Technically it isn't my wikiversary yet (for my time zone at least) but i won't have time for tomorrow so i'm doing it now
Uh here's the rubric or whatevs
S: goated user
A: awesome user
B: decent user
C: okay user
D: (lmao that looks like a face) mid user
F: just S tier except i have joke beef with you
Before we begin here's the "lmao bro thought i knew who you were" tier:
@Kachiyama solos @POTATOWASTAKENBYME @Father Mushroom @Deezcheese @DrakoDragon42 @Useless91919191 @Fruity-Gim @Presidentdudde @CooldoFunniMan
Also can't forget the "i feel like i should know you but don't" tier:
@CatsInABox1650 @Flint40 @Fatewatcher2368 @ThatExperimentalKid
Alr great now we can do this
@SweetDonut0 - don't thank god for the animation test things, thank sweetdonut
@Huwdte - can we finally tackle this issue cuz i feel like it's pronounced "hoo-wuh-duh-tuh" but we're all afraid to speak on it
@FoolishSpoon - but could you not just have used "highderple" as your username
@LiterallyJustN - my theory is you accidentally forgot to type the rest of your username but then just decided to roll with it
@XKachi - art bottom text
@Defendic Barracada - art top text
@ForContent e e - funny fella
@Lavatron230991 - sussyphish
@Loonaroonar (@Golem sunfish)- very goated and also rip
@Jas0n516 - :3
@Paperier forgot to add you lmao imagine being forgotten
@MeowMewMan - could not have waited ONE DAY for the tier list smh (farewell tho)
@CheezcakeForBekfast - have not interacted with you but you seem chill
@EpicCybop1234 - the guy that has known me the earliest out of anyone
@Liege Spectralis - uhh cool user tbh
@AnExampleOfADeliciousBiscuit952 - second longest username here and chill in general
@DMSVesper1 - say the first three letters of that username backwards (relax l*berals, it's called DARK HUMOR.)
@Tomush21 - big cookie once said "mid user imo", other than that if you are aware of the circumstances you are aware of the circumstances
@Fishcat11 - idk i remember you being pretty cool
@FreefanofPI - it's actually Pi not PL apparently
@CorruptedAngaburu - lore goes crazy
@Sharkey192 - you know that one song which you have no idea what it sounds like but you remember it being good? yeah that's sharkey192 for me
@OmniKingLordZenoh in retrospect, cringe ass username
@Dubmass1 - actually just B tier except gorilla tag is cringe
@PlYmAuSy AgUyWhOlOvEsToPlAyBc - L + ratio + 1st longest username here + you fell off + you watch s****** t***** + obligatory /hj
@Manic titan lilligant is the best pokemon (please release the hostages)
@Totallyrealalt2 totallyrealperson2 better tbh
If you disagree with my rankings let me know (i will ignore your comment but i need to get this post popular)
Pinglist: @Soul of the Maniac Marc (rip) @Umbrite @TheColorMurple @Zeitrepxe @Fishyfingerposer @Cool Rpg guy @Topbot @TheWWRNerdGuy @BalrogBOIIIISSS @Ninetails19 @Jambi44444 @Hozík128 @OffensiveSlowbro @Sillytestacc @Azurastral @Polarization372 @Buby123456 @Catfano @Je suis une baguett @SoulSilvera59 @GodFandtom123 @Supersodium @Supergalaticmaster1 @B0ckB0i @Mizu-na Tsubassa
Also my bday is in 6 days :)