Last round, Vars was voted into B tier by the majority. *inhales* I don't have the energy to explain to you all why you're so wrong even if Vars is one of my favourite ubers so oh well. Next up is Dioramos. Vote on where you think Dioramos deserves to be in the tier list and tell me why if you can.
Rules in case you don't remember:
Vote on where the uber goes on the tier list based on viability
The placement with the most votes is where that uber goes on the tier list
If there's a tie, I will flip a coin/spin a wheel to decide on the placement
You can only vote for a tier I have listed in the tier list
The next set of ubers is decided by a wheel I roll (the order is already set)
If you have any more questions, ask me.
@SneeryBasket508 @ThatExperimentalKid @CatsInABox1650 @AstralDoesStuff @Your Local Idiot lll @Sleepy Yoru @FreefanofPI o7 to MeowMewMan @Huwdte @Deezcheese @DMSVesper1 @HTFG Inc.