So I don't know if I can beat it but this is my setup
(and some of my units)
21 Votes in Poll
So I don't know if I can beat it but this is my setup
(and some of my units)
I've officially finished all of EoC treasures, and I am definitely going to get the crazed cats when they return. But as of now what cats should I pursue to evolve? Swimmer cat or Hip Hop cat?
I already have cyborg cat, ramen cat and cameraman cat as my fist true forms and i am working to true form psychocat, so who i should true form next?
As of now, I have both 1st and 2nd EoC chapters full superiors, I can grind the ItF chapter ORR I can push user rank by treasure grinding 3rd EoC. Any ideas for what I do? I just need a second opinion.
Btw... I finished EoC ch. 3 already
53 Votes in Poll
Renovated the bedroom, got true forms 5, 6, and 7, brute forced through 1 crown SoL up to Jail Break Tunnel (given how I barely got through Sin and Punishment I'm not sure I'm ready to take on Ururun yet), went and also cleared the first three chapters of SoL up to 4 crown (and then a quick Zombie outbreak for that last ten catfood needed to gamble on Superfest), I'd say it's a good day -w-
Also I have all my scaling references except Gladios, Dreadpirate Catley, and Catellite (I just need a screenshot of them next to a Tank Cat or the Cat Base please and thank you)
She will be and has been of use :)
Say what you will but I want to make as much use of him as possible before SOMEONE comes and ruthlessly dethrones him >:|
Sweet Bro Cats work well enough but waves should feel even less scary now (Bun Buns definitely aren't anymore) -w-
I do not know if they're good or not but cool ig
...I was not expecting to get my first ever Uber once again, Deja Vu much :|
Very cool beans -w-
I'm honestly incredibly surprised at how many people wanted to participate in the event! Hope y'all had fun giving me free art >:)
Yep, it's a Google Doc. Please read the instructions.
The Top 3 voted Cameraman Cats will become my PROFILE PICTURE!
3rd Place will be used for 7 days
2nd Place will be used for 14 days
And 1st Place will be used for 4 WEEKS!
Voting ends on September 30th, at 5:30PM
Vote now, go go go!!!
I hath been getting into the grind of catfruit evolutions lately so I decided to do two of the goobers I'm prioritizing at the moment, Sadako Cat and Commando Cat
It occurs to me that I don't really know how to draw camo ._.
22 Votes in Poll
dalisan carry. all i need to say, 2/9 crazed cats done
She will probably help me later on in a few stages
For @Boosted-Cameraman Cat 's art contest of course, featuring two, technically three submissions
First goober: Cult of the Lamb style Archbishop of Photography
Why'd I go with electric blue for the eye color? It's just a nice color that goes well with grey; also made the shape sorta resemble a camera flash -w-
Second Goober: Those little Waving Hand Fortune Cat figurines like the one I have (his name is Fortune)
I have two versions of this one: Light Mode
And Dark Mode
Based on the alternate color palette versions I found while trying to find a reference image, Fortune is gold with red accents and is also battery powered (for some reason I literally cannot find the exact model that Fortune is it is so confusing =w=)
So I originally set the deadline to be Sept. 22nd, i.e. 3 days from now, but the thing is... only three people have submitted anything. Check 'em out here, but this pretty much means there won't be much of an event if more people don't participate. So the deadline will be extended to Sept. 28th, or 6 more days.
And just to remind you...
Thank you, have a nice morning, evening, and goodnight :)
Ok this post is actually asking for drawing ideas, I'm bored and don't know what to draw soooo (not 100% gonna draw it BC I'm a lazy mf :/ )
Yea, cameraman cat x aberration from starcraft 2
Why? Because I have no idea what to draw >:)
Also gore alert ig?
Also here's the other version if it's not too cat-y
Obligatory Starcraft ping: @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
Pinglist: @Doge69696969 @AnExampleOfADeliciousBiscuit952 @Thunderai175 @Lavatron230991 @SneeryBasket508 @Flint40
So, i decided to get my Cameraman and see if he could solo a ENTIRE CYCLONE by himself. I even did this in the Wrath stage, where the cat-limit is smaller..
Surely they can't be that strong- what in the everloving fuck. 100,000+ damage everytime the stack did damage to a enemy.
The cyclone couldn't kill ONE cameraman. ONE.
The stack was small as well, it didn't even break a sweat killing it! EVEN THE TRAITLESS ENEMIES FELL TO THE STACK.
And they're not even 50+10, jesus christ.. and the fact i didn't even use combos OR items.
Cameraman status [incase you want to know]:
Level: 50+9
Talents are fully maxed.
36 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
D e s t r u c t i o n .
Also, finally got back in the UL grind.
True formed cameraman as my first true form!
Just beat ITF chp1 and hit user rank 1200, I will get courier’s egg today!!!