So I don't know if I can beat it but this is my setup
(and some of my units)
So I don't know if I can beat it but this is my setup
(and some of my units)
I completed 2 of the 9 crazed cats stages (crazed cat and crazed wall) and I'm on cotc 1 (just started)
I have awk bahamut and a few tf (rare and super rare, cat and tank cat are still not tf bc of rng)
What order do i beat the crazed cat stages in? I need tips
My birthday is now in 3 days. Nobody asked for this info.
Here's a reaction image for good luck on your next Race Cat Capsules draw:
I bought a few Catamin As to do some missions and then thought this: “I wanna try Crazed Tank. I’ve got enough cat food for the continues I’ll have to use.” Somehow, I managed to do all these TODAY.
Crazed Tank. Easier than I thought.
Crazed Bird. Sadako Cat go brrrr
Crazed Lizard. Eh, not too bad.
Crazed Titan. Got some bad RNG, had to use a continue.
Freaking Crazed Axe. Tbh, was easier than Crazed Titan. No continues, really wasn’t that hard. (Though, I did use 5 meatshields, Fried Sushi at level 35 or smth, and Courier.)
Beat it first try easily because level 30 courier carried my a**. Still don’t have crazed cat or crazed tank, out of all the crazed cats this is the one I get first.
I had to use my Uber rare to tank because they had low damage but high attack speed and it was annoying so he could knock them back without loosing too much ground
I also beat crazed bird but forgot to screenshot
Now im just missing axe and titan and I forgot axe even existed
But which crazed cats should I upgrade first?
If you want to be in the user tier list, just type "add me or i will skin you alive" or anything like that, i will close this post when i feel like it
20 Votes in Poll
Gee thanks superfest (why he do the :3)
luh calm fit, nun too enlightening
I found fishe :D
Epic cf from UR carried
And yes i completed itf ch3 before completing crazed lizard
Also lv 30 ofc
Yes, I read the wiki page and found strategies but I can’t beat it. I have 3 possible answers:
1. The units I’m using may not be good enough to stand against the Crazed Lizards, as they have enough range and power to destroy my heavy hitters.
2. When doing the stage I might be a bit too hasty and I might be spamming the units too early.
3. I might be attempting this stage too early during my playthrough. For clarification I’m in the early game and on ItF Ch. 2
Either way I’m very happy to be able to speak with the community for help as I have no real life friends who actively play The Battle Cats, so I am extremely grateful for you all.
Sorry no pic this is on a different device and im too lazy to send it over
Beat crazed titan.
Also done with crazed lizard.
Next up: crazed gross, this time for real.
BCTW anniversary starts next week (I've heard) so I will be able to get darkt yay
damn ottas 🙃
also unrelated but does anyone know what emotion this is supposed to convey
Its what the title says
9:Crazed Lizard
Only has busted range, but has low damage. Easy to stall if not for the otta-smack-us
8:Crazed Bird
High range and damage but long Tba. If any meatshield survives a hit, this bird isnt going anywhere. But when Rain D. and bore are on the field...
7:Crazed tank
Crazed bird but has more damage and health and less tba in exchange for less range.Cant realisticly push by itself that much, so thats what the other enemies are for.
6:Gross Cat
Wave blockers remove any chance of them pushing, but without it is another story...
5:Crazed Cow
High dps but single target. thats why it appears in swarms
4:Crazed Cat
This can push hard even without its support unless you have eraser.
3:Crazed axe
That freeze will screw up any chance of meatshielding due to stopping them before they can reach C.Axe. Lowish damage, but it can quickly pile up.
2:Crazed Fish
Too high dps and range, and its absurde
1:Crazed Titan
You better pray titan does not wave, cause when he does, consider your line of meatshields gone(unless your using jiangshi). The knockback and slow makes it harder to recover from a wave as well
Idk why i made this but i did ok bye now
Last time I tried it I got destroyed and I really want a valid strat.
The first one i've beaten on my first try
Heres my units (favorite means true form)
Most units are 20+ level wise, some arent because they cost a hell ton of xp