This Tier List Is Based On Cat You Receive For Beating A Deadly Advent Stage.
This Tier List Is A Follow Up To My Deadly Advent Stage Tier List.
Every Cat Will Be Rated Upon True Form, Since Many Cat’s Stats Change When In True Form.
And Finally This Tier List Is My Opinion So if you Think My Tier List Sucks Go Change It Yourself.
6. Time Traveller Cat
(Sorry For Not Having His True Form Yet.)
Time traveller cat is decent at best, with his strong ability to a lot of targets he is some what good until you realize every target he good against he get out classed. I mean his red target basically becomes useless because of courier, his black target get outclass due to pizza and I mean his angle targeting is alright but not that needed. His stats are garbage with only 3k dps including his strong ability, his 350 range is alright but his $1200 just make him even more useless. The only thing that would be good for him will be 4 star stages but they made him a Super Rare. With his bad dps with high cost and bad targeting he is the worst deadly cat, the only good thing is his design. If you are struggling with angles just give pizza an attack up A on angles he pretty good since angles have high speed and high KB just like blacks, you don’t need drone cat for dps against angles.
5. Golfer Cat

An actually ok pick for star aliens, He is somewhat useful by being a safe way to break Barriers. With his standing range of 275 and his LD of 425-550 he can hit all the way to back liners that are putting a dent in your defense, he is really good against enemies such as Le’Solar, Project A, and possibly Corporal Weyland making them easy to fight off and sure he can be replace with other stuff he still pretty good if a stage spams you with star aliens with tons of Barrier health. His other stats include nearly 90k effective health toward aliens which is amazing but the 2k dps doesn’t really look that great he also cost 1200 but he can be stacked up since he has so much range and his cooldown is around 13 sec making you not waste all on your money by accidentally spamming him. In conclusion he really good for star aliens back liners which surprisingly their is many of them but his whole gimmick is just to be a safe way to break barriers, not really a good dps option but that doesn’t effect what he is use for, he is just somewhat situational so you don’t always have to bring him once you see a Le’solar but if you are struggling with a Le’solar maybe consider bringing him but he just suppose to be a Tanky back liner.
4. Green Shell Cat
(Sorry For Not Having His True Form Yet.)
One of the best way to stall enemies so you can upgrade your wallet. With the health of 102k and only $720 he is amazing when you bring him to a level where the boss spawns upon base hit, but then why is he kinda low on the tier list, well later bosses spawn on time then base hit meaning you can’t stall and he also doesn’t really live that long upon later levels he is amazing in 4 star sol but then after that he very situational and there is a huge better option to stall every enemy in the game, Boulder Cat, once you get him Green Shell Cat becomes useless it really sad to see a good cat becoming nothing due to power creep.So he is better then the other two cats because he can actually do something but he is very forgetful atleast you can show him off because you have to defeat Daboo revenge stages which make me and many others want to throw their phones. Just use him wisely like the best he can do is being really good for lil cat true form stage but he just a meh unit.
3. Tourist Cat
He is amazing when is come to stalling traitless. He can carry you through heavenly tower bosses and other bosses like kapy Jr and many others. Now looking at his stats you will see why he is so great at stalling, His health is pretty low with only 17k but he has the resistant ability towards traitless making him have 95k effective health towards traitless, he also has very low dps like Golfer but he way better at crowd controlling with a 100% to freeze traitless for 2 seconds and since he attacks every 5 second he has basically 50% uptime which seem decent but he also has KB meaning your cats can get closer to the base. With his health and attack speed he can atleast hit two times before dying making your cats gain a lot of ground and so the boss doesn’t get too close to your base. But he fall off do to his poor uptime but he can still be decent for traitless bosses.
2. Bullet Train Cat
He is incredibly good for the role he plays as, a
kamikaze unit. With his high speed high damage and low health he is basically the definition for kamikaze, he gets in there, do his job and then die. But unlike other kamikaze units he not for crowd control but instead being on the offensive side with 30k burst damage which is amazing and with his high speed he can sometimes get in their and do good damage to the boss. But he does have some flaws that make him place at number two, firstly he has a long recharge time of 20 seconds and with his signal attack if he hit a peon which is sometimes most likely, he will becomes useless and then you have to wait for his recharge time to come back again. With bosses having easy/ harsh peons it hard to know when to bring him in your load out, Mount Aku is a good example. Many bosses including mount aku boss is a backliner and being protected by other harsh enemy’s like how mount aku boss is being protected by a harsh fallen bear which is pretty hard to take down while all your cats are dying. Now if you bring bullet train cat you firstly have to kill the aku bear just for him to be able to attack the boss and that happen with him with many other bosses and in the end he really un-reliable because if you instead use a long range attacker to attack the boss instead of having to defeat everything infront of it to deal damage and obviously the long range attacker will do way more damage. Many bosses that spawn upon base hit have harsh frontliners you have to take care of first. So in many cases it more of a waste then a use when bringing him in not saying he bad but in some cases the role he plays make him a sometimes bad pick to deal damage to a boss, but if you think you can time him correctly and take care of the front liners quickly he can be amazing.
1. Glass Cat

He is basically the best non-Uber crowd control unit in the game for traitless. He is amazing in sol and some stages in ul 4 star and is a go to pick for trait less bosses. He can shut down big threats starting as just a R.ost to even make Kapy Jr 10x easier, a lot of trait less enemy are pusher like R.ost, Bore Jr, heavenly tower bosses, and extra so when he has a 100% to slow down any traitless with knock back it make the pushers seem like nothing and in 10 sec you can definitely do a big chunk of their health. Though his recharge time is 25 seconds it makes sense because he will be too over power and the enemy wouldn’t gain any ground making any trait less stage easy so of course he has to have a semi-long recharge time but with the slow still effecting 10 second after he attacks it basically 15 seconds. He is needed if you want to do hard traitless bosses and sol 4 crown. But like bullet train cat it kinda hard to time since they are single target but likes i said earlier most traitless enemy’s are hard are pushers meaning they have pretty close range so you down have to take care of that much of the battle field to make glass cat hit the right enemy he is one of the best kamikaze unit in the game. If you also pair him up with boulder cat they can completely make a traitless boss not get that far at all and also most traitless bosses has a lot of KB for example kapy Jr has 6 KB and heavenly tower bosses such as floor 30 boss has 12 Kb meaning you have good back liners you can keep pushing them back and keep stalling them with glass and boulder making the boss not be able to move. You can solo floor 30 with just three units: Glass cat, boulder cat and then any cat that can do damage to the boss and choosing of which cat you choose it may take awhile but the boss will probably stay in the same place for the whole entire time or even move back a lot and a lot of times he can’t move forward to the base. Basically no part of him is disappointing except maybe his single attack but just take time to get better at timing, just use him wisely.
Here the end to my tier list hopefully you found it somewhat interesting and if you have a opinion just say it in the comments and i may edit some stuff if i agree with it.
It may take me awhile to do mercilessly advent stages because I haven’t done all of them so I can’t give my thoughts if I don’t know how hard they are so I may do Uber set ranking instead for a while until I beat all of them.
Hopefully you are enjoying my tier list and there a couple more in my activity and I can try to @ you if you want to see them if you can’t find them. But since of the “migration” to some other wiki about battle cats it pretty easy to find my tier list if you scroll down for a while atleast they are still people here active on this place and lastly I will still post about new Ubers, true forms, and beating advent stages. I’m pretty close to beating aku realms so I may get jagando this month or a little after this month.
Thank You For Reading All That.