Update: Found out you can't delete posts, just like comments, unless you're a mod. Why?
I just came here to test if I could delete a post, so I would then post some of my arts, copy the url and send them to a Thread in the new forum
I tried Filegarden but it didn't worked the time I tried
I wish there was someone making pages for here 2 cuz not alot users who use this wiki know about miraheze
True, if i knew how to code or something, i would’ve tried my best😔
Filegarden? what’s that?
Have been registered cases of page vandalism since the departure of the moderation?
@Sleepy Yoru It's apparently a site where you can upload files. They reccomend it in the sending images tutorial
Oh that’s interesting
Yea forums is so weird, if it was VERY SIMILAR to wiki, i might’ve used it
If it would be compared to another discussion website, what would be the best comparation?
I haven’t used another discussion website or app, besides discord, so I can’t compare with no source
I'll just put my art in here and copy the url.
What do you think?