Guaranteed Uber pulls are guaranteed to give ubers but not guaranteed to appear.
Guaranteed Uber pulls are guaranteed to give ubers but not guaranteed to appear.
I guess I accepted my fate and did a 11 roll on girlmons...
Here's what Uber I got!!!!
Lol funni surger.
Also a black counter
Theres more
Wait who the fuck said that
Oh it's you.
Wait I still got more rolls?
So yeah I kinda got 2 ubers+cyber stack XD
Funni blinded by rolls
Lol I have a trash seed but ehhhh
A switch is a switch
A anti relic is a anti relic
Super rares are super rares so idc
What's usually after vajiras?
To find out if C.A.G.G. has guaranteed Uber chances, I will see.
If it has, I will roll on it
But if not I will roll on blue ocean
Either way,
Tommorow, is
This art is not mine btw it belongs to a frame in Nios vid
It only applies to current banners
Do you think C.A.G.G. will get it?
So i save guaranteed uber for an epicfest and Then the uber draw changed into guaranteed 1 platinum shard. Does it include the guaranteed uber or it disappear?
I saw that there was a 100% chance and I just wanted to know if I should do it
I have mixed emotions
I spent 4680 of my cat food + all of my tickets (which were not a lot, only like 7 or so) on the guarantee and BOY I GOT WHAT I WANTED
Also I’m finally on low Xp and cat food lmao
BTW cat shrine came and said disaster luck lmao
So I did two guarantees on the Miku banner (with the seven tickets and cat food (30 + 150) between them for luck reasons) and got this duo
Then I decided that I wanted to do dragon emperors for once and I finally got the boi I wanted
But then I also got my first legend rare…
He’s alright, but probably will use Ruri and Kai over him. Either way, yay legend rare
P.S. after my strange early game do budgeting and during these pulls I finally got a pirate cat (don’t’t have evolve materials yet cuz THIS GAME GAVE ME AN EPIC CATFRUIT ON THE HARD STAGE AND WAY TOO MUCH NORMAL CATFRUIT
Good luck to everyone on the Miku guarantee!
...damn. Could this be? A legend rare that might be better than Ushi?
And the unit that makes the title work:
The new one.
I literally know nothing about her and how good she is.
She runs very well for someone with one leg.
This name is too similar to Catalite.
And since there are a bunch more cheap true forms:
This guy is so low quality...
THANK YOU! I've wanted her since I first found out about her. Mainly because she's a variant of my first uber.
One for the collection!
Another one for the collection!
Perfect timing! Now I can get the true form whenever that stage comes out.
And obviously you know how much i like getting true forms:
...I should probably go get some more XP before I true form anything else. I'm running out!
Does the title make sense? I hope so.
So, I started by drawing on air busters, then:
Ta da!
So since I no longer needed any exclusive units from air busters, I moved to metal (because red is easily countered nowadays) for the guaranteed:
No way! I find a non-existent, in other words, fictional character cut- NO. I will not be distracted!
Anyway, I was saving up green catfruits to go to Mighty Drednot, but turns out I had 14 fruits and 30 seeds, so I grew a bunch to get:
Cat robot with awesome attack animation.
Is it worth getting Sakura's? Yes.
A better question would be, is it worth saving up for it now? Instead of the other ubers in my list of ubers to true form?
I don't really have any ubers to get, so decided to try do a guaranteed
About this guaranteed thing.. where to I use the 11 draw? (what I'm saying is after I get Juliet or After I get Tin Cat) Tryna get Saki for UL
I know Kunio-kun collab is coming, but already have 7.7k catfood (Already have Kunio)
used tickets, then rolled in the order of 1st, 2nd, 1st and 2nd again in that order. why? because i can.
from tickets:
and that was it. no ubers from tickets.
onto guaranteed #1:
certified ??? and smol moment
what happened to him
uber #1, not too shabby at all! all i've heard about this one is that it's really underrated
ok i've heard only good things about this one, very nice pull
ok this one is REALLY good, now i have two red enemy destroying monsters (this and courier)
now onto guaranteed #2:
smol #3, why so many small characters
smol #4, there's a LOT of these!
moving on to guaranteed #3:
asuka #2, ironically i got more super rares than normal rares.
asuka #3! i got all 3 asuka's from these banners for some absurd reason
and finally, guaranteed #4:
strangely, i only got 1 collab unit this time. but she's definitely a great way to end this streak.
and that's it lol, probably my longest post ever but hey, what can you do
First uber. IT LOOKS FREAKIN AWESOME! Probably bad though.
Second uber. It has a true form?! Why thank you! Is this one good?
I true formed it anyway
Could've gone worse. No dupes, and I actually got some Evas.
So, the stereotypical question when someone gets a new uber:
Is he good?
3rd roll, will gladly take, let's hope his tf makes him better :D
4th roll, colossal bruh moment, but ill take the 50 np
8th roll, B r u h . it's the funni egg with a gun, please ponos i already have nono, bomber and keiji, i dont need more racism D:
guaranteed roll, oh look, its foreswing incarnate :D