26 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
I'm close to being able to get my first akuber tf, and I don't know which I should get. I have like four options which are Devil hunter Satoru, Obliterator Diabolosa, Ragelan pasalan, and Demon Knight kyklops. I don't know which to get tho, I assume that ragelan is gonna be kinda bad since its a nekoluga, but idk which of the other three is best. I kinda want diabolosa since I heard it has like 35k effective dps against aku or something crazy like that.
In the past few weeks ive gotten a lot done in this game, I beat 2 and 3 crown sol, also beat cotc , I did three pretty disappointing plat tickets, I got a dupe saki, furiluga, and kintaro, idk if furiluga and kintaro are good tho.
I also beat kappy and evil emperor which were my first two merciless advents
Kappy line up
Biohazard+bony bone
Sniper the deadeye-30
Macho glass cat-30
Vendor cat+30
Dark phono-50
Evil emperor loadout
Biohazard+bony bone
Iz the alluring dancer-40
Awakened bahamut-40
Manic mohawk-30
Modern cat-30
Manic eraser-33
Manic island-21
I used the courier manic island rush strat for this one and it was surprisingly easy, I had to clear it twice cuz i didn´t get the drop on the first try, the second time my awakened bahamut died but I used Iz to finish the job since emperor was low already
Im also on the last level of legend quest
39 Votes in Poll
Yesterday’s Answer: Ragelan Pasalan
Winner: @CheezcakeForBekfast
Crocodiles love nature and live on land. Look for dusty branches and old trees.
@AAGaming138 @Brute Bendy @CheezcakeForBekfast @CursedXyster @Deadlocked0990 @FlamingRedWaffle @GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki @HTFG Inc. @King Kang Roo @Liege Spectralis @MercuryScience @Moopymeebloopy456 @PirateStack2693 @Platinumv @Sleepy Yoru @TheLocalPlayerSays @Yaaph @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
I don’t care what anyone says, he reminds me of Meliodas.
Ragelan Talents
Resist Alien/Aku
Immune to Warp
Resist Toxic
Defense Buff
Attack Buff
people are saying furiluga sucks because he's bad as a generalist, but i found that the opposite problem is he sucks too much as a breaker. so if the stats below look crazy just be prepared
Furiluga UF
Chikaralan Pasalan
HP: 57600 -> 115200
DMG: 38400 -> 46080
KB: 1 -> 2
EFFECTS: Massive Damage and Warp (warp at 500 range for 100f) against Alien/Aku
ABILITIES:Mini-Surge upgrade (Level 3)
MATERIALS: 1 Relic Catfruit, 2 Epic B. Stones, 2 Blue B. Gems
Description: Regardless of its cat-hood, this angry little guy tapped into all strength it has and will use. Massive damage against Alien/Aku, with warping.
(based on gon's rage form)
there's already enemies with warp-blocker, so what else would ponos add aside from warp for cats?
38 Votes in Poll
Last round, Nobiluga was voted into F tier by the majority. The Nobiluga D tier believers tried to fight, but still lost. Next up is Furiluga. Vote on where you think Furiluga deserves to be in the tier list and tell me why if you can.
Rules in case you don't remember:
Vote on where the uber goes on the tier list based on viability
The placement with the most votes is where that uber goes on the tier list
If there's a tie, I will flip a coin/spin a wheel to decide on the placement
You can only vote for a tier I have listed in the tier list
If you have any more questions, ask me.
@SneeryBasket508 @ThatExperimentalKid @CatsInABox1650 @AstralDoesStuff @Your Local Idiot lll @Sleepy Yoru @FreefanofPI o7 to MeowMewMan @Huwdte
#1 - Curry Comet. I was worrying about this level for a while, but I jumped right in and... best it first try! I do have D'arktanyan, but he doesn't make it free. Did you know that Puffington apparently has enough piercing range to hit D'ark? And then D'ark gets cursed for like 10+ seconds! I feel this level is a 7/10, it's a pretty good reality check after that fairly easy Pumping Titanium, and quite fun.
#2 - Icarus' Instinct. I really thought I'd have to change my lineup when the Boraphim spawned, but as it turns out, my Cameraman stack just... stunlocked it. 5/10, could've been interesting, Cam made it easy.
#3 - Rainbow Bridge Toll. I don't have much to say here. Fiend MVP. 4/10
#4 - Planetarium Love. Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate SMS since I began to play. There are almost 7*10²⁷ tiny, absolutely miniscule atoms that make up the average human body. If the word "HATE" was engraved on each planck length in every single atom in the human body, it would not equal one billionth of the hate I feel for Metal enemies at this micro-instant. Hate.
0/10 Total Myopia was worse.
#5 - Meteor Disco. How did that mf Koronium die? There was no Curries or anything that could crit out on the field, I'm sure that they were all wiped out, yet I heard the familiar "BONK" sound and saw the soul flying into the sky. Anyways 5/10 level.
#6 - Cats in the Stars. The first time a Black-focused level remotely interested me. Relic Doge Base was a pretty cool reality check, but somehow my cats stood their ground and never went outside of the base's range??? Maybe I'm just that skilled at timing Bombercat. 7/10 level, pretty gooood.
Overall, I give this subchapter a solid 6/10, while the average rating for these levels is lower than that, these levels do really stick with me and I think the chapter is pretty well-done, but not the best really.
58 Votes in Poll
I'm curious how do you use them, i rarely and almost never used Lugas, since they are fragile and handle with care, how good exactly these 2??
19 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
Woohoo :)
2 more until full akuber collection
56 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll