I made the outline and chapter 1 of the remake of an old novel attempt (I had posted a link to it earlier but I'm not sure if anyone actually read it .-.)
Link to the blogpost I put it the original on: https://mcrl.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Defendic_Barracada/Unfinished_Novel_Attempt
And here's the outline and first chapter (I also have made a blogpost for it if you want to read it later)
11 Essential Questions of Writing
What is Your Character's Gift?
Cyrix: Generally laid back and knack for music
Dark 3.0: Very powerful Dark Magic and seeming omniscience
Defendic Barracada: Supportive nature and very powerful magic, omniscience to some degree
Fandroid 3.0: A knack for singing and experience from past incidents
Shard Sprite: Patience, good at remembering things, and a knack for researching things
Vendormech: Patience and a knack for cooking
Victor Henderson: Welcoming nature and nice man overall
What is Your Character's Flaw?
Cyrix: Doesn’t like talking about his past
Dark 3.0: Anti-Villain status and a frightening temper in general
Defendic Barracada: Loyal to a fault, traumatized in the past
Fandroid 3.0: Temperamental and overly sarcastic and accusatory
Shard Sprite: Often away doing his own thing
Vendormech: Silent and prioritizes his snacks over anything else
Victor Henderson: Tender human being
What is Your Character's Want?
Cyrix: To find a way back to the Friday Night Funkin’ territory
Dark 3.0: To get things taken care of so he can go back home to his coworker
Defendic Barracada: To go back home to his coworker
Fandroid 3.0: To go back to the ADHOC territory
Shard Sprite: To find a stable job or sorts
Vendormech: To become a famous snack merchant
Victor Henderson: To be a friend to all
What is Your Character's Need?
Cyrix: To help the others figure out what’s going on and safely get everyone home
Dark 3.0: To help the others and set aside his past so he can focus on more important things
Defendic Barracada: To figure out how to handle his freetime independent of others
Fandroid 3.0: To learn how to be kind again
Shard Sprite: To return home to the Realm Territory with the other Sprites
Vendormech: To help the others figure out what’s going on
Victor Henderson: To help the others
Who Are Your Character's Antagonists?
Cyrix: Hex(Loving Antagonist), Dark Hex(False Antagonist)
Dark 3.0: His family(Big Bad), Fandroid 3.0(False Antagonist)
Defendic Barracada: Dark 3.0(Loving Antagonist), Fandroid 1.0(False Antagonist)
Fandroid 3.0: Dark 3.0(False Antagonist), Dark Hex(False Antagonist) War Lewis Robots(False Antagonists), Dark Lewis Robots(Big Bad), Hector and Lucas(False Antagonists)
Shard Sprite: War Shard(False Antagonist)
Vendormech: War Griffin(False Antagonist), Dark Griffin(Big Bad), Moorii(Loving Antagonist)
Victor Henderson: Elayna Henderson(Loving Antagonist), Alexander Henderson(Loving Antagonist)
What is the Best Setting For Your Book?
Waco, TX; Splatio’s/Realm Territory
What Style Will You Employ to Tell Your Story?
Varying, changing to reflect whatever character the current pov is; Somewhat chill for Cyrix, Accusatory and skeptical for Fandroid 3.0, Mysterious and descriptive for Dark 3.0, Literal and direct for Shard Sprite, Mostly observing others for Vendormech, Somewhat emotional for Victor Henderson, Descriptive and emotional for Defendic Barracada
What is the Theme of Your Book?
Social Intelligence ig
What is the Crisis of Your Book?
Multiple parties are stuck on earth and are slowly learning more about each other
What is the Climax of Your Book?
All parties come together and violence and arguing ensues
What is the Resolution of Your Book?
The parties return home, however it is hinted that there is more to the story :)
Writing Tidbits
Chapter 1: ???(Party 1)
I finished off the last swig of my tea- I chose to have a little milk and no ice in my southern sweet tea this time around- and stretched my little pillow-esque body as I waited for Bee Cat and my little brother Baby Cat to finish their drinks. Bee had gotten herbal tea with a bit of honey in hers and a lemon slice on the rim of the glass, and Baby Cat was trying out some bubble tea since I told him about it. Gamatoto had gotten some black tea sweetened with stevia (I personally wasn’t a fan of stevia) rather than sugar, and Damon had just gotten some coffee, strong with a little milk.
“So what’s the game plan for today my bro?” asked Damon. Damon was an Eevee I used to share gym class with in the first semester of 9th grade. That was also the semester that Bee Cat became a cheerleading manager; I would stay after school with her so she could have a ride home. I moved late into the first semester to another school where I met my friend Ravi, but he’s not here right now. I’m taking online school for 10th grade, so that meant I could technically do my schoolwork wherever this year, including going out to Splatio’s with old friends to have breakfast and also do field research on some of the ‘True Realm veterans’, of which the food and entertainment center was an ideal place to start since a lot of the veterans would hang out around here.
“Well, aside from me having Chemistry at 11:30, today we shall begin some field research,” I said, pulling out some clipboards with notebook paper on them and some ballpoint pens.
“What kind of field research?” asked Bee as I spread out the clipboards and pens on the table. “The building?”
“No, more like the people in the building. Specifically we are researching people referred to as True Realm veterans, in other words people who have been around since very early in the True Realm’s existence,” I said, pulling out some tape and photos. “We’re gonna start with mostly observing and possibly some small talk, just gathering what information we can learn without having to go too out of our way to get it.” I taped pictures of Fandroid 1.0, Fandroid 4.0, Fandroid 5.0, Fandroid Red, Fandroid Yellow, Fandroid Blue, Fandroid Black, and Fandroid White on the back of one of the clipboards. I did the same to another clipboard.
“Bee Cat, you are going to be observing the staff, specifically the Fandroid robots. Gamatoto, I would suggest taking a nap today because you are going to do the same but at night, because I know that some of the staff stay up during the night,” I said, handing the two a photoed clipboard and a pen each. I then took another clipboard, flipped it backside-up, and taped pictures of Cat Sprite, Leaf Sprite, Horn Sprite, Tool Sprite, Beat Sprite, and Sky Sprite onto it.
“Damon, you will be watching the Sprite robots that work here. You may have to watch them both day and night, but considering it’s not as many and they don’t quite do as much as the droids you should be able to handle it.” I handed Damon the clipboard and a pen.
“What about me, Big Brother?” asked Baby Cat. I handed him a photoless clipboard and a pen.
“I have a special job for you,” I said, booping his little nose. “So you remember how Daddy had Pokemon before he retired and later got… y’know?” I said somewhat cautiously, briefly glancing over at the others.
“Yeah, I remember he had a lot of cool-looking Ghost Pokemon and even a Giratina!” Baby Cat chirped, his tail flicking about like a dog wagging its tail.
“Okay, yeah, um… I want you to go and find out what happened to them. You can have Mom help you out if you need, and I want you to report your findings to me, okay?”
“You got it, big brother Defendic!” Baby Cat said, imitating a soldier’s salute while holding the clipboard in his other hand. He grabbed the pen and scampered out the door, saying “I won’t let you down!” as he ran out the door eagerly.
“And what about you?” Asked Damon, looking at the photos on the back of his clipboard.
“As for me, I’m gonna be observing the veterans that come over here a lot,” I pointed towards a droid wearing a brown tophat with an orange stripe above the brim and a matching brown coat and orange undershirt, talking with a male human wearing virtually the same clothing and a little human boy wearing a blue cap and a matching blue sweater and a dark brown handbag. “Most likely starting with Laytondroid over there.”
Fandroid 5.0 came over and swiftly placed a plate of french toast drizzled with maple syrup and a pad of butter before me, doing it in a motion so smooth he didn’t even have to stop moving to do it, making a smooth roundabout around the table and back to the counter where 1.0 handed him more orders to hand out around the dining area. “Now,” I said, stuffing my face with a big ol’ bite of french toast and raising my fork to the air, “divide and conquer, my research assistants!”