MY FIRST FEST UBER (first not from plat capsules, at least)
MY FIRST FEST UBER (first not from plat capsules, at least)
Guys i have question should i get miko mitama or amaterasu or iz the dancer of grief? (i use seedtrack sorry)
I used this lineup
I don't even know why I thought mitama would do something other than drain my cash. Iz saved my life.
36 Votes in Poll
I'm guessing that she has the most abilities. Unless there's another cat? I'm just curious.
Ok now I'm broke no question
I saw siluman’s video gave her a unit score of s tier, and I realize that people may trust his rankings.
I have come here to say, absolutely, under no circumstances, should izanami EVER be put in such a tier, unless we’re running SSSSS tiers out here. Her general dps is awful, being just a little over strengthened dark garu’s miniwave dps. General usage is just out of the question. In terms of being an anti traitless, she’s a disappointment of an epicfest exclusive, and easily the worst anti traitless of them. Yes, the damage output is pretty decent, but most other anti traitless run circles around what she can do. Perhaps her most effective usage is master A, which isn’t inherently bad, but it’s pretty mid for that to be her peak. She’s not exactly outclassed, nor is her role inherently bad, but she’s just bad at it. Unless you get really consistently lucky with savage blows above average distribution, she’s ineffective. Honestly, this was the most disappointing fest exclusive, only slightly better than dark garu alone in terms of fest exclusives because of a specialized attacker having more versatility than a specialized tanker who gets beat by dogu tf imo.
Jones was wrong and I’m disappointed, both in him and izanami.
Queen be restriction stage said under 3900. I now have 2 Iz's, the bee was danced to death as they were both fast, high dps, and had slow immune.
Also Not as excited for this but I got her a few days ago I don't know if she's any good
38 Votes in Poll
Seedtrack is real!!
Got dark izzy
New seed: 3685007833
Also HOLY SHIT just look at plat capsules (in my seed ofc)
27 Votes in Poll
So, I think I might be too early for this stage because I don’t have slime or rocc, but I kinda wanna try it out since I have diz. So..... how is this?
I actually got this yesterday, tested her a bit and I still think normal iz is better, but which one is better most likely depends on where you are in the game
But anyways, this is the last fest exclusive I wanted so i’m pretty much done with the fests, I only want two things and they are sakura sonic and wonder momoco.
I currently have quite a few uber rares who seem to fill the same need, Blue-Eyed Asuka and Ritual Saint Kasli seem almost identical to me? I also just got Li'l Valkyrie Dark and Iz the Dancer of Greif and im unsure whether or not to use them considering what I already have. for reference, asuka and my kasli variant are both lvl 20 as well my default Valkyrie Cat,
Funni dancing depresed Uber