This was after like 4 failed strings of Uber hunting. And my first plat ticket gets me THIS?
This was after like 4 failed strings of Uber hunting. And my first plat ticket gets me THIS?
Bro how
Shadow gao is op as fuck tho
He's pretty good, considering this is your first plat I take you're pretty early on? Yeah he'll be a big help until you get hitman, then he'll still be useful
@Soul of the Maniac Marc wanna know something funny? I got lumina in my first 150 cat food draw. People advised me not to
I got shadow gao from my first platinum draw, by getting from an 11 draw. People advised me not to.
That's just epic coincidence lol, got a lucky seed. It's still ill advised to do a single draw save the 30 cf one, and that lr would be another if you rolled a different set
Lumina is a hard carry for aliens, and shadow gao is cool and pretty cool. I miss having him, since I lost my old account
Same i spent a long time grinding for epicfest uber then my plat gives me iz the dancer :(
I mean good thing since im only in mid game but still
This was very easy to get i got it in 8 tries
What do you think?