I beat ghost king
I remember trying to beat this a while ago, & failed miserably. I guess a lvl 45 izanami is pretty good.
I beat ghost king
I remember trying to beat this a while ago, & failed miserably. I guess a lvl 45 izanami is pretty good.
I haven’t even beaten UL so he gonna carry me
And with only two Ubers I don’t care that they are epic fest Ubers (d’ark and dphono) I did it
And I didn’t even have any surge immune meat shield except for gato amigo and I guess you can count boulder but I don’t know if he really is a meat shield
And I was one hit away from the relic fish to destroy my base
I bet he will help me in some levels but he like every other form slow and not that much health, at least he doesn’t cost much and he is spamable
One last thing to say on this post is I’m struggling on kappy kawano, I got him down to 15% on the brutal stage with this load out I think the next time it shows up I can probably beat it, is there anything I should add or level up in this load out?
My levels for the attackers are
Slime-lvl 50
Teamaster- lvl 30
Can can-lvl 50
Bullet train- Lvl 34
Balrog-level 50
Dphono-lvl 45
I think if I just boost can can to level 50+8 and bullet train to level 45 I think I can do it but I don’t know
I Gotten this question in my head when I was looking over this wiki page on Ghost King Final and I realize I have a lot of the cats they recommend to have for this stage.
This is like a rough draft of a load out I am thinking will be good for the Brutal stage
Some things I want to do before trying this stage is
Getting can can to level 60 right now my can can is at level 40 but I do have +7 so if I just get 3 more of them from rolls and then use Catseyes to get her to level 50+10 but I don’t think I need to go any higher than that because I don’t want to spend any cat eyes dark to get her to 60+10 because I want to save my cats dark on Anubis and also get can can attack buff talent max and double cash when killing an enemy talent
Get Tea Master Cat to level 45 not 50 because he only useful in this stage for the relic doges and he is surge immune so he can stay on the field for a while so I feel like a extra 10 rare Catseyes will be a waste
And the other biggest thing before trying this stage is to get Anubis to level 60 by Catseyes dark and get his surge immune and attack frequency up talents but obviously that will take awhile to do since I barely even have any Catseyes dark but that the only hard part because I can save up np for the talents and hopefully he does good since he has super high dps and immune to surge and has good range
Now I could be in my head about this and completely fail on this stage even if I get all the stuff I want but for people who are far in this game is this even a good preparation for the stage I eventually want to do?
And I do have darktanyan but I will think he will die pretty fast since he is not surge immune and there is two heavy hitters that both make surges
First tried this stage wit a cat cpu and a rich cat
my third attempt with lvl 50 luza and catus. that was far quicker than i was expecting.
the run took long enough that the time limit sir rels spawned in, but thankfully by then golemfish was nearly dead.
and of course, here's the terrible video for you all to be disgusted by
kawano was on 34%, kappy jr was on his last knockback and had already eaten 3 hits from luza. uberless kappy is definitely something else
I told my friends about this, turns out it’s kinda unnerving if you look into a human’s eyes and say ‘I killed a big muscly kappa for a piece of corn’
Still impressed at how long this series has been going tbh
Anyway a couple people really liked the idea of tiny lil ghosts so my brain went to Dark Squadril, who has a tendency to attract all sorts of ghosts and spirits towards himself
Apparently even Bake-Nyanko is fascinated by his gentlemanly charm -w-
how can two attempts be so different… kappy kawano and golemfish were on their last kbs before kappy jr started pushing, and he died in the middle of the field
yeah i actually finished off golemfish right before kappy jr, phonoa moment
and now, just top dog and infernal tyrant nyandam remain
i really underestimated bad guys, turns out 26 frames less cooldown makes at least a 1.17 million damage difference
i have level 33 kenshin, 50 phonoa, 44 d'arktanyan, and 47 issun boshi as the ubers that could carry me
as the title suggests i have no cat cactus
do i just need to level up kenshin more because i only really get one kb on kawano
also i haven't tried d'arkt or issun boshi/kozuchimaru yet
current lineup is land-air assault, gato amigo, meraser, rock, can can, courier, kenshin, phonoa, and can't decide on a tenth slot, should i use like biobone instead of land-air assault or something
or is it a problem with my strategy, which is sending out all my ubers before hitting the base, they do tend to get stomped by the sir rel, so maybe luring would help?
also speaking of the sir rels should i use slapsticks
i couldn't get a screenshot of the percent when i lost so guess what it was
that's right, 1%
this always happens; idi, luza, doremi, and now kappy kawano has joined beating me with ≤5% hp remaining
this was the run, all the doron surges were good, sniper sniped at the perfect moments to save my ubers, but skill issue strikes back
Felt like doing Giratina today
And did Mimukyu (did them in the last series too actually) because I love them both and that comic thing is just way too cute -w-
Mario madness list: @SneeryBasket508
List: @Justice615 @Jas0n516 @Thunderai175 @Crushash @Its-finally-friday @BalrogBOIIIISSS @Deadlocked0990 @HTFG Inc. @Rehan1241 @PlYmAuSy AgUyWhOlOvEsToPlAyBc @Manic titan @Liege Spectralis @U for Ubercarry @Battle Catser @A random asian person named khafidz @Metal Cappy @Totallyrealperson2 @XKachi @Basic Chuchu @ObamaRunGaming6969 @CoolCam1235lol @Big Bird @AnExampleOfADeliciousBiscuit952 @PirateStack2693 @Ninjasavvy @Personguy607 @KUYERPIP @Lollipop20 @Markiplier @Pizza Cat Battle Cat @MeowMewMan @Joziah7777 @Soul of the Maniac Marc @Dubmass1 @CursedXyster @Marcusmakesdjp @OmniKingLordZenoh @Nyanko Bros @ThatExperimentalKid @Sharkey192 @CatsInABox1650 @Azurastral
I was using a strat I found on the internet and it said that you could beat Giga Kappy without cactus or hitman so I tried it and one of the things the person was using was an Attack Up(M) that took 2 slots so I tried to get the TF of the unit that I needed to unlock said combo but ofc I had no seeds and two aku catfruits. I tried the catamins for the missing seeds and because the universe loves me IT GAVE ME 4 AKU SEEDS and by that point I already used my 3 tries for that stage SO THAT MEANS NO COMBO FOR ME. I thought maybe I didn’t need it so I tried it with an Attack Up(Sm) and I GOT 3% ON GIGA KAPPY. That same match everything was going perfect! Doron got his hits in on G-fish and my Ubers stayed alive long enough for another round of them to redeploy. I’m using izanami the next time I see Giga Kappy WHEN she releases