Which is better can can or jelly dumpling?
Which is better can can or jelly dumpling?
26 Votes in Poll
Recently, my battle cats account reset me all the way back to the beginning and I was pretty bummed out. After realizing that my inquiry code was the same and I couldn't contact PONOS, I neglected the game for a few weeks before returning to the game. When I finally went back to start the game again, I found something quite strange upon entering Korea. For some reason, the units I used for my last clear of the stage were... still there... and I could use every single one of them... Upon clearing the stage, I visited the equip menu to find that a large amount of my cats had remained, albeit with very strange qualities and different leveling depending on their type.
From what I could tell, these are the rule my units followed
All of my cat base upgrades remained, though all my normal cats were reset.
All of my gatcha cats were gone, save some ubers (I'll elaborate more later)
My purchasable special cats, bahamut, and valk, were gone.
My egg units remained exactly the same, meaning that when I beat Korea for the first time I used a level 50 courier cat.
All my colab units remained, but their levels were reset.
All my more recent ubers (I assume from after 13.0) stayed, albeit with level resets.
My special legends all remained (Jagando, up to dogu, up to yulala)
That's a lot of weird mechanics already, but it gets weirder. As I said before, my courier stayed the same level and came true formed. With this power, I easily breezed through EOC 1 in quite literally 10 minutes. Here's a picture:
Don't believe me? I have more proof later don't worry. Anyway, like I said before the last cleared lineups remained somehow, meaning that despite the fact that my gatcha units were removed, I still have hip-hop and swimmer. So yeah, I somehow created phantom units...
Keep in mind I don't actually have hip-hop, swimmer, crazed tank, or rocker.
So after breezing through the rest of EOC (with units such as slime, supercat, crazed tank, a level 50 courier, and phonoa), I unlocked Valkyrie (it took me wayyy too long to spell that) and Bahamut and immediately upgraded the former. Here's where another weird property occurs. Whenever i upgrade units that I once had a tf on, they'll evolve once they're at level 10 and I flip their form. Need proof? Here:
So yeah, that's my crazy progression so far, Here's a funny image of my first clear of EOC moon 3:
Yes bullet train and slime are there alongside courier why do you ask?
I got can can cat. And now I'm working on fishman.
42 Votes in Poll
Yesterday was pretty rough so I didn't get to do the DTC for it until today ._.
Anyway here are the Request DTCs from the last ten days
Day 162: Vocaloid Singers Edition! (Request was Megurine Luka for @Basic Chuchu, I already know they saw it; paired them with Snow Miku CC 2021 from the Battle Cats x Hatsune Miku collab)
Day 164: Ultrakill Edition! (Gabriel for @Sleepy Yoru, 1000-THR "Earthmover" for @AAAAnomaly, both have already seen it)
Day 166: Starlight Dragons Edition! (Shagaru Magala from Monster Hunter for @Manic titan, already know they saw it; paired it with the Star Dragon from Dragon City)
Day 168: Side Characters Edition! (The Cabbage Merchant from Avatar, how the hay did I just now notice I forgot to ping @Thunderai175 in the actual post; and Char from the MCRL's Spacetech Realm)
And yesterday's which I just did today;
Day 170: Russian Mammals Edition! (Vodka Cat for StupendousStupidity, I know they saw it already; paired them with Misha the Bear and a Gavrila Li'l Tank Cat)
Just like last time I will post the personal pick DTCs in the comments as well as some reference images
I've officially finished all of EoC treasures, and I am definitely going to get the crazed cats when they return. But as of now what cats should I pursue to evolve? Swimmer cat or Hip Hop cat?
Currently have enough to evolve seafarer, need a couple more red catfruit as for can can
Ik I'm late to the party but I got a good reason for it....... I'm used 2 days to make it(mostly in class but hey it something)
50 Votes in Poll
I just need a blue catfruit and a yellow catfruit
51 Votes in Poll
Ever since I started bc early 2017 I have seen people say "low user rank = not good at game/less experience" and I have hated this forever. Let's say someone drops the most utterly GARBAGE bc opinion and someone (we will say no gacha player) counters this awful fact. It is usually at this point that the op might drop "low user rank means ur bad" thing is ppl who are no gacha / have a cursed seed will ofc have a lower user rank, as no gacha does not use most of the games units, especially ubers, and ppl with awful seeds can't get anything except for units that are better off as np ( I fr have not pulled can can in two years). If the op were to see their user, that's if the other commenter showed them; they would brush of the counter-argument and simply call them trash. It literally does not matter how high or low your user is, you can still be very good at the game. Sorry for long irrelevant rant lmao I just had to get this off my chest after seeing one too many of these.
Ill make
You say
How proud
You are of me n allat
What Level should i evolve can can to, i have 28 super rare catseyes and can can is alr at lvl 33
My first maxed out talent is now Can Cans Move Speed up, I’m significantly proud of myself