I mean, it's better than nothing. Also I haven't beaten Empress Research 6 so I'll still find her some use. Since I think behemoths appear in later UL/ZL? So that she can shine.
Last round, Deale was voted into C Tier. Can't wait to see Masamune get into C tier by this logic fr. Next up is Kanna, vote on where you think Kanna deserves to be in the tier list and tell me why if you can.
Rules in case you don't remember:
Vote on where the uber goes on the tier list based on viability
The placement with the most votes is where that uber goes on the tier list.
If there's a tie, I will do some goofy thing to decide the tiebreaker.
You can only vote for a tier that is listed in the tier list
The next set of ubers is decided by a wheel that was rolled (the order is already set now)
If you have any more questions, ask me.
@SneeryBasket508 @ThatExperimentalKid @CatsInABox1650 @FurnitureEnthusiastAstral @Your Local Idiot lll @Sleepy Yoru @FreefanofPI o7 to MeowMewMan + huwdte @Deezcheese @DMSVesper1 @HTFG Inc. @Basic Chuchu @Sharkey192 @Soul of the Maniac Marc @NerdyBoy5 @Thunderai175 @ZerotheHero1200
Hopefully Kannas new form will help me get started with behemoths
Ummm… I mean just the poll ideas for me lol, especially off-topics…(check my post for the already done polls! I don’t want a duplicated poll!)
Also, bonus (seed tracked) kanna(actually a dupe but the original one was sold for xp)
I get chronos in 3 but uhh this too
22 Votes in Poll
If I were to manage to get 21 more pulls by the 9th of November I’d be able to get both himeyuri and Kanna,are they worth getting? And if so would they have any use on my general team or are they better as specialists?
I hear that himeyuri has that phenomenal combo and Kanna has a place in the behemoth meta.
And yes i did proving grounds for the xp (i got the bun bun stage at the end so i closed the battle. That 250K XP ain't worth the pain.)
Turns out Hitman isn't very good waifu material, so he was sidelined.
I completely forgot I had Kanna but I was randomly scrolling through my ubers to get more UR and decided to give her my yellow stones. I think she's decent but I've never used her before. Is she worth investing Catseyes in?
I'm back to being poor in terms of B. Stones
38 Votes in Poll
Vwa la. First monster girl true formed. I have no idea how good she is.
I'm getting harbinger next. YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
Goodbye my first 5 gold behemoth stones, I will miss yall
Kanna TF looks fire, once again proving
long hair < short hair
(just imo lol, please don't take me to court for describing my preferences in a virtual anime girl).
Too bad Darkjo is Immune to Surge. At this point Ponos should just delete Dark Kasli, even innocent Surge units got affected lol
Time to abuse XP Colisseum even harder than before, I'm only missing Kasa Jizo now
Also my profile pic
Original Images: https://battle-cats.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000811827
Website used: https://convert.leiapix.com
57 Votes in Poll
They will be fanmade ubers with the behemoth slayer ability, they will all gain this ability in their true forms which will be cheap, only needing catfruits and only needing small amounts of the most common behemoth stones anyone can find.
Ima list them all.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Sengoku Vajiras - I did this one already.
Hailey - Galaxy Gals - I did this in a comment section of a post made a long time ago.
Still deciding the name for this one. - Iron Legion - I also did this one in the exact same comment section, planning on renaming the forms for this one.
Planning the name of this one. - Dragon Emperors
Don't know yet, gotta research Japanese folklore or something like that. - Ultra Souls
Idk about this one. - Almighties
I gotta decide for this one. - Dark Heroes
Gotta decide for this one as well. - Nekolugas
That explosive elemental pixie I made a long time ago - Elemental Pixies
Girls&Mons won't get one because Kanna exists.
Brings kanna in m. Epic, turns out she was really really great here! Now i'm really sure she's A tier (i will not change my mind)
kanna good uber confirmed. Really recommended to roll (yes this is my second clear, so what)
44 Votes in Poll