And motion line training
Recently, my battle cats account reset me all the way back to the beginning and I was pretty bummed out. After realizing that my inquiry code was the same and I couldn't contact PONOS, I neglected the game for a few weeks before returning to the game. When I finally went back to start the game again, I found something quite strange upon entering Korea. For some reason, the units I used for my last clear of the stage were... still there... and I could use every single one of them... Upon clearing the stage, I visited the equip menu to find that a large amount of my cats had remained, albeit with very strange qualities and different leveling depending on their type.
From what I could tell, these are the rule my units followed
All of my cat base upgrades remained, though all my normal cats were reset.
All of my gatcha cats were gone, save some ubers (I'll elaborate more later)
My purchasable special cats, bahamut, and valk, were gone.
My egg units remained exactly the same, meaning that when I beat Korea for the first time I used a level 50 courier cat.
All my colab units remained, but their levels were reset.
All my more recent ubers (I assume from after 13.0) stayed, albeit with level resets.
My special legends all remained (Jagando, up to dogu, up to yulala)
That's a lot of weird mechanics already, but it gets weirder. As I said before, my courier stayed the same level and came true formed. With this power, I easily breezed through EOC 1 in quite literally 10 minutes. Here's a picture:
Don't believe me? I have more proof later don't worry. Anyway, like I said before the last cleared lineups remained somehow, meaning that despite the fact that my gatcha units were removed, I still have hip-hop and swimmer. So yeah, I somehow created phantom units...
Keep in mind I don't actually have hip-hop, swimmer, crazed tank, or rocker.
So after breezing through the rest of EOC (with units such as slime, supercat, crazed tank, a level 50 courier, and phonoa), I unlocked Valkyrie (it took me wayyy too long to spell that) and Bahamut and immediately upgraded the former. Here's where another weird property occurs. Whenever i upgrade units that I once had a tf on, they'll evolve once they're at level 10 and I flip their form. Need proof? Here:
So yeah, that's my crazy progression so far, Here's a funny image of my first clear of EOC moon 3:
Yes bullet train and slime are there alongside courier why do you ask?
if you seen my earlier questions please let me know a better team ty <3!
I want courier and soap cat so bad bruh 😔
Note: D'arktanyan perished
Courier had piercing range (lol)
its kasa jizo syndrome all over again
(like how people think hes the best cat in the game, and yes, it is named after mizli syndrome)
Bye bye behemoths i got the stupidly op guy
Note:Every Cat Is At Lvl 40 Or Higher
I’m using a lot of meat shields because the two Capys are 150% and they will destroy me so since they are single targets the meat shields will die instead of my attackers and also future cat to hold off the boss and gato amigo for the surge courier and neo cutter should do good damage and I’m using dark phono for crowd control and saki to hopefully do amazing damaging to the boss.
Should I change my load out on something’s or is it good?
43 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
Haha massive damage go brrrrr
Anyways where is the killer debris?
Oh right
56 Votes in Poll
Last round, Haniwa was put into B tier. Next is Courier Cat, Tell me where you would put courier on the tier list and why if you can
Rules if you don’t remember
Each unit will be ranked by you people based on their viability and usage
And if the unit gets the same rank, i will do a tierbreaker
@Basic Chuchu @SneeryBasket508 @GachaPing @FoolishSpoon @Sharkey192 @ABattleKitten @Azurastral @Soul of the Maniac Marc @BasedTDGamer @FurnitureEnthusiastAstral
Edit: Well shit, we all know where courier is gonna go so, no debate lmao