopoderosa | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
260 | SR | Gatway | Gato Dron / Gato Viajero del Tiempo | Drop - Clionel Ascendant |
261 | MR | Hayabusa | Oni Hayabusa / Akuma Hayabusa | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos & Antimetálicos |
262 | ES | Nyamusu | Neko Nyamusu | Gatobolas Raras - Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Collab |
263 | ES | Pochi | Tank Pochi | Gatobolas Raras - Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Collab |
264 | ES | Kuromi | Kuromi and Cats | Gatobolas Raras - Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Collab |
265 | ES | Setsuko | Setsuko Love Mackerel | Gatobolas Raras - Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Collab |
266 | ES | Nebaaru-kun | Nebaaru-kun and Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Nebaaru-kun and Nyanpazuru Collab |
267 | SR | Gatornado | Huragato / Gatifón | Premio - Cielo Rojo Matutino |
268 | ES | Mina Caperucita | Mina Carmesí / Mina Alzada | Drop - Learned to Love |
269 | MR | Gao Bebé | Gao Señor Poderoso | Gatobolas Raras - MEGAFESTI |
270 | MR | Crazed Yuki | Crazed Yuki & Cat / Crazed Catgirl Yuki | Gatobolas Raras - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
271 | MR | Amaterasu Reluciente | Amaterasu Gloriosa / Amaterasu Todopoderosa | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
272 | MR | Ganesha Espléndido | Ganesha Exaltado / Ganesha Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
273 | SR | Gata Animadora | Gata Camarera / Gata Restauradora | Drop - The Rolling Dead |
274 | MR | Kalisa Tropical | Kalisa Tropical X | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
275 | MR | Conejita Veraniega | Gata Veraniega | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
276 | SR | Neneko Nadadora | Neneko Playera / Neneko Veraniega | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
277 | RR | Funghi | Funghi 'n' Cat | Drop - Neo Mushroom Garden Collab |
278 | ES | Tanky | Tanky 'n' Cat | Daily Stamp - Neo Mushroom Garden Collab |
279 | ES | White Cat | Gross White Cat | Daily Stamp - Neo Mushroom Garden Collab |
280 | ES | Fortressy | Castley | Daily Stamp - Neo Mushroom Garden Collab |
281 | RR | Futenyan | Massaging Futenyan | Special collaboration event reward with Y! Mobile |
282 | RR | Bailarina de Awa | Bailarina de Soran / Gato Bailongo Precioso | Drop - Summer Diary |
283 | MR | Pai-Pai | Pai-Pai Z / Pai-Pai DX | Gatobolas Raras - Antirrojos |
284 | SR | Gato Expreso | Gato Maglev / Gato Tren Bala | Drop - River Styx |
285 | ES | Crazed Baozi Cat | Crazed Big Baozi Cat | Daily Stamp |
286 | MR | Centinela R. E. I. | Unidad de Asalto R. E. I. / Unidad Voladora R. E. I. | Gatobolas Raras - Antiaéreos |
287 | SR | Gato de Ligas Inferiores | Gato de Ligas Superiores / Gato Golfista | Drop - Queen's Coronation |
288 | MR | Madoka Kaname | Madoka & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
289 | MR | Homura Akemi | Homura & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
290 | MR | Sayaka Miki | Sayaka & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
291 | MR | Mami Tomoe | Mami & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
292 | MR | Kyoko Sakura | Kyoko & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab
Note: Katakana names are where surname is called at behind |
293 | SR | Kyubey | Kyubey & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
294 | RR | Madoka Cat | Magical Girl Madoka Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
295 | RR | Homura Cat | Magical Girl Homura Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
296 | RR | Sayaka Cat | Magical Girl Sayaka Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
297 | RR | Mami Cat | Magical Girl Mami Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
298 | RR | Kyoko Cat | Magical Girl Kyoko Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
299 | RR | Li'l Madoka | Li'l Magical Girl Madoka / Li'l Ultimate Madoka | Drop - Madoka Magica Collab |
300 | ES | Li'l Homura | Li'l Magical Girl Homura / Li'l Devil Homura | Campaign Reward - Madoka Magica Collab |
301 | RR | Kyubey Cat | Tank Kyubey Cat | Drop - Madoka Magica Collab |
302 | MR | Gata Lilit | Gata Súcubo / Gata Reina Súcubo | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval de Halloween |
303 | RR | Vendedor de Comida | Gato Repartidor | Drop - A Cultured Festival |
304 | MR | Gatapulta Brutal | Máquina de Asedio / Mastodonte de Asalto | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
305 | MR | Buque Brutal | BCS Corazón de León / BCS Garra de Tigre | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
306 | MR | Bombardero Brutal | MIAU-0 Fortaleza Aérea / MIAU-02 Ciudadela Aérea | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea & Best of the Best |
307 | SR | Gato con Pértiga | Gata con Pértiga / Gata Ama de Casa | Gatobolas Raras |
308 | RR | Gato Jardinero | Gato Leñador / Gato Desbrozador | Gatobolas Raras |
309 | ES | Neko Hakase | Neko Hakase and Cat | Drop - Cat Busters Collab |
310 | MR | Enfermera Candela | Enfermera Candelaria / Enfermera Navideña | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
311 | ES | Minipescado | Miniballegato / Minigato Isleño | Gatobolas de Evento |
312 | ES | Minilagarto | Minigato Dragón / Minigato Dragón Rey | Gatobolas de Evento |
313 | ES | Minititán | Minigato Titán Mítico / Minimiautante | Gatobolas de Evento |
314 | SR | Neneko de Nochevieja | Neneko de Año Nuevo / Festive New Year Neneko | Gatobolas Raras - New Year Event |
315 | RR | PIKOTARO | NEKOTARO | Drop - PPAP |
316 | MR | Poseidón Iracundo | Poseidón Valiente / Poseidón Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso & Antimetálicos |
317 | ES | CPAC | PPAP | Automatically unlocked upon connection during the collaboration event |
318 | MR | Miko Mitama | Mitama Oráculo | Gatobolas Raras - MEGAFESTI |
319 | RR | Gato Asesino | Gato Asesino Auténtico / Gato Radical | Drop - Day of the Cat |
320 | RR | Hiroshi Mihara | One Two Three ~ Hara Idols Cat / Idol Mihara & Cat | Special time limited event (BCTW) |
321 | ES | Nazousagi | Miya Ōdō Rabbit | Easter Egg - pat the Cat on the Cat Base menu during Nazousagi Collab |
322 | MR | Sarukani | Vengadores del Rock / Estrellas de Un Día | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
323 | ES | Miyamoku Musashi | Musashi Heroico / Musashi Alzado | Drop - Multiversal Studios |
324 | RR | Gato Curling | Gato Sobre Rumba / Gato con Caparazón Verde | Drop - Dead on Debut |
325 | RR | Gato Peso Ligero | Gato Peso Pesado / Gato Peso Superpesado | Gatobolas Raras |
326 | MR | Mobius | Miraculous Mobius | Gatobolas Raras - Crash Fever Collab |
327 | SR | Belial | Reckless Belial | Gatobolas Raras - Crash Fever Collab |
328 | ES | Happy 100 | Heartful Happy 100 | Campaign Reward - Crash Fever Collab |
329 | RR | Gato Huevo | Gato de Pascua / Gato Huevo de Pascua | Drop - Spring, Sprang, Sprung |
330 | MR | Kenshin Primaveral | Kenshin Floreciente / Kenshin Brisa Primaveral | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval Primaveral |
331 | MR | Conejito y Patosín | Psicopato Discípulo / Pato Loco Malévolo | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval Primaveral |
332 | SR | Neneko de Pascua | Neneko Saltarina / Neneko Floreciente | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval Primaveral |
333 | MR | Gao Sombra | Gao Diabólico | Gatobolas Raras - HIPERFESTI |
334 | MR | Himeyuri Engatusadora | Himeyuri Nuevecolas / Himeyuri Reina | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
335 | MR | Sirena Ruri | Sirena Señora Ruri / Sirerreina Ruri | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
336 | MR | Reina Reika | Reika Faraona / Reika Eterna | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
337 | MR | Princess Ship | Princess Ship CC / Premium Ship CC | Gatobolas Raras - Princess Punt Sweets Collab (JP) |
338 | MR | Imagawa Yoshimoto | Dios de la Guerra Yoshimoto / Yoshimoto Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
339 | ES | Iron Wall Shield | N/A | This unit appears as basic cat in all versions. |
340 | RR | Redhead Yuki Cat | Redhead Lovely Yuki Cat / Macho Redhead Yuki Cat | Drop - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
341 | MR | Lost World Yuki | Lost World Yuki & Cat / Lost World Catgirl Yuki | Gatobolas Raras - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
342 | ES | Gato de la Suerte | Neogato de la Suerte | Drop - BitSummit 2017 Sponsorship. Via Beacon Feature |
343 | RR | Jinete de Babosas | Gatobabosa | Drop - Sliming to Victory (Origin: PONOS' game Natesta (なめすた)) |
344 | SR | Orthos | Orthos CC / Artist Orthos CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
345 | MR | Michelia | Michelia CC / Naptime Michelia CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
346 | MR | Todomeki | Todomeki CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia Collab |
347 | ES | Gudetama Cat | Gude Omelette Cat / Gudebene Cat | Campaign Reward - Gudetama Collab (JP) |
348 | RR | Gudetama Plate | Gudetama Bacon Plate | Gatobolas Raras - Gudetama Collab (JP) |
349 | SR | Gudegude Pudding | Gudegude à la mode | Gatobolas Raras - Gudetama Collab (JP) |
350 | MR | Nisetama Army | Nisetama Cat Army | Gatobolas Raras - Gudetama Collab (JP) |
351 | MR | Astrogemelas | Astrogemelas (Φ) / Astrogemelas Divinas | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas |
352 | ES | Gato Ermitaño | Gato Gran Maestro / Gato Gran Maestro Disfrazado | Drop - Heavenly Tower Floor 30 |
353 | RR | Cat Slave Chocolate | Cat and Chocolate / Chocolate Cat | Drop - Slave Cat King |
354 | MR | Kai Playera | Kai Playera (μ) | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
355 | MR | Cuerpo Explorador Brutal | Armagedón Plataforma Orbital / Plataforma Orbital Asoladora | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
356 | ES | Nora | Awakened Nora | Daily Stamp - Nippon Shinryaku Hiroku Collab |
357 | MR | Lobata Deale | Deale Princesa Loba / Deale Reina Bufona | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
358 | MR | Verbena Ultratumba | Verbena Nupcial / Verbena Opulenta | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
359 | MR | Bora | Bazibon / Bazibastra | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
360 | MR | Mizli | Marinmizu / Mizuririn | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
361 | MR | Aer | Erphuan / Aervanta | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
362 | MR | Saber | Saber CC / Saber Alter CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
363 | MR | Rin Tohsaka | Rin Tohsaka CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
364 | MR | Illyasviel | Illyasviel CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
365 | MR | Archer | Archer CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
366 | MR | Lancer | Lancer CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
367 | MR | Rider | Rider CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
368 | MR | Gilgamesh | Gilgamesh CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
369 | ES | Saber the Cat | Heroic Spirit Saber Cat / Saber Alter Cat | Daily Reward - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
370 | RR | Sakura the Cat | Apron Sakura Cat / Dreaming Sakura Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
371 | RR | Rin the Cat | Mage Rin Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
372 | RR | Illya the Cat | Snow Faerie Illya | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
373 | RR | Li'l Shirou | Li'l Shirou CC | Drop - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
374 | ES | Li'l Sakura | Li'l Sakura CC | Campaign Reward - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
375 | ES | Gatomoneda | Gatomoneda Mazado | Daily Stamp - 5th Anniversary Week |
376 | RR | Gato Róver | Gato Róver MK II / Gatélite | Gatobolas Raras |
377 | SR | Gato Esgrimista | Gato Kendo / El Gato de la Libertad | Gatobolas Raras |
378 | MR | Mitama Oscura | Mitama Gótica | Gatobolas Raras - HIPERFESTI |
379 | RR | Gata de Voleibol | Gato Ballet / Gato Curry | Premio - La Segunda Dimensión |
380 | MR | D'Artamiau | Miausquetero | Gatobolas Raras - MEGAFESTI |
381 | ES | Gato Granjero | Gato Cosechador | Daily Stamp (12/22/17 - 12/31/17) |
382 | RR | Gato de Cristal | Gato de Cristal Mazado / Gata de Cristal Mazada | Drop - King Wahwah's Revenge |
383 | ES | Yulala Enmascarada | Yulala Mística / Yulala Espiritual | Drop - Heavenly Tower Floor 40 |
384 | ES | Satori Hikami & Cat | Satori Hikami & Cat CC | Campaign Reward - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
385 | RR | Akio Yabe | Akio Yabe CC / Akio & Gunder CC | Drop - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
386 | RR | Sairi Nijitani | Sairi Nijitani CC | Drop - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
387 | RR | Misaki Konno | Misaki Konno CC | Drop - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
388 | RR | Ren Katagiri | Ren Katagiri CC | Drop - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
389 | RR | Karin Nekozuka | Karin Nekozuka CC | Drop - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
390 | SR | Aoi Hayakawa | Aoi Hayakawa CC / Baseball Mask α | Gatobolas Raras - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
391 | SR | Mizuki Tachibana | Mizuki Tachibana CC / Baseball Mask β | Gatobolas Raras - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
392 | SR | Hijiri Rokudo | Hijiri Rokudo CC / Baseball Mask γ | Gatobolas Raras - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
393 | MR | Saki Nijima | Saki Nijima CC / Samba Saki CC | Gatobolas Raras - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
394 | MR | Subaru Hoshi | Subaru Hoshi CC / Dark Subaru CC | Gatobolas Raras - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
395 | MR | Miyabi Oyama | Miyabi Oyama CC / Baseball Mask δ | Gatobolas Raras - Power Pro Baseball Collab |
396 | MR | Ganglión | Ganglión el Ancestral / Ganglión Liberado | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
397 | MR | Sakura Sónica | Sakura Extraescolar / Sakura Hoja Sagrada | Gatobolas Raras - Antimetálicos |
398 | ES | Honeyto-Kun | Honeyto-Kun & Cat | Honey Toast Café Akihabara Collaboration Event |
399 | RR | Mentori | Mentori CC | Drop - Mentori Collab |
400 | ES | Imoto | Imoto CC | Campaign Reward - Mentori Collab - login during pre-event |
401 | MR | Voli | Volta / Gigavolta | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
402 | RR | Shinji & Cat | Plug Suit Shinji / Plug Suit Shinji Black | Drop - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
403 | ES | Gendo & Fuyutsuki Cats | Moon Gendo & Fuyutsuki Cats | Stamp Reward - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
404 | RR | Giraffe Unit-01 | Giraffe Unit-02 | Drop - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
405 | ES | Kaworu & Cat | Plug Suit Kaworu / Moon Kaworu | Campaign Reward - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
406 | RR | Rei Cat | Ayanami Cat (TBC) | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
407 | RR | Asuka Cat | Apron Asuka | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
408 | RR | Mari Cat | Special Ops Mari | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
409 | SR | Rei Ayanami | Plug Suit Rei / Reunion Li'l Rei | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
410 | SR | Asuka Langley | Plug Suit Asuka / Eyepatch Li'l Asuka | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
411 | SR | Mari Illustrious | Plug Suit Mari | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
412 | MR | Eva Unit-00 | Eva Unit-00 & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
413 | MR | Eva Unit-01 | Eva Unit-01 & Cat / Determined Unit-00 & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
414 | MR | Eva Unit-02 | Eva Unit-02 & Cat / Unit-02, Code 777 | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
415 | MR | Shinji Cat | Toji & Kensuke Cats | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
416 | MR | Moon Operators | NERV Moon | Gatobolas Raras - Neon Genesis Evangelion Collab |
417 | MR | Baño D-Lux Brutal | Guardianes Subterráneos / Centinelas Subterráneos | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
418 | ES | Moneko Demente | Moneko Corrupta | Premio - Moneko Demente |
419 | RR | Pokota | Pokota CC | Drop - LINE Pokopang! Collab |
420 | RR | Ovis | Ovis CC | Drop - LINE Pokopang! Collab |
421 | RR | Coco | Coco CC | Drop - LINE Pokopang! Collab |
422 | RR | Moe Uzumasa & Cat | Moe Uzumasa & Cat CC | Get On! Kyoto City Subway Collab |
423 | RR | Saki Matsuga & Cat | Saki Matsuga & Cat CC | Get On! Kyoto City Subway Collab |
424 | RR | Misa Ono & Cat | Misa Ono & Cat CC | Get On! Kyoto City Subway Collab |
425 | ES | Rei Uzumasa & Cat | Rei Uzumasa & Cat CC | Get On! Kyoto City Subway Collab |
426 | ES | Bun Bun Mecánico | Bun Bun Mecánico MK II / Bun Bun Mecánico Definitivo | Drop - Eldritch Forces |
427 | MR | Clan Heroico Gatuno | Gremio Heroico Gatuno / Equipo Heroico Gatuno | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas |
428 | RR | Souma Cat | Stylish Souma Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Shoumetsu Toshi 2 Collab |
429 | SR | Otaku Geek Cat | Hacker Geek Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Shoumetsu Toshi 2 Collab |
430 | MR | Gude-Cat Machine | Gude-Cat Machine - Egg | Gatobolas Raras - Gudetama Collab |
431 | MR | Detective Vigler | Inspector Gabriel / Gravicci Jefe de Sección | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
432 | RR | Betakkuma | Black Betakkuma | Drop - Betakkuma Collab |
433 | ES | Nekokkuma | Killer Nekokkuma | Campaign Reward - Betakkuma Collab |
434 | ES | White Swordsman Cat | Black Swordsman Cat | Castle & Dragon Collaboration |
435 | MR | Minivalquiria | Valquiria Bailarina del Viento | Gatobolas Raras - Best of the Best |
436 | MR | Nobiluga | Nobilan Pasalan / Pasalan Místico | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
437 | ES | Misidiós el Fantástico | Misidiós el Increíble / Misidiós el Dorado | Cats of the Cosmos - complete chapter 2 for the first time |
438 | MR | Kuu Surfera | Kuu Surfera (γ) | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
439 | MR | Emperatriz Chronos | Chronos Infinita / Chronos Todopoderosa | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
440 | MR | Bebe | Nagisa & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Madoka Magica Collab |
441 | MR | D'Artamiau Oscuro | D'Artamiau Valiente | Gatobolas Raras - HIPERFESTI |
442 | RR | Gato Solitario y Gatito | Gata Vendedora y Gatito / Gato Turista | Drop - Deeply Dreaming |
443 | SR | Gato Taladrador | Gato Supertaladrador / Neogato Taladrador | Gatobolas Raras - Grandon Mining Corps |
444 | SR | Gato Martinete | Gato Supermartinete / Neogato Martinete | Gatobolas Raras - Grandon Mining Corps |
445 | SR | Gato Cortador | Gato Supercortador / Neogato Cortador | Gatobolas Raras - Grandon Mining Corps |
446 | SR | Gato Retroexcavadora | Gato Superretroexcavadora / Neogato Retroexcavadora | Gatobolas Raras - Grandon Mining Corps |
447 | SR | Gato Aserrador | Gato Superaserrador / Neogato Aserrador | Gatobolas Raras - Grandon Mining Corps |
448 | LD | Musashi Miyamoto | Dios de la Guerra Miyamoto | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
449 | LD | Directora Jeanne | Directora Jeanne (ψ) | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas |
450 | LD | Babel Señor Supremo | Babel Llama Oscura / Babel, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
451 | LD | Ushiwakamaru | Benkei Colosal | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
452 | RR | Gato Primordial | Gato Moderno / Gato Futurista | Drop - Typhoon Nemo |
453 | ES | Kitarou | GeGeGe no Kitarou | Mission Reward - Yuru-i GeGeGe no Kitarou: Youkai Dotabata Daisensou Collab |
454 | ES | Medama-Oyaji | Bathing Oyaji | Mission Reward - Yuru-i GeGeGe no Kitarou: Youkai Dotabata Daisensou Collab |
455 | LD | Momoco Maravillosa | Momoco Mona | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas |
456 | MR | Sakura Matou | Sakura Matou CC / Dark Sakura CC | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/stay night Collab |
457 | ES | Shirou the Cat | Novice Mage Shirou Cat | Daily Stamps - Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Collab |
458 | RR | Archer the Cat | Heroic Spirit Archer Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/stay night Collab |
459 | RR | Rider the Cat | Heroic Spirit Rider Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/stay night Collab |
460 | SR | Kotomine & Gilgamesh Cats | Gilgamesh & Kotomine Cats | Gatobolas Raras - Fate/stay night Collab |
461 | LD | Legeluga | Legelan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
462 | ES | Gato Filiembustero X | Gato Filiembustero Y / Metafiliembustero | Cats of the Cosmos Chapter 3 - Filibuster Invasion |
463 | LD | Kristul Muu Poderoso | Pandora Motor de Destrucción | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
464 | ES | Chuchomaru | Perromón / Perromón Guerrero Renacido | Drop - Primitive Souls |
465 | RR | Maji Cat & Cat Tour Group | Maji Cat & Cat Tour Taiwan | Drop - Maji Island Tour Collab |
466 | LD | Black Zeus | Dark Lord Zeus | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
467 | MR | Super Zeus | All-Powerful Super Zeus / Super S-Zeus | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
468 | MR | Holy Phoenix | Holy Warrior Phoenix / Head Rococo | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
469 | MR | Super Devil | Imposter Super Devil / Super D-Devil | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
470 | MR | Satanmaria | Wondermaria | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
471 | MR | Heracrist | Perfect Heracrist | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
472 | SR | Fiendish Nero | Beastly Nero | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
473 | RR | Prince Yamato | Holy Yamato / Rampaging Yamato | Drop - Bikkuriman Collab |
474 | ES | Rosary Angel | Cross Angel / Strike Angel | Gatobolas de Evento - Bikkuriman Collab |
475 | ES | Wakamiko Cat | Warrior King Cat | Gatobolas de Evento - Bikkuriman Collab |
476 | ES | Cat Devil | Infernal Cat | Gatobolas de Evento - Bikkuriman Collab |
477 | ES | Nekonosuke | Old Guardian Cat | Gatobolas de Evento - Bikkuriman Collab |
478 | LD | Lumina | Luminalia | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
479 | ES | Gummy Cat | Lucky Cat / Gummy Cat Soda | Special Sale |
480 | RR | Neko-Musume | Cat Neko-Musume | Drop - Yuru-i GeGeGe no Kitarou: Youkai Dotabata Daisensou Collab |
481 | LD | Doktor Celestial | Profesor Abismo | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
482 | MR | Benevolent Souma | Souma & Cat / Cat-Eared Souma | Gatobolas Raras - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
483 | RR | Kano & Souma | Kano & Souma & Cat | Drop - Shoumetsu Toshi Collab |
484 | MR | Minivalquiria Oscura | Valquiria Jinete Oscura | Gatobolas Raras - NEO Best of the Best |
485 | MR | Karetto | Karetto CC | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Princess Punt Sweets Collab |
486 | SR | Hina | Swordsman Hina | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Princess Punt Sweets Collab |
487 | MR | Eva Unit-08 | Eva Unit-08 & Cat | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Evangelion Collab |
488 | MR | AAA Wunder | NNN Wunder / Vanished NNN Wunder | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Evangelion Collab |
489 | SR | Misato Katsuragi | Captain Misato | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Evangelion Collab |
490 | SR | Ritsuko Akagi | First Officer Ritsuko | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Evangelion Collab |
491 | SR | Rei Ayanami (???) | Awakened Ayanami | Gatobolas Raras - Gatobolas Raras - Evangelion Collab |
492 | RR | HAPPI | HAPPI & Maji Cat / HAPPI & Maji Cat & Cat | Drop - Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Collab |
493 | LD | Gaia Creadora | Gaia Suprema | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
494 | MR | Cobrina Brisamarina | Cobrina Brisamarina (κ) | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
495 | RR | Gata Matadora | Gata Flamenca / Gata Danza del Vientre | Gatobolas Raras |
496 | MR | Narita Kaihime | Diosa de la Guerra Kaihime / Kaihime Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
497 | ES | Shakurel Cat | Shakurel Macho Cat | Daily Stamp - Shakurel Planet Collaboration Event |
498 | ES | Shakurel Lion | Shakurel Lion CC | Special Sale - Shakurel Planet Collaboration Event |
499 | ES | Shakurel Tiger | Shakurel Tiger CC | Special Sale - Shakurel Planet Collaboration Event |
500 | ES | Shakurel Panda | Shakurel Panda CC | Special Sale - Shakurel Planet Collaboration Event |
501 | RR | Cat Bros | Baka Cat Bros | Drop - The Battle Cats Together! |
502 | MR | Myrcia | Myrcia (ξ) / Myrcia Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas |
503 | RR | 2D Cat | 3D Cat | Drop - Dot Heroes |
504 | ES | Fatherly Cat (Shopkeeper) | Fatherly Cat (Active Service) | Obtained by playing The Burgle Cats app and completing certain requirement. |
505 | MR | Implacable Gladios | Gladios Aniquilador / Gladios, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
506 | MR | Eyewaltz | Eyewaltz CC / Nameless Eyewaltz CC | Gatobolas Raras - Merc Storia |
507 | RR | Gatman | Supergato | Drop - Blue Impact |
508 | RR | Ryu Cat | Ryu Cat CC | Drop - Street Fighter V Collab |
509 | ES | Chun-Li Cat | Chun-Li Cat CC | Daily Stamp - Street Fighter V Collab |
510 | LD | Akuma | Akuma CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
511 | MR | Ryu | Ryu CC / Kage | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
512 | MR | Chun-Li | Chun-Li CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
513 | MR | Guile | Guile CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
514 | MR | Zangief | Zangief CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
515 | MR | Blanka | Blanka CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
516 | MR | Dhalsim | Dhalsim CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
517 | MR | Ken | Ken CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
518 | RR | Akuma Giraffe | Akuma Lion | Drop - Street Fighter V Collab |
519 | MR | Lasvoss | Lasvoss Definitivo / Lasvoss Renacido | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas |
520 | SR | Ebisu de Buena Suerte | Ebisu de Mala Suerte | Gatobolas Raras - Best of the Best & NEO Best of the Best |
521 | RR | Gato Medusa | Gato Medusa con Coletas / Gato Naga | Drop - Courts of Torment |
522 | SR | Gata Ninfa | Gata Medallista / Gata Endemoniada | Gatobolas Raras |
523 | RR | Gato Wushu | Gato Cinturón Negro / Gato Shigong | Gatobolas Raras |
524 | RR | Sorakara | Sorakara & Cat | Drop - Tokyo Skytree Collab |
525 | MR | Kintaro | Robotropa de Kinrangers / Supertropa de Kinrangers | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
526 | MR | Astrogemelas Navideñas | Astrogemelas Navideñas (Φ) | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
527 | RR | Gatobaba | Medugato | Drop - The Old Queen |
528 | RR | Gato Cosaco | Gato Vodka | Drop - Papuu's Paradise |
529 | MR | Kasli el Azote | Kasli Santa Ritual | Gatobolas Raras - MEGAFESTI |
530 | MR | Herme | Herme CC | Gatobolas Raras - Princess Punt Sweets Collab |
531 | RR | Gato Profeoso | Gato Asesinoso / Gato Cadaveroso | Drop - Bottom of the Swamp |
532 | ES | Urs y Fenrir | Urs y Minka / Urs Alzado | Drop - Lifesaving Shovel |
533 | MR | Francotiradora Saki | Cazadora Nocturna Saki / Saki Dinamitera | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
534 | MR | Hades el Castigador | Hades el Mortífero / Hades Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
535 | MR | Hatsune Miku | Hatsune Miku CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
536 | MR | Sakura Miku | Sakura Miku CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
537 | MR | Kagamine Rin & Len | Kagamine Rin & Len CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
538 | RR | Miku Cat | Miku Cat CC | Drop - Hatsune Miku Collab |
539 | RR | Gato Rugby | Gato Atacante / Quartercat | Drop - Wanwan's Glory |
540 | RR | U.F.O. Cat | Yakisoba U.F.O. Cat | Drop - Nissin U.F.O. Collab |
541 | ES | Yakisoba Cat | Splendid!Thick!Big!Cat | Drop - Nissin U.F.O. Collab |
542 | ES | Cat Boy | Cat Student | Milestone Event |
543 | MR | Kasli el Flagelo | Kasli Hija del Caos | Gatobolas Raras - HIPERFESTI |
544 | LD | Kyosaka Nanaho | Kyosaka Nanaho final | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
545 | RR | Gato Fantasma | Gato Miasma | Drop - Z-Onel Rises! |
546 | MR | Papaluga | Papalan Pasalan / Sukelan Kakulan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
547 | MR | Night Oracle Rei | Heavenly Herald Rei | Gatobolas Raras - 2nd Neon Genesis Evangelion Gacha |
548 | MR | The 4th Angel | 4th Angel Cat | Gatobolas Raras - 2nd Neon Genesis Evangelion Gacha |
549 | MR | The 6th Angel | 6th Angel Cat | Gatobolas Raras - 2nd Neon Genesis Evangelion Gacha |
550 | MR | The 10th Angel | 10th Angel Cat | Gatobolas Raras - 2nd Neon Genesis Evangelion Gacha |
551 | MR | The 9th Angel | 9th Angel Cat | Gatobolas Raras - 2nd Neon Genesis Evangelion Gacha |
552 | RR | Kaworu Cat | Moon Kaworu Cat | Gatobolas Raras - 2nd Neon Genesis Evangelion Gacha |
553 | RR | Gato Repostero | Gato Bumerán | Drop - First Errand |
554 | ES | Maestro Uril | Uril Místico | Drop - Heavenly Tower Floor 50 |
555 | MR | Shaman Khan | All-Loving Shaman Khan | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
556 | SR | Holy Knight Alibaba | Holy King Alibaba / Ghost Alibaba | Gatobolas Raras - Bikkuriman Collab |
557 | ES | Heavenly Jack | Heavenly Lord Jack | Gatobolas de Evento - Bikkuriman Collab |
558 | ES | Gatobola Mortal | Gatobola Mortal de la Suerte | Special Sale |
559 | MR | Emma Guardiana del Infierno | Emma Centinela del Infierno | Gatobolas Raras - Antioleada |
560 | MR | Megurine Luka | Megurine Luka CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
561 | SR | MEIKO & Cat | MEIKO & Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
562 | RR | Luka Cat | Luka Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
563 | MR | Saki con Pistola de Agua | Saki con Bazuca de Agua / Saki con Cañón de Agua | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
564 | MR | Veraniluga | Bikinilan Pasalan / Fabulosa Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
565 | SR | Gato Bronceado | Gato Bronceado Mazado / Gato Bronceado con Permanente | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
566 | SR | Gatos Socorristas | Gatos Apilados / Gatos Gelatos | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
567 | ES | Huevo de Minigatíclope | Minigatíclope / Lightning Li'l Clops Cat | Special Sale |
568 | ES | Idi:N | Idi:N2 | Laboratory of Relics 4-crown – Eldritch Forces Invasion |
569 | MR | Petro | Petrolo / Petrolodón | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
570 | MR | Vars Jinete Esquelético | Vars Rey de Pesadilla / Caballero de Halloween Vars | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval de Halloween |
571 | MR | E. Honda | E. Honda CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
572 | MR | Balrog | Balrog CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
573 | MR | Vega | Vega CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
574 | MR | Sagat | Sagat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
575 | MR | M. Bison | M. Bison CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
576 | SR | C. Honda | C. Honda CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
577 | RR | Balrog Cat | Balrog Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
578 | RR | Vega Cat | Vega Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
579 | RR | Sagat Cat | Sagat Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
580 | RR | M. Bison Cat | M. Bison Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Street Fighter V Collab |
581 | RR | Gato Piedra | Gato Peñasco | Drop - Prelude to Ruin |
582 | MR | Hatsune Miku: MM2020 Osaka | Hatsune Miku CC: MM2020 Osaka | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
583 | MR | Hatsune Miku: MM2020 Tokyo | Hatsune Miku CC: MM2020 Tokyo | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
584 | MR | Keiji Noel | Maeda Navideño / Maeda Navideño DX | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
585 | MR | Garu Bebé | Aegis Garu Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - MEGAFESTI |
586 | LD | Gato Emperador | Gato Tirano | Gatobolas Raras - Dynasty Fest |
587 | MR | Dulce Afrodita | Chocoladita | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de San Valentín |
588 | MR | Myrcia Primer Amor | Myrcia Primer Amor (ξ) | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de San Valentín |
589 | SR | Neneko de San Valentín | Neneko Amorosa / Neneko de Amor Verdadero | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de San Valentín |
590 | MR | Snow Miku 2021 | Snow Miku CC 2021 | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
591 | SR | Kaito & Cat | Kaito & Cat CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
592 | RR | Neko Rin | Neko Rin CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
593 | RR | Neko Len | Neko Len CC | Gatobolas Raras - Hatsune Miku Collab |
594 | MR | Globo Aerostático S.r.l. | Atlantis Logistix / Ultratlantis Logistix | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
595 | MR | Kamukura Florido | Kamukura Perenne / Lord Kamukura Perenne | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval Primaveral |
596 | MR | Ranma Saotome (M) | Ranma Saotome (F) | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
597 | MR | Akane Tendo | Akane Tendo (Gi) | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
598 | MR | Ryoga Hibiki (Pig) | Ryoga Hibiki | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
599 | MR | Shampoo (Cat) | Shampoo | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
600 | MR | Mousse (Duck) | Mousse | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
601 | SR | Happosai | Happosai (Lewd) | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
602 | SR | Ukyo Kuonji (GR) | Ukyo Kuonji | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
603 | SR | Tatewaki Kuno (Gi) | Tatewaki Kuno | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
604 | RR | Ranma Cat (M) | Ranma Cat (F) | Drop - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
605 | RR | Akane Cat | Akane Cat (Gi) | Gatobolas Raras - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
606 | ES | Panda Cat | Genma Cat | Login Stamp - Ranma 1/2 Collab |
607 | MR | Kanna Aventurera | Kanna Espadachina / Kanna Aventurera de Fábula | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas y Monstruos |
608 | ES | Wafer Cat | Wafer Cat BIG | Special Sale |
609 | MR | Aegis Garu Oscuro | Bestia Garu Oscuro | Gatobolas Raras - HIPERFESTI |
610 | ES | Gato Bloque de Oro | Rey Lingote de Oro / Rey Nekokhamen | Login Stamp |
611 | RR | Godzilla Cat | Shin Godzilla Cat | Drop - Godzilla Collab |
612 | MR | Gata Princesa | Gata Emperatriz | Gatobolas Raras - Festival Real |
613 | ES | Máscara Doron Viejuna | Máscara Doron / Doron Alzado | Drop - The Face of God |
614 | MR | Kaguya Costera | Sol Sureño / Sol Sureño Destellante | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de Verano |
615 | ES | Gato Kabuto | Gato Kabuto Dorado | Event Gatobolas - Summer Break Cats |
616 | ES | Gato Kuwagata | Rey Gato Kuwagata | Event Gatobolas - Summer Break Cats |
617 | MR | Invocador Satoru | Invocador Satoru Oscuro / Cazador de demonios Satoru | Gatobolas Raras - Los Dinamitas |
618 | MR | Amakusa Shiro | Dios de la Guerra Amakusa / Amakusa Inmortal | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
619 | MR | Lilin | Lilin π / Lilin Divina | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas |
620 | MR | Hevijak el Maligno | Hevijak el Rey Maligno / Hevijak, Dios Emperador | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
621 | RR | Investigador Aku | Investigador Aku Malvado / Investigator | Drop - The Great Diablo |
622 | ES | Majado Jr. | Señor de la Ruina Majado Jr. | The Aku Realms - Mount Aku Invasion |
623 | RR | Gato de Hamelín | Gato Komuso | Drop - Temptation's Symphony |
624 | MR | Kunio-kun | Dodgeball Kunio-kun | Gatobolas Raras - River City Ransom Collab |
625 | MR | Furiluga | Furilan Pasalan | Gatobolas Raras - Cuentos de los Nekoluga |
626 | ES | Cat Giraffe Modoki | Suruma Cat Giraffe Modoki | Event Gatobolas - JRA Collab |
627 | ES | Catnip Tricky | Tenma Catnip Tricky | Event Gatobolas - JRA Collab |
628 | ES | Catnip Dragon | Famous Catnip Dragon | Event Gatobolas - JRA Collab |
629 | SR | Gato Adoctrinado | Gato Mazado Adoctrinado | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval de Halloween |
630 | RR | Gato Calígrafo | Gato Maestro del Té | Drop - Rashomon |
631 | MR | Yamii | Yaminoir / Yaminora | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
632 | MR | Dez-Troyer-R Brutal | Diabolosa Cruzaasedios / Diabolosa Destructora | Gatobolas Raras - Legión Férrea |
633 | MR | Gorrión Cazatesoros | Cazadores Chunchun / Grandes Cazadores Chunchun | Gatobolas Raras - Héroes Antiguos: Ultraalmas |
634 | MR | Cíclope Caballero Blanco | Cíclope Caballero Negro / 634-3 | Gatobolas Raras - La Justicia Contraataca: Héroes Sombríos |
635 | ES | 1 Million Dollar Cat | 100 Million Dollar Cat | Catnip Challenges |
636 | SR | Gato Defensor Adoctrinado | Gato Muro Adoctrinado | Gatobolas Raras - Navidamas |
637 | ES | Xiaoqiong & Cat | Xiaoqiong & Cat CC | Catnip Challenges - Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Collab |
638 | RR | Nana & Cat | Nana & Cat CC | Drop - Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Collab |
639 | RR | Emilia & Cat | Emilia & Cat CC | Drop - Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Collab |
640 | ES | Ann & Cat | Ann & Cat CC | Catnip Challenges - Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Collab |
641 | MR | Iz la Bailarina | Iz la Bailarina Atractiva | Gatobolas Raras - MEGAFESTI |
642 | MR | Lucifer el Caído | Gran Lucifer / Lucifer Todopoderoso | Gatobolas Raras - Los Todopoderosos: Zeus el Majestuoso |
643 | N | Superfelino | Superfelino II / Superfelino Final | Gatobolas - Gatobolas+ |
644 | MR | Mekako Amante | Mekako Agridulce / Mekako Amante Menta | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de San Valentín |
645 | SR | Gato Hachero Adoctrinado | Gato Valiente Adoctrinado | Gatobolas Raras - Chicas de San Valentín |
646 | ES | Gato Petardo | Gato Petardo macho | Event Gatobolas - Chinese New Year |
647 | MR | Terun Cazadora | Terun Cazadora ζ | Gatobolas Raras - Ciberacademia: Galaxichicas |
648 | MR | Infrademonio Enamorado | Suprademonio Enamorado | Gatobolas Raras - White Day |
649 | MR | Hattori Hanzo | Dios de la Guerra Hanzo | Gatobolas Raras - Dioses de la Guerra: Vajiras |
650 | ES | Gata Amante | Gata Novia | Event Gatobolas - Heartbeat Catcademy |
651 | ES | Gata Leona | Gata Leona Enmascarada | Event Gatobolas - Heartbeat Catcademy |
652 | ES | Gato Borrapizarras | Gato Borrapizarras Punk | Event Gatobolas - Heartbeat Catcademy |
653 | ES | Bestia Naala Viejuna | Bestia Naala Tormenta / Naala Alzada | Drop - Behemoth's Peak |
654 | SR | Gatilargo Adoctrinado | Gato Muslamen Adoctrinado | Gatobolas Raras - Carnaval Primaveral |
655 | MR | Ventis | Ventiscana | Gatobolas Raras - Hadas Elementales |
656 | ES | Huevo Antiguo N001 | Huevo Místico N001 / Gato Haniwa | Drop - Empress' Excavation 1 |
657 | MR | Iz la Bailarina del Dolor | Iz la Joven de Luto | Gatobolas Raras - HIPERFESTI |
658 | RR | Huevo Antiguo N101 | Huevo Bermellón N101 / Gato Mensajero | Catnip Challenges |
659 | RR | Huevo Antiguo N102 | Huevo Verde N102 / Gatarzán | Catnip Challenges |
660 | MR | Daliasan Serpiente Marina | Daliasan Rey de los Mares | Gatobolas Raras - Señores de la Destrucción: Dragones Emperadores |
661 | MR | Chronos Novia | Chronos de Boda | Gatobolas Raras - White Day |
662 | SR | Gato Lechero Adoctrinado | Jirafelino Adoctrinado | Gatobolas Raras - White Day |
663 | RR | Huevo Antiguo N103 | Huevo Negro N103 / Gato con Máscara de Gas | Catnip Challenges |
664 | RR | Huevo Antiguo N104 | Huevo Verde N104 / Gato Cirujano | Catnip Challenges |
665 | ES | Huevo Antiguo N201 | Huevo Negro N201 / Gato Exorcista | Gatobolas de Evento - Novia del Diablo de Junio |
666 | MR | Lilin Playa Nocturna | Lilin Playa Nocturna π | ? |
667 | SR | Gato Pájaro Adoctrinado | Gatovni Adoctrinado | ? |
668 | MR | Gatengu | Gran Tengu Yokai | ? |
669 | ES | Huevo antiguo N003 | Huevo Malvado N003 / Gactus | ? |
670 | ES | Huevo antiguo N202 | Huevo Bermellón N202 / Gato Luciérnaga Blindado | ? |
671 | MR | Ranma Saotome (Leotard) | Ranma Saotome (Cheer) | ? |
672 | SR | Genma Saotome (Panda) | Genma Saotome | ? |
673 | MR | ネコチーター | N/A | ? |
674 | MR | Garrusel Brutal | Gataque Extraterrestre | ? |
675 | RR | Huevo antiguo N105 | Huevo añil N105 / Gata Raqueta | ? |
676 | RR | Huevo antiguo N106 | Huevo ámbar N106 / Gato Hongo | ? |
677 | RR | Osamu Mikumo & Cat | Osamu Mikumo & Cat CC | ? |
678 | RR | Yuma Kuga & Cat | Yuma Kuga & Cat CC | ? |
679 | ES | Chika Amatori & Cat | Chika Amatori & Cat CC | ? |
680 | MR | Sakura | Sakura CC | ? |
681 | MR | Luke | Luke CC | ? |
682 | MR | Gótica espectral Vega | Guardiana ilusoria Vega | ? |
683 | MR | Conde Yukimura | Yukimura Nosferatu | ? |
684 | SR | Piscigato Adoctrinado | Ballegato Adoctrinado | ? |
685 | ES | Huevo antiguo N004 | Huevo Místico N004 / Gato Supercoche | ? |
686 | MR | Diosa de la luz Sirius | Diosa del amanecer Sirius | ? |
687 | MR | Terun Reno | Terun Renoζ | ? |
688 | SR | Gato Lagarto Adoctrinado | Gato Dragón Adoctrinado | ? |
689 | ES | 10 Years On a Stone Cat | 10 Years on a Stone Cat Statue | ? |
690 | MR | Phono, Hijo del Destino | Phonoa, Reina del Destino | ? |
691 | ES | Huevo Antiguo N000 | Huevo Anciano N000 / Lord Luza Simio | ? |
692 | MR | Issun Boshi | Destructor Oni Kozuchimaru | ? |
693 | MR | Mayordomo Blanco Vigler | Mayordomo Negro Vigler | ? |
694 | SR | Gato Titán Adoctrinado | Gato Titán Mít. adoctrinado | ? |
695 | RR | Gato Defensor Asesino | Gato Defensor Asesino aut. | ? |
696 | ES | Gato Delegado | Gato Delegado Sigiloso | ? |
697 | RR | Huevo Antiguo N107 | Huevo morado N107 / Gato Jefe | ? |
698 | MR | Jack, el eléctrico | Jack, el desatado | ? |
699 | MR | Conejo Satoru | Conejo Satoru Campeón | ? |
700 | ES | Huevo Antiguo N005 | Huevo Místico N005 / Gato Sicario | ? |
701 | RR | Kamen Rider Cat | Shin Kamen Rider Cat | ? |
702 | RR | Cat Godzilla | Shin Cat Godzilla | ? |
703 | RR | Evangelion Cat | Shin Evangelion Cat | ? |
704 | RR | Ultraman Cat | Shin Ultraman Cat | ? |
705 | MR | Phono, Rey de la Destrucción | Phono, Rey de la Extinción | ? |
706 | SR | Huevo Antiguo N108 | Huevo Verde N108 / Jabogato | ? |
707 | RR | Huevo Antiguo N109 | Huevo Negro N109 / Gato Barril | ? |
708 | RR | Gato Propulsor | Gato Kinjirou | ? |
709 | MR | One-Eyed Asuka | Blue-Eyed Asuka | ? |
710 | MR | Eva Unit-13 | Eva Unit-13 & Cat | ? |
711 | MR | Balaluga prometida | Pasalan prometida | ? |
712 | MR | Kaoluga | Kaoluga Pasalan | ? |
713 | ES | Huevo Antiguo N203 | Huevo morado N203 / Gato Payaso | ? |
714 | MR | 714-1 | 714-2 | ? |
715 | MR | 715-1 | 715-2 | ? |
716 | SR | Ancient Egg: N111 | Mystic Egg: N111 / 716-3 | ? |
717 | RR | Ancient Egg: N110 | Amber Egg: N110 / 717-3 | ? |
718 | RR | 718-1 | 718-2 | ? |
Orden de Lanzamiento de Gatos