Like seriously how???
The day I announce my return to this place I discover that the wiki perished while I was gone. Ik fandumb has had many wikis migrate due to the overabundance of ads and many dumb policies, but I'm not gonna move to the new wiki. Its just gonna be another browser app that I will rarely interact with unless I feel the desire to talk to people. I also rarely used this wiki for much anyways. So that concludes this, I will comfortably sit in this husk of a wiki, interact with the 4-5 people left and move on with life. Though nobody really knows/knew me; hasta luego amigos, stay cool bc gamers, thank you all for existing, and I wish you well in life.
Before I start, moderators; please delete every reply and post from 2024 except for this one.
First: I have slime cat now :) I want to know if he is good for sol and cotc.
Second: my life is at a good spot (for now at least) so I'll be more active here.
And last: I'm gonna try to change up my account gimmick. Instead of just being there, I could post tutorials on certain levels or do rankings. Let me know what you want ig.
Anyways, stay awesome bc gamers!
I checked the missions tab as it said for me to do, but there doesn't seem to be anything new there? I clicked about challenges too but there doesn't seem to be anything useful there either.
For the battle cats rare ticket voting thing, who did the crime? Not tryna use $1 for 3 tickets but 5 instead
My birthday is now in 3 days. Nobody asked for this info.
Here's a reaction image for good luck on your next Race Cat Capsules draw:
27 Votes in Poll
Hello there! Brand new user here. I just started playing Battle Cats a few days ago and have made it to France (EoC Chapter 2). I need some tips to defeat Dark Emperor Nyandam(Moon-EoC Chapter 2). I already have Neo Cutter Cat and much more anti-Reds.
As I am a new player, I don't have much access to much cats, I am also f2p so i am not buying paid-access cats. I also need tips to get many leaderships since i always grind. I ran out of my small 6 leaderships storage and i can only play about 6-7 locations on EoC each day, so I wait for the half cost events, but it will never last forever.
I don't have much cat food and I want to save those to purchase more cats in the "Special" tab for special cats.
Soooo, we've received the second 10-Year Anniversary Gacha Event.
Before some unsuspecting soul (*coughs* me *coughs*) uses all of their hard-earned Catfood on it, is it worth it?
29 Votes in Poll
This was and will be the longest week this year for me.
In past 6 days I spend about 15 hours in the game.
I was hunting for d. catseyes, and rolled bit more than 2700 times one by one, as a result:
-went from 2600 cat tickets to 1400,
-spend 950 lucky tickets
-spend 600 lucky G tickets,
After all that I was able to go from 0 to 52 d. catseyes (extra 3 are from dojo reward)
As well as I now have more than 300 rare tickets
And ofc maxed +lvls on recent event units (in EN version it's only +10, while in JP it's +15)
So, how was your week?
I don’t have some of the tfs yet, and I want to know how to beat those [EXPLETIVE] Scissoroos at the start. They are SUCH a problem for me
By the way, my birthday is in 10 days. This is still useless info, but it doesn't hurt to share
Is it possible to get izanami or/and izanagi from the legend capsules, cause I wonder why we couldn't, based on what the wiki says, unless it hasn't been updated since then
This was after like 4 failed strings of Uber hunting. And my first plat ticket gets me THIS?
Got Windy from my free platinum ticket
Probably only gonna use her when I start getting Ultra Forms, nice though