Not much was seen or expected of the being at first, initially coming across as yet another beast of this cruel land. But the cats did notice something; his strength was great and he did not have remorse. At a few points the draconian creature was seen devouring Doges- Metal, Ice, Rock, or Flesh- with loud, aggressive crunches, leaving nothing remaining. Some brave cats decided to start giving the stripped remains of their hunted prey to the being as an offering, so that the Doge Clan and their allies wouldn't have anything to use to try and revive their fallen comrades. Additionally, they seemed to find a cruel pleasure in watching those powerful jaws clamp down on the canine bones.
Realizing where their fallen comrade's bodies were disappearing to, the Doge Clan decided to retaliate by slaying the beast. Sending in some of their stronger allies, they cautiously stalked a pair of Cats on their way to hand over the skeletal remains of a Imperator Sael to the mighty beast. As the Cats placed the offering before it, the enemies came in on the offense. With a surprisingly fast movement, the beast bashed its tail into the ground, with it resurfacing with great force between the enemies and the cats. After the cats scampered behind the beast, it engaged with the enemy, and a skirmish broke out. Blows were taken on both ends, but after finding a seeming weakspot (its underbelly), one of the enemies took a sword to where being's heart should be and cutting down its chest for good measure like some kind of crude surgical operation.
The being paused for a moment, lulling the enemy into thinking it had dealt a fatal blow. But with more sudden and swift movements, the beast instead burrowed its tail into the ground, skewering the offender upon one of the spikes on the end of his tail before flinging it into the air and snapping it up with his merciless maw and crushing it, devouring the fresh corpse as it lowered its head and rammed into the remaining enemies with frightening swiftness for its large bulky size. The beast, dripping blood from its newfound wounds, devoured the other dead enemies and its offering, with the cats cautiously looking over the beast to make sure it didn't suffer any fatal injuries. Seeing as it was still standing and in the mood for a hunt, they decided to go find a Doctor Cat to try and get something to patch up its injuries. When they returned, the beast was laying quietly and patiently like a majestic Sphinx as though it were waiting for something. The cats had returned with bandages to try and help the beast as a way of thanking it for protecting them, but trying to medicate and cover the injuries or remove the weapons still pierced through its body resulted in the beast roaring and stomping about furiously. After giving up on trying to help with its injuries, they returned the bandages to the Doctor Cat and instead decided to hunt a Bore Jr. with some of their fellow cats, giving the entire corpse, flesh and all, to the beast. This it did accept calmly, save for the way it swiftly snapped up bits of meat and bone off the offering as it ate. The cats watched with curious enjoyment, and concluded that it did not want the injuries covered and weapons removed, possibly because it saw it as a symbol of its might and resilience, giving it an air of respect and intimidation.
Medical assistance was seen as a form of disrespect. Offerings of meat and bones (live or dead) was the proper way to show it respect and earn its protection. Thus it was given the title of O'dorion the Undying.
As O'dorion endured more fights and developed more scars, rusting weapons falling out and new weapons getting caught upon his tough flesh, something became apparent: This beast was not of this mortal plane. As time went on, and more and more cats started turning to O'dorion as a guardian and a leader to serve, he started to awaken an underworldly power within him, and as his clowder of loyal (self-employed) minions increased in size, so did his power, eventually earning him a spot among the Lesser Masters of the Underworld.
But then... that... that... treacherous wretch... showed up.
Some Mug-headed being that instills more fear than anything the beings of this Realm could ever hope to place into the hearts of their victims. It could take an Axe Cat- a subspecies of Battle Cats that was normally among the more dangerous due to their ability to destroy any living being by mere touch- and make it essentially a sitting duck, even changing its appearance to the typical black fur with red x-shaped eyes and (unique to the Axe Cats) part of their skull exposed, to white fur with black dot-shaped eyes and replacing the exposed skull with normal white-furred flesh with metal plating covering it. Many of the Realm's inhabitants would simply hide or run away from this being, as all it took was a mere touch to permanently transform them into this weaker (and frankly less intimidating) state. But the clowder of Battle Cats that served O'dorion the Undying? They were determined to match that fearlessness that their great Dragon Emperor showed on their behalf.
This Mug-headed threat of a wretch, Mugwing as it called itself, it was curious about these braver cats. It was clear they were protecting something, and through a series of investigations (and "purifications"), it was able to identify the being they were trying to defend and where he resided. Effortlessly working his way into the underworld (as it seemed any negative status or injury people tried to inflict on him were instantly nullified and removed), he made his way to the Temples of the Dragon Emperors, one of the groups of Lesser Masters led by a Greater Master of the Underworld, with the Greater Master having a grander temple surrounded by the smaller but still magnificent temples of the Lesser Masters. It took a bit of circling about the domain (and dealing with many individuals trying to fend him off on their Emperors' behalfs) to figure out which was O'dorions (and in the process he even purified a few of the other Emperors, which sent the servants into even more of a panicked frenzy), but he found it and approached the stairs of the temple.
It was actually rather elegant in a way, candles of greenish-blue flame illuminating the place and reflecting off the crystalline chandeliers and shards that decorated the ceiling to create a ambience of ominous calm. Past an offering room where cats were placing bones and various meat-based dishes on tables as they eyed Mugwing with very cautious suspicion, a large open room adorned with small crystal sculptures and hand-woven decorations that some more creative servants of O'dorion crafted for him had a large cushion in the center, seemingly made with J.J. Jackrabbit fur, with a black dragon with accents of a visibly flowing underworldly greenish blue, marked by many scars and various weapons strewn about his hulking but solemn body like badges of honor. O'dorion silently laid on the cushion like a sphinx, seemingly waiting to see what this Mugwing had in mind.
The servants in the room gasped aloud in fright, with some attempting to stand in front of their Emperor to protect him from this menace. But O'dorion quietly shook his head and dismissed them, having them join the rest behind him instead. Mugwing seemed mildly surprised by this act, for the other Dragon Emperors had all their servants try and defend them rather than the Emperor trying to defend all the servants. He seemed to nod out of respect for his selflessness; however he also noted the many injuries O'dorion had endured, and approached closer to try and heal them. Medical assistance was seen as a form of disrespect. But O'dorion was also aware of what this being was capable of and knew attacking would be useless, so instead he slowly burrowed his tail and raised it between the two of them as a meaning of trying to subtly ward him off. Mugwing instead gave a calm smile and reached his hand out, gently placing his fingertips on the cat face embedded on O'dorion's tail.
The servants retreated and huddled against the back wall as they watched with horror (and slight wonder) as the greenish-blue turned to black, the grey spikes to white, and the black to white. The cat on the tail seemed to whisper "spare them" as it shifted into a much more docile-looking white cat without protruding fangs, and the vortex-like opening in his chest and flowing throughout his body changed to a firey reddish-orange. O'dorion defeatedly watched as ancient scars closed up seamlessly and rusted and chipped weapons slid out before his six eyes. even his horn, which had been broken for a very long time, grew back good as new.
O'dorion paused for a moment before his body shivered with a vigor it had not felt in a long time. He uttered a growl of curiosity and uncertain gratefulness before Mugwing bowed and calmly left. After a few minutes of making sure the being was truly gone, the servants came out of the back of the room and the offering room to investigate what had happened with their Emperor. A few of the servants had also been purified as they accidentally brushed against Mugwing's tail or wings as he had walked past, and these ones came up to O'dorion and mewed softly. O'dorion paused to look at these few for a moment before they got on his cushion and snuggled against his sides.
More of the transformed cats came to serve O'dorion whilst some servants that weren't left the clowder. He was still fairly strong and imposing, but he was clearly weaker than his original state. He moved much, much slower and even his tail did not move as sudden and swift as it did before, thus making it quite difficult to ambush enemies. He still tried to defend his fellow cats, but he flinched at wounds. Some of his servants decided to see if he had changed his mind about the medical assistance; he did. And he would still take the offerings, but he would only eat the meat. The bones he would not consume.
And seeing how far their once mighty guardian had fallen, they changed his name to Emperor Sodom, named after an ancient and mighty city that had crumbled into ruins a long time ago.
Hoo boy I was not expecting to write that much exposition =w=
@Justice615 here's your Sodoms
Also @Quantum Obsidian if you wanna read this you can
I guess this can serve as campaigning for both the Best Artist and the Essay Writer categories :/