I now literally have gotten Izanami (Legend rare EpicFest), Dark Kasli AND dark Phono 💀💀💀
Im unstoppable
I now literally have gotten Izanami (Legend rare EpicFest), Dark Kasli AND dark Phono 💀💀💀
Im unstoppable
Wish me luck imma tell you what I got after :)
34 Votes in Poll
lineup was basically 6 meatshields, sword master, cameraman, cyborg, a.bahamut and holy valk
i tried to cheese it but i just gave up at the end
i actually forgot how many catfood i spent on this sorry for the clickbait
Notes: every single Uber is lvl 30 and true formed but Satoru
I have every single manic (ofc not axe and lion)
I have courier (and haniwa)
Fucking dumbass stage
You can ask details if you want
I haven't been active enough on the wiki these days, so I thought I'd do another one of these to get to know you all better.
By the way, my birthday is in 13 days. This is info nobody asked for, wants, or cares about, but I thought I'd share it anyways.
Also, have these reaction images:
Bro my ass keeps getting beaten up and I wasted 4 rich cats trying to figure out a strategy
Notes: only kalisa, hip-hop, surfer, weightlifter, wheel, kung-fu, kenshin, and bahamut are true formed/true formable
only manic island is left
i love you, d garu
İ will stall the enemies at the start with healer but how do i one shot to the base??!?!!! I spend like half an hour but i dont wanna wait friggin 3 hours of cyber-stacking.
I also beat honey drip, I’m not about to do royal jelly hell though, I’m not going through that stress again
I finally managed to beat Manic Lion, now it's time for the final manic stage.. which is considered the hardest.
Previous page : Ori ate, kasli slay (for teacher bear cat)
Why no one talk about supercat, ori, teacher bear ? They are the only reason to made this stupid cow die ! Bahmut carry after ori & supercat, others just avoid those clone maniac
Last few days have been quite epic for progress so without further ado, the enhans
Also here's some non-enhannable true forms
Ramen cat if time traveller kicked a rock
Also me when sanzo cat and ramiel
If you're wondering how i got this...
Uh yeah i will say no more
I actually grinded treasures? AND ALMOST GOT ALL OF THEM SUPERIOR??? i had no idea that was possible!
I just didn't roll on guaranteed so i wouldn't switch tracks and instead on ultra souls, then did 3 rolls on red busters and a 30cf roll gave me this :)
Also in epicfest i get 3 ubers: thundia, which i will never use because i have too much anti-red already, lasvoss, which uhhh i probably will use and warlock and pierre, which will finally help me get past i'm onto you
And uhhh that's this but i wanted to share this
This is very eggpic
Alright bye till next time
Also i might start doing monthly progress roundup things, seems fun
Idc if you use it, just credit me if you do lol
I've only started attempting them after getting ururun true form so i'm curious how early i should've started
My stack died once so it was a bit slower than I wished it would've went
Still not that bad tho a baha definitely helped even if he died at least once
Ig I'll start a ping list for future sgao moments so if u wanna be on it lmk k thx
planning to do meraser or mjameira next
Edit: they're both dead lol, but I'll post that later and whatnot
ping pong:
none yet :(