Okay so as mentioned yesterday today's request is DJ Hallyboo for @Loonaroonar
So of course I couldn't help but make a reference
Because apparently the feds are understaffed so the anti-piracy guy has a second role
@CheezcakeForBekfast @Moose0684 @Foxy76ru @Brute Bendy @GMD Permanent @Platinumv @Sharkey192 @Basic Chuchu @Liege Spectralis @SuperQd991xd @EpicCybop1234 @Altarcat2 @Flint40 @PirateStack2693 @HTFG Inc. @AnoopDAZ @Baxbos @Paperier @Eggycat-bingus @NormalThyme4729 @DoodleNoodles127 @Allthegoodusernamesaretakensoillusethis @Loonaroonar @Ze Lil cat @Doge69696969 @Deezcheese @Manic titan @Thunderai175 @NyankonchuRoyale @Nyanko Bros @AAAAnomaly @Deadlocked0990 @StupendousStupidity @AnExampleOfADeliciousBiscuit952 @Joăo Da Bomba Romba @CursedXyster @Cosmicyc @SneeryBasket508 @NotADarkUser @FlamingRedWaffle @Sleepy Yoru @Kiughjgfv
What debt does yoshi even have
Holy shit
Mario party 8?
Best Mario party game bc it has blooper as a playable character? (iirc)
I really love that star eye!!!
DJ Hallyboo, the anti-piracy guy apparently (also found in the Friday Night Funkin mod Mario Madness)
And Yoshi from the Super Mario series
Here's the reference in question in case you don't know it exists -w-
Yoshi finally needs to pay his taxes.
Juno is a peak YouTuber.
What do you think?