Cound't resist anymore and decided to pull for Izanami of Dusk. Realized I count pull for anything else and I really needed the extra np. Also traitless enemies are a pain and I don't have any traitless damage dealers. Anyways heres what I got.
Cound't resist anymore and decided to pull for Izanami of Dusk. Realized I count pull for anything else and I really needed the extra np. Also traitless enemies are a pain and I don't have any traitless damage dealers. Anyways heres what I got.
Im checking my seed tracker and from what I see, It apppears I have enough G tickets and catfood to pull her. I don't really have any anti-traitless, but I don't have any good trait targeting ubers with the exception of Amaterasu or any fest excusives. So, should I pull?
I just randomly got this on the uberfest 8 min ago and was extremely hyped lol
54 Votes in Poll
I beat ghost king
I remember trying to beat this a while ago, & failed miserably. I guess a lvl 45 izanami is pretty good.
I got this in my second account bruh
My main account doesn't even have a legend rare💀
Eh, might as well give out a small update on what's going on with me in Battle Cats.
Uncanny Legends: Still working on 3 stars...some of these stages are living nightmares...ugh...really hoping 4 stars will be a bit easier since the enemies won't be buffed anymore. Think I'm like, half-way through with that...
Zero Legends: Barely making progress but I finally started doing more of these stages, they' are fine, others are a pain. That one stage with R. Ost and M. Ost at the same time almost killed me. lol
Uber/Legend Uber: I've seen videos, Lesser Demon REALLY that good? Anyways I just got him via the Epicfest banner, alongside Izanami. No idea what to think about Izanami...but, a new cat regardless so I might as well go for it. Not sure which Legend to go after next, though...Babel? Jeanne?....I got a Legend Ticket. lol
I just pulled about 48 rare cat capsules (2 cat food 11 pulls +26 tickets) at the Epic Fest and half way through I got my first legend rare! I also got a bunch of Ubers that are ok (about 8), but I was most exited about this one because of the range. I instantly leveled it to 50 because I had 30 Legend catseye and a ton of xp in stock. Then I immediately played [Malevolent Lizard] and beat the level with it on my 5th attempt. It does really well against the huge wave of Traitless enemies along with Thunderbolt. Although the Malevolent King Dragon Cat kill it once they get in range but it doesn't really matter because the R.Ost and Master a died before my money could be drained. Over all a pretty cool unit when against traitless enemy types.
29 Votes in Poll
Have izanami and taro, white phono
Yes, I already have Izanagi. Yes, I know Izanami isn't the greatest. But the gambling urge calls, and I must answer.
On the seed tracker, izanami doesn't show up. not sure if this is a bug or if the game just doesnt put izanami in the legend capsules gacha for some reason despite saying so.
Now let's see.....
Mid lr lmao, but that's okay bc, LR is an LR cmon man! (Also first guy here to get izanami ig? (Actually nvm))
Ow yeah, now to get izanagi :D
And some other things
This is a very @Calixgame38 momentos
Uhh wait, what? I think I already have you what the fuc?
He looks so done with his life and I love it :}
Cool. Not care
Splendid, I never noticed how cool his elephant is hollyyy...
Oh wait a second, wait a GOODRAM SECOND
Time to get Gaia ig
Conclusion: here's a completely unrelated image. See ya in OKTOBERFEEEEEEST
27 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
Anyways since the black Zeus legend rare is coming again and I have another legend rare spot open (as usual) should I get him?
Only thing I’m. Worried about is the fact that izanami is a thing