45 Votes in Poll
IDK what happened or why did Ponos do that. I thought those were just harmless review videos
Link to his alt account in case of the worst scenario: Xskull - YouTube
I FEEL LIKE HE IS GONNA BE THE SECOND CHILLHOLA (Do you remember when YouTube deleted Chillhola's old account back then?)
Todays events have had a crazy upcoming
Two furrys and some school girl on a perpetual bull riding contest gang up on Minos prime to seal a ripple in time, though they aren’t here to spit bars they are here to throw down.
Minos prime has taken this striking blow to his ego and decides to take a year and a half long Thonking break to process these events.
All we can surely know is that he will forever be the one casting the judgment apon those who aren’t him. Godspeed to his Thonking o7
In other very related news
The new podcast staring a farmer, some mystical space god and a currently unemployed can can dancer from the 19th century try to create virtual crops for a real virtual harvest? We may never know unless we listen to this legendary podcast. On croogle today for only 19.99 kromer today.
(the camera man failed to get a true shot of the furrys penultimately smashing minis prime back to anci- I mean the flesh prison, sorry for this inconvenience don’t worry we fed him to the sarlacc pit and are currently hiring a new one.)
Was listening to Unexpectancy while doing the final stage, great experience
35 Votes in Poll
Larva recast meme
Red: luminalia
Yellow: marinmizu
Brown: blizana/erphuan as it depends the episode
Pink: yaminoir
Black: tetsukachi
Rainbow: volta
Green (frog): kappy jr
Violet: bazibon
Mosquito: mooth
Blue: li'l bird cat
Season 2
Maroon: doge dark Prussian: owlbrow
Prism: croakey
That one grandma of season 2: dark mitama
Tom (aka insect killer): professor abyss
Season 3 Grey: assassin bear
The silvers: pigeons de sables
Ivory: toxolotl (fanmade)
Cocoa: aunawk (fanmade)
Season 4/pixies island
Mango: lightelio (alight matter elemental pixie oc)
Chuck: satoru (castaway)
Bobby: gory
Mudskippers: those guys
Muscular mudskipper: trolly blogger (but with muscles)
Clara: sir seal
Crabsformer: Helmut Krabbe
Salmon: female helmut krabbe
Pixies pendant
Malt: killer cat
Human scientist: leader of the doom engine pandora
Pixies family
Magenta: lilly (a legend rare baby pixie)
Wasps: legend rare pixies
Big brown: momotaro
Mauve: she is the same as in larva family
Tan: the same as mauve too
Grizzly: d'arktanyan
Momo: miko mitama
Mocha: queen b
Mony: baby gao
@Doge69696969 Okay he inspired this. Any question about my powers, favourite enemy, or whatever you choose!
And all are welcome!
He can go and suck my dick ~Doge Wanko
The Enemy of the Day is…
Somehow my favourite enemy in The Battle Cats! of all time was randomly picked out of the near 1000 enemies…
The almighty…
Rapidly attacking…
ASSASSIN BEAR! (Black Enemy)
Comment if you’ve beaten this enemy before!
(Error showing picture.)
Does anyone know about Lorranxe's history on the MSM wiki?
I need it to write the second part of my essay.
I'm writing this essay in a wiki that seems quite objective about new members, it isn't wrongly placed, sadly, with all the drama. You've probably heard of Lorranxe at least once, No matter what you say, he has left his footprint on this wiki. But it's not just Lorranxe, One of my friends, manisnotman, thought it would be funny to post 5-6 skibidi toilet pictures after hearing about the scandal, (I don't mean to bring anyone back to the incident, I just want to list an example, I'm not that active on the battle cats wiki, and as such I haven't heard of any other cases,) only after I said that he could get banned from all of fandom(a lie) did he issue small apologies, hastily written onto the posts in replacement of the title, (note that he didn't even delete the pictures, although my memory is probably not that reliable) before getting all of the pictures deleted by an extremely competent moderator (this happened on the weekends). Another incident seems to involve a user by the name Dioritekit492(I think that the digits may be inaccurate, but the text is valid) The conversation started out genuinely calm, although the points being made were a bit unsubstantiated. However, he soon turned to using conspiracy as an explanation, causing the deletion of his post. These are all examples of new users being disruptive and somewhat incompetent, But this causes much less new users to come, as they can sense the sediment against new users, I'm not saying that the community treats new users badly, but judging by the fact the most of these posts often appear on the front page, it's hard to argue that new users are going to have much less confidence in participating in discussions and arguments. But what sets Lorranxe apart from the others? Well, if I was to take a guess what made Lorranxe so controversial, I would say that he was built for this.
I'll finish the rest later, thank you for your time.
I was thinking @Nyanko Bros needed some help with his The Battle Cats-themed Fnaf game, Cat Base Nightmare. Here are my tips: Enemies: Night 3: Assassin Bear: Climbs through the vent. If it appears in the vent, turn on the fan. it will leave. It will have an audio cue, you can choose sound. Another night 1, because night 1 is pretty much impossible to lose: Li'l Jamiera: If a tiny Li'l Titan Cat appears on top of your fan, click it before Li'l Jamiera comes and kills you.
Download Scratch Blocklive, and make sure you read how to use it.
Invite me, my username is picklesdog2018 (dont mind the name, I made it when I was like 7)
Instead of being a stupid ass gimmick, now he's different
He's some sort of experiment that happened in the Laboratory of Relics in an attempt of making a superweapon, but ended up murdering everybody in there (this is in another reality where Idi was not being worked on).
He still runs fast, just slower than usual and now charges at you like some madman. He's more like a faster but really weaker Zero Luza. He attacks really fast, has multi-hit, and deals more damage as the multi-hits keep continuing.
Also he's immune to freeze and slow, take the L bombercat users
I was at Grandfather Mountain today and saw this guy at a nature preserve thing (?), it was a museum iirc, and wondered why he just kinda sat there
prob bc he hasn't been hired to kill someone recently idk
also this possum is cute