After getting lucky with capsules and getting manju before cotc 2 and sol, I feel ready to share some pro gamer strats. Keep in mind I'm a midgame player so some stages will be unavailable. (Image of me beating be bee queen 😘)
After getting lucky with capsules and getting manju before cotc 2 and sol, I feel ready to share some pro gamer strats. Keep in mind I'm a midgame player so some stages will be unavailable. (Image of me beating be bee queen 😘)
Returned to grinding after quitting for about a year.
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The amount of ubercarry I used on both those stages was insane
Also my brain being the dumbass that it is thought that it completed I'll Big Bug but it turns out I was on I'll Be Bug, so I had to redo the entire level again just to get this true form. Worth it? Idk
Managed to do both of these uberless. Turns out that you can rush the second stage. (I learnt that after clearing it from the comments on the wiki page.)
Exact same lineup as the first stage, I just removed the combos.
Dogumaru is a good pick here, although the amount of times he was knockbacked mid attack was getting annoying.
No more slime cat usage 😔
This is probably like the 10th post on this you've seen today, so thanks for reading.
Took a few attempts to get the rush strat right.
yea you know the drill: timing units into queen mother v's blindspot, courier completely killing any difficulty present.
and much like the stage prior, courier did courier things to it and it spontaneously combusted.
oh and i've constructed another abominable video of the clears in case you're interested for some odd reason:
I can't cheese her. at all. I need manju. I need help.
P.S. I just beat Dogumaru. And I have no rusher ubers (unless you count Balrog as one)
Pretty easy stage ngl
Have slime kill the wave of those guys, then use doguemon to stall until you have enough money for uril.
After that, spam meatshields and courier. Try to time slime, but spamming is also fine. You can win without using past the first wave.
Spawn Luza whenever you build up enough cash.
When the H. Nah spawns, the backliners will probably die, but a second uril and doguemon should be available then.
Uril should kill the sleipnir, and doguemon can handle the h. Nah easily.
Fat blob supremacy
Ruri go brrrrr
D’ark and Idi go brrr
Pretty simple and first try too, the levels can probably be optimized, this was just my example. Anyways I got the silly guy who should I test it on?
...It can't just be the ubers I have, right?...You'd think the stage would still put up more a fight
I swear, the last few advent revenge stages we got were super easy. Was expecting this one to be a nightmare with some of the most annoying traitless enemies showing up really buffed...H Nah didn't even spawn
The first stage was pretty easy. Boosted Roe for the win!
At first I struggled with the second stage due to the Rain D., but then I realized I could easily rush with boosted Balrog lmao (An un-strengthened hit from Balrog one shot the Haniwanwan)
Peak is now mine
Coulda sworn I screenshotted the first stage too.... H
Easier than i expected
M.eraser 50
House wife 43 + 8
Courier 50
Bullet train 49
Kitty of liberty 40+4
Hitman 49
B.Legs 45
B.Dragon 40
Bahamut 40
Eyewaltz 40 (MVP)
fun fact: did you know that m. ost has 310 range? that explains why whenever i tried to use naala against it it just got repeatedly kb'd
why do the chickens deal like 50k damage each
loris when he gets two-shot by izanagi:
i fucking hate this stage
this stage was actually pretty fun, got powercrept by hitman hard though
i also hate this stage, luckily i had one last rich cat
i only screenshotted this stage because
a. this is like my first time using amaterasu not for the offering to the gods combo
b. this technically marks the halfway point of my challenge of no continues from dogu to urs
puffington when he gets three-shot by izanagi:
a lot of stages i actually don't beat first try, but then i force-close the game before losing, save up a little bit more money, and usually just beat the stage because phonoa/izanagi crushes everything. this is one of those many stages. (idk why i screenshotted this there's nothing notable about this stage)
this stage actually took a few attempts because i couldn't beat all the dogs in time, but i also couldn't stop miss haka from destroying my base, as you can see i eventually got it though.
this stage made me realize just how good soba is. as you may be able to infer, i tried to w&p cheese this stage, and as you can probably see, i failed. luckily, soba came in clutch
is idi able to survive a 140% puffington hit at level 40, because it can't at level 35
this stage wasn't hard after i saved up at the beginning to get izanagi
struggled on this for a bit, until i remembered i have kenshin. even then, the first one usually dies to croakley because of my abysmal timing
this was a lot closer than i'd like to admit, but i did it first try.
and with that, my self-imposed challenge to complete every stage from dogumaru to urs in 2 star without using any continues is complete! and also the section of 2 star where enemies have a 1.4x buff, though i don't think i'll be ending the 1.3x buff any time soon (it ends at behemoth's peak for those that don't know)
oh also did you know that izanagi two-shots the professor as in queen v's stage
yeah i don't think the wrath stage is going to be much of a challenge