100k hp and 60k damage is absolutely stupid especially with a 3150 cost lol
47 Votes in Poll
47 Votes in Poll
100k hp and 60k damage is absolutely stupid especially with a 3150 cost lol
His stats look pretty decent should I true form my baby cat since I +1 him in like 2 weeks ago
Is it any good? the range is 140 :(
Look at the little cuties, Gigapult is no longer alone in the ultra forming club
Last round, Gunduros got into B tier. B tier inflation continues to rise even more. Next up is Cats in the Stroller, vote on where you think Cats in the Stroller deserves to be in the tier list and tell me why if you can.
The list is so big now that the image can't fully load into Fandom lmao. Just click on the image now to see what's being ranked.
Rules in case you don't remember:
Vote on where the uber goes on the tier list based on viability
The placement with the most votes is where that uber goes on the tier list.
If there's a tie, I will do some goofy thing to decide the tiebreaker.
You can only vote for a tier that is listed in the tier list
The next set of ubers is decided by a wheel that was rolled (the order is already set now)
If you have any more questions, ask me.
@SneeryBasket508 @ThatExperimentalKid @CatsInABox1650 @FurnitureEnthusiastAstral @Your Local Idiot lll @Sleepy Yoru @FreefanofPI o7 to MeowMewMan + huwdte @Deezcheese @DMSVesper1 @HTFG Inc. @Basic Chuchu @Sharkey192 @Soul of the Maniac Marc @NerdyBoy5 @Thunderai175 @ZerotheHero1200 @Doge69696969 @Red anvil @Crushash @BaniTheBunny @Graunt1x @ItsCforCattail @AnonymousRanch
31 Votes in Poll
Had Baby cat TF’d and I am wondering what are the pros and cons of them between Baby and Balrog cat?
Also is Baby cat a priority to UF? I have other candidates though (Windy, Aer, etc.)
24 Votes in Poll
School is gonna start soon so I'll mainly be inactive except during breaks so here are my cars 🥰
50 Votes in Poll
Does the seed change before or after you make an 11-pull? For example, in path A, I get a swordsman cat, and in path B I get a Baby Cat and I am at path A. Does the 11 pull make me have the Swordsman or Baby?
Ok I just checked the wiki and saw some weird users and tons of post locking. What happened?
Also version 13.5 dropped and this is going to pilling up the game data (because of the new feature: Colosseum)
P.S : Baby Cat's Ultra Form looks like a reference of iPad Kid
Baby Cat, Aer, and TWR are some of my favorite units in the game. Why the fuck is ponos like this...
For collection of course
Baby cat will be useful sometimes, cat machine is ok
Bro, you are late for the "party"
Only took 20 rare tickets for this
For collection again :/
So I might do a more proper celebration of the 10k posts milestone later but for now I wanna try something
So I've mentioned a few times in the past that there is a games known as Cat Game- The Cats Collector!
And this game has a room or cat for a frankly ridiculous amount of things, so we're gonna play with that a bit
Either A you name something and I'll try and find a cat or room for it
Or B you get on the wiki yourself and you give me a room or group of cats to do some drawing shenanigans with
We'll see how this goes -w-
So because some people asked to see the rest of the current pages we have another one of these sketchbook tour thingies
Except apparently Noodles and Silver were in the mood for some Artist Telephone so we have to revisit some pages first -w-
Back to the Star Dream/Nom the Cube page =w=
Someone put the giant star clock thing on Catnip (Noodles) and then put it on a tree (Silver, she also redrew Noodles's original redraw doodle), also yes I redrew it myself because they insisted =w=
And apparently Nowo and Kirby weren't safe either so now we have "the misadventures of BleepBloop and Beakless Wingull" ×w×
They drew on some others but we'll get to them as we go
Page three contains Realm questioning his morality over the creation of the Dark Realm (idk First Multiversal Era me had all sorts of "edgy" drama lol)
Page four contains what would indirectly become the concept art for the Chibi-Star Realm (so wait is this Realm Cube Era or First Multiversal Era? I don't remember I'm just guessing tbh)
Page five is an unfinished continuation of the last page, also it wasn't until I looked back at the previous page a while back that I realized the smol Cubic was the indirect concept art for Spacetech Cubic, at least the outfit and relationship with Cube :|
Page six is uhh... me remembering I can't draw humans very well lol =w=
Also robo bois letsgo
Page seven is a bunch of random franchises I enjoyed slapped together, including Battle Cats, Pink Corruption, Just Shapes and Beats, Henry Stickmin, Cat Game- The Cats Collector!, Professor Layton, No Straight Roads, Plants vs Zombies, Slime Rancher, and Fandroid Music!/Game! :)
Page eight is Majesticora Shape Edition, in place of me because apparently I considered Majesticora to be me for a lot longer than I thought ._.
Page nine is (as mentioned in the last post) the concept art for the first Next Gen timeline, where Defendic first developed his semi-iconic floof
Though the bed head isn't as well done as I remember tbh :/
Page eleven is Professor Cubendo causing anarchy because he used to struggle with a Jekyll and Hyde sort of thing except the Hyde was completely in control until he was finally cured of it much later ×-×
Well I guess I forgor about page twelve because Silver decided to continue our previous session of goofy ahh redoodles there =w=
Page thirteen contains some cool mech suits with aggravatingly light pencil work (I had to zoom in and retake this one TWICE and you can still barely see the Knight mech suit) =w=
Showed off page Fourteen at the start of this post so Skipping that
Page fifteen is full of Slime Rancher Cubics :D (not including the second game because it didn't exist at the time)
Skipping over page sixteen to the recent stuff :)
Page seventeen is mostly a bunch of notes and me figuring out stuff for Pacdeen/Great Canopy (scientific names for the Lizards are on here)
But we do have some doodles at the bottom because I simply cannot help myself, it's a literal sketchbook for crying out loud
Page eighteen is a drawing request from like three days ago, and of course it is yet another victim of the Noodles Doodles Telephone game -w-
Poor fishe lol =w=
Page nineteen is also a drawing request, but also designs for some Multiversal variants -w-
Fr though I cannot handle the cuteness of these tiny beans I WANNA SQUISH ZEM SO BAD AAAAAAAA
And the twentieth and currently last occupied page is from today :)
First of all there's a lot more iterators named in Rainworld than I thought, second of all Destiny 2 emblems make for surprisingly decent iterator names in a pinch ;)
And I went and made a couple of iterator doodles (though apparently in the game code they're referred to as oracles so that might be what I call them in the Culture Realm), technically the Great Canopy is supposed to be the Culture Realm's Close to Your Heart territory so one of the oracles is actually a former shape -w-
And that's all for now, have fun ig