I heard y'all bullied piratestacks (what did he do? He was fine when I was here) and some pedo hid in this community at some point. Are there still people vandalizing this?
I heard y'all bullied piratestacks (what did he do? He was fine when I was here) and some pedo hid in this community at some point. Are there still people vandalizing this?
i was desperate to try and beat archangel strikes (bore jrs are my opp)
F to my catfood (confidence prevailed)
also i cant even upgrade shadow gao yet
#1 - Speechless Tongues. Quite a funky level, I must say. Zang Roo spam isn't quite my taste, but I do like this stage, and the inclusion of Spacefish Jones. 6/10 me likey
#2 - Lamps Aloft. Uh, ok? When the only pusher in your level is countered by Courier's uncursable ability, your level is magically free to beat! Anyways 4/10 henry stage
#3 - Ashes Just Ahead. This level ain't even hard, it's just easily the worst stage design in the game. Firstly, infinite Red EnerG. What the fuck. This already reeks lazy design, but then you factor Assassin Bear. Forcing you to being default cannon... oooahahaiee88 8enenenhahahaaaaa!!!
The muppet who designed Ashes Just Ahead should maybe quit their job. I have no idea how this kinda abomination got into the game, this is on another level below. Wanna interrogate someone? Force them to play this level for an extended period of time. 100% chance for them to talk.
When I saw this level for the first time, I could just know that Battle Cat's future wouldn't be too bright. I was right, just look into Zero Legends. This is what I'd expect from monkeys with typewriters, not ponos with game design. This level is putrid in every way, and it has no hope. I just pray ZL doesn't get a remake of this level, ever.
Overall, 0/10 level and just another reason I refuse to play Starred UL. Well, maybe the next one won't be-
#4. Cloak of Hating. Sir metal seal. Sir motherfucking metal seal. Gobble. This damned level. It's not lazy like Ashes Just Ahead, it serves a purpose in this game, but HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. I had to pull out Hayabusa AND D'arktanyan just to have a glimmer of a chance with this shite. Let me just explain, how much I hate this level, more than Ashes Just Ahead.
Metal. Already a shitty trait. One damage per hit unless it's a crit? Oh please. And only select cats can even crit, relegating you to few options if you want to beat them in general. Now, let's add one with a fuckton of health amd damage, and buff it to 300%. That's Sir Metal Seal in a nutshell. Pure, unfiltered bullshit that is the great source of my hatred for this game since he was introduced. This abomination has cost me countless fucking attempts when playing any level, and I'm sure it'll only get worse when I play March to Death. Sir Metal Seal is THE way to make a stupidly hard enemy that has a BS synergy with anything else it's combined with. A pure RNG nightmare.
Gobble, the introductory enemy for most when it comes to Toxic. Gobble is, I guess a well-designed enemy spreading poison bombs all over the army, but damn I'd be lying if I said it wasn't annoying. Oh hell nah. I scream internally every time I see it come on screen, resenting myself for not bringing Fishman. Every time I see its soul float up into the sky, it's a cause for celebration.
Combine Sir Metal Seal and Gobble into one level, sprinkle little dollops of the dogs I wish just stayed in the floating disc as it went away from earth and you get... This. Cloak of Hating.
There is no sentence that can contain the amount of hatred and disgust I feel for this damned level. Even at the start I die constantly as Hurricat doesn't crit, even though I brought a fucking crit chance up (M) combo just so that the fidget spinner here can have some ability to let those golden, shiny yellow stars to emit from a dying metal canine. This is a luck issue, I know, but damn. Before I know it the dogs stack up, I have no funds to send in even any living hope of wrecking those things because Gobble just fucking nuked my Cats. That's how 50% of my runs ended up, dying before base has even been SCRATCHED. If I do kill all the starting Metal Doges, then I stall the rotten bird for a sliver of cash, and prepare myself for another failure.
Basehit is entering the gates to hell, and god fucking damn. I thought I had struck the most unfun combos in Hell's Crater, but even without Aku the demons still haunt me. Damn birds have to be intercepted by D'arkt or Sir Metal Shithead wins an all-expenses paid vacation, with a path paved especially for his convenience, destination: my base. Also, who in ponos suggested to add FOUR of those rotten turkey? I wish it was thanksgiving.
Even after Seal is dead, the battle is not even CLOSE to won. These dogs are MORE than capable to push to your base and wail on it with support from the squad of idiotic birds. I barely survived this attempt thanks to this 'minor inconvenience'.
And when I finally beat it, I felt no victory. It just felt like I was lucky, and that was that.
Needless to say, 0/10 experience. I will forever hate seals.
#5 - Hall of Feasting. Glorious, finally something of relative ease compared to... I shan't mention it. Winged Pigge is generally annoying as always, but nothing that I can't handle after beating- Why was I using Pizza and Courier here what is wrong with me??? Oh, take the 6/10, I'm feeling grateful for the fresh air. And onto the final level of the rose road...
#6 - Roast Meat, Not Cities. A satisfying end to an otherwise questionable subchapter. I always liked bossrush stages ever since I beat Kugel Schreiber for the first time, and these duo bosses are quite fun. I will say though, Master A. and Capy are surprisingly easy to stall and let me get max money before letting Bun Bun Symbiote spawn. R. Ost was satisfying to melt with D'arkt, though with Symbiote's little wave habit, it was nerve-wracking to remember my frontline could explode at any moment. But a liiitle risky fun is sometimes what I like. 7/10 level, but not enough to save the ranking of this whole subchapter.
Overall, fuck this subchapter, love Roast Meat, Not Cities. Rose-Coloured Road is a 0/10 and it's unsalvageable.
Fuck fandumb
Supposed to be a middle finger but it looks a lil off
Teehee :3
Not the normal way I post this but w/e cry me a river
This just looks better than what else I've drawn so I'm not posting it in the usual place
#1 - Curry Comet. I was worrying about this level for a while, but I jumped right in and... best it first try! I do have D'arktanyan, but he doesn't make it free. Did you know that Puffington apparently has enough piercing range to hit D'ark? And then D'ark gets cursed for like 10+ seconds! I feel this level is a 7/10, it's a pretty good reality check after that fairly easy Pumping Titanium, and quite fun.
#2 - Icarus' Instinct. I really thought I'd have to change my lineup when the Boraphim spawned, but as it turns out, my Cameraman stack just... stunlocked it. 5/10, could've been interesting, Cam made it easy.
#3 - Rainbow Bridge Toll. I don't have much to say here. Fiend MVP. 4/10
#4 - Planetarium Love. Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate SMS since I began to play. There are almost 7*10²⁷ tiny, absolutely miniscule atoms that make up the average human body. If the word "HATE" was engraved on each planck length in every single atom in the human body, it would not equal one billionth of the hate I feel for Metal enemies at this micro-instant. Hate.
0/10 Total Myopia was worse.
#5 - Meteor Disco. How did that mf Koronium die? There was no Curries or anything that could crit out on the field, I'm sure that they were all wiped out, yet I heard the familiar "BONK" sound and saw the soul flying into the sky. Anyways 5/10 level.
#6 - Cats in the Stars. The first time a Black-focused level remotely interested me. Relic Doge Base was a pretty cool reality check, but somehow my cats stood their ground and never went outside of the base's range??? Maybe I'm just that skilled at timing Bombercat. 7/10 level, pretty gooood.
Overall, I give this subchapter a solid 6/10, while the average rating for these levels is lower than that, these levels do really stick with me and I think the chapter is pretty well-done, but not the best really.
I got sarukani from epic fest. Add that to the endless army of anti zombie ubers I have :)
Surely takes a while to do this, maybe it will take.. a week?
So i may be thinking about becoming a cheetah cat fan but i'm neutral about it, maybe i'll be against it, maybe not.
Well my mom made me take a "test" and what do tou know, I HAVE FREAKING COVID!
So essentially, to enter you post the photo of your pfp in the comments and ping me and I’ll rank all of them! It’ll either be a tierlist or an individual ranking depending on my limitations and how many people enter! You have 3 days, let the Great Hat Off begin!
For me is HAS to be cli one. i had nothing to outrange it (i thought i could ld snipe it with fishe but NOOOO they had to push too much.) AND i was being stupid and not using tanky cats, nor were my crystals were at 200% total. I dont know how i beat it, but it was just god-awful for me
Not the one you were thinking of(?)
Everything wrong with it:
Low cash
High Damage
High Range (Cyberpunk himself is threatened)
The first enemy takes forever to defeat (or that's what it felt like)
2 of them (rider and that guy in the blue suit) make a deadly combination of freezing things that are about to attack and resetting their animation
Archer has a huge attack damage (maybe? I haven't checked)
Saber HITS ANYTHING THAT IS IN FRONT OF IT. I had to try and get d'ark to use a stepping stone to defeat her faster
Or maybe it's just skill issue. By all means, have a go yourself.
I can't even be bothered to be sarcastic here
I'll probably finish the other, less annoying, gauntlet this weekend.
It costs 1,000 energy. Which is practically a full cat energy charge. To be fair, I do have 300+ leaderships, but still...
It has set appearances, and can only be cleared 3 times per appearance.
It's somewhat reliant on RNG. Out of 5 attempts, I won 2.
That dodo's surge attack
That dodo's chance to make a surge attack
The ants getting in the way
The lack of money supply
The small drop reward, although at this point I should be glad it's guaranteed
It's countered by the final reward from UL, which you need to get the UL true forms for, which you need to beat this to do
It all! This subchapter is cursed (wait, part 13?)
Stages completed: 36
This subchapter was the worst. I spent 300 NP on bondage, the stages took FOREVER and I miss having actually good wave blockers...
If it gets worse from here, I'm not looking forward to it.
I miss @sillyhuman1
People who I can definitely stand more than this subchapter:
@Brute Bendy @Personguy607 @HelloCat123 @CheezcakeForBekfast @AMONGUS AMONGUS @PirateStack2693 @DanteDreamer @Popmaster2784 @TheHighDerple @ForContent e e @TinyWolf21 @The pizza maker @ShadowEntity21 @Lavatron230991 @The battle cuts @Platinumv @Moopymeebloopy456 @Qwerty8194 @BlankDummy @TheLocalPlayerSays @Puzzlerpro @Number 1 Battle cats lover @Deadlocked0990 @Loneguy67345 @AyubIndo @StillDontKnowWhy @BbAaTtTtLlEe Cats @TheSillyKitty @Ramielinbattlecats @Huwdte @BananaKing2 @The Among Us impostor @Foxy76ru @Seashorekaiofficial @SadHuman1
Bless colosseum and the ticket fest