I got myself a crazed fish.
I beaten fish hell
I used the 10 million dollar cat to mainly kill super metal hippoe
If i had space cat this stage will be way more easier
I don't know if crazed fish cat on his 2th form is even good
And also i used my legend ticket and i got kuu
I don't know if i should be happy right now or just normal because kuu is decent on early - midgame but when she gets hers ultra talent she shreeds to any red black relic enemies (i think)
If my calculations are correct that’s pretty insane
From The Results Of The Vote, You Chose Fish Cat. So Here He Is
Fish? Cat
EN Description
Insane melee capability.
Strong against Red enemies.
Whale? Cat
EN Description
Managed to become a carnivorous whale, Also Has A Taste For Killing Enemies For Some Reason.
Strong against Red enemies.
Orca Cat
EN Description
This Ferocious Beast Claims The Seas As His Own, But Hasn't Got The Permit Yet. Probably Cus His Stronger Than Diamond Teeth.
Probably will perform Critical Attacks.(95% Chance)
Godlike against Red, Floating, Metal And Alien enemies.
I'm not really done yet with clay
Man this shit's got the worst shoulder integrity
Because heavy arms
Progress/preview off [MY GREATEST CREATION!]
and some other super rares i have
Cow cat
Fish cat
Ik dasli and phono are better but I've been doing manic stages recently, and I get rekt (just now manic island) then I add the fishy to my team and the stage becomes a joke.
What if the crazed cats get their ultra forms, what would be their names and boss stages names,
For me crazed tank's ultra form would be op against behemoths, colossus, akus and relics
Friday’s Answer: Manic Island
Winner: @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
In another country, the gun girl is not so bad, she is tall. Parents sleep together at home and wash the floor with water.
@AAGaming138 @Brute Bendy @CheezcakeForBekfast @Deadlocked0990 @FlamingRedWaffle @GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki @HTFG Inc. @King Kang Roo @Liege Spectralis @MercuryScience @Moopymeebloopy456 @PirateStack2693 @Platinumv @Sleepy Yoru @TheLocalPlayerSays @TheSillyKitty @Yaaph @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
I want your suggestions and your opinions, please tell me what I should go for and what I should remove
Macho Cat 20+14
Eraser Cat 20+15
Corrupted Psychocat 40
Macho Leg Cat 20+14
Crazed Whale 20
Seafarer Cat 40
Pizza Cat 39+1
King Dragon Cat 20+23
Immortal Masamune 31
God-Emperor Dioramos 32
(Side note I am working to get the ultra form of dioramas)
Just got manic island after a year ( got it without hitman )
I'm in the beginner Stage in battle cats right now two chapters away in SoL from getting unrun wolf and right now i only have crazed cat crazed tank and crazed whale I don't know which one to go for Dragon And axe is probably too hard and i don't know which to go for right know here are all my units and user rank.
Only the good units: (Wall Cat Level 23) (Dragon Cat Level 25) (Samba Cat Level 20) (Crazed Bahamut Cat Level 20) (Paris Cat Level 30) (Cameran Cat True form Level 30) (Catelite Cat Level 30) (Sadako Cat Level 14) (Butterfly Cat Level 25) (Ring Girl Cat Level 19) (Crazed Macho Cat Level 12) (Crazed wall cat Level. 20)
(Crazed Whale Cat Level 20)
SUPER GOOD UNITS (Barely Use these units because of how good they are and being Carried by OP gacha units I feels wrong)
(Gothic Mitama Level 16) (Colossal Benkei Level 16)
All my units: (Macho Cat Level 24) (Wall Cat level 23) (Brave cat Level 23) (Legs cat Level 27) (Giraffe cat Level 20) (UFO cat level 23)
(Whale cat level 23) (Dragon Cat Level 25) (Mythical Titan Cat Level 24)
(Ninja Frog Cat Level 20) (Samba Cat Level 20) (Brah Cats Level 20)
(Miss MONEKO Level 20) (Cooldown cat Level 20) (Value Meal Cat Level 20) (Neo Mankei Cat Level 20) (Lovely Yuki Cat Level 20) (Mint Level 20) (Lil Wall cat Level 20) (Lil Brave cat Level 20) (Lil Legs Cat Level 20)
(Lil Giraffe Cat Level 20) (Lil UFO cat Level 20) (Lil Mythical Titan Level 20)
True Valkyrie Cat Level 20) (Crazed Bahamut Cat Level 20)
(Massai Cat Level 14 (Solar Cat Level 29) (Paris Cat Level 30)
(Jurassic Cat Sitter Level 15) (Monk Cat Level 17)
(Necromancer Cat Level 14) (Sorceress Cat Level 15)
(Sword Master Cat Level 21) (Totem Cat Level 16) (Artist Cat Level 25)
(Cameraman Cat Level 30) (Neo Pychocat Level 28) (Magica Cat Level 17)
(HeavyWeight Cat Level 17) (Catelite Cat Level 30) (Kidnapper Cats Level 17)
(Cat O Lanterm Level 14) (Michelango Cat Level 24) (Major Space Cat Level 25)
(Pair Jump Cat Level 15) (Cinnabar Egg: N101 Level 28)
(Takuya& Lovley Yuki Level 25) (Redhead Muscled Yuki Cat Level 26)
(Hip Hop Cat Level 6) (Sadako cat Level 14) (Butterfly Cat Level 25)
(RIng GIrl Cat Level 19) (Figure Skating Cats Level 1)
(Crazed Macho Cat Level 12) (Crazed Wall Cat Level 20)
(Crazed Whale Cat Level 20) (Shiro Amakusa Level 4)
(Gurdian Gamereon Level 13)
(Lost World Yuki & Cat Level 19) Gothic Mitam Level 16
(Colossal Benkei Level 16)
What crazed cat should i go for?
Gee thanks superfest (why he do the :3)
luh calm fit, nun too enlightening
I found fishe :D
Epic cf from UR carried
33 Votes in Poll