37 Votes in Poll
For me, I have a few.
-I know damn well that NEO Mushroom Garden is still well maintained AND there are literal hundreds of funghi. The original version barely got into it. Though it seems pretty improbable, a return of this collab with new content could be excellent.
-Cookie Run: Kingdom feels like a no-brainer. The possibilites are endless and it could have as much content if not more then Evangelion or Madoka Magica. That being said, CRK does have a younger audience. Then again, so do things like Survive: Mola Mola, and that got a rerun this year with new content. Wonder how that keeps being reran?
-Evangelion, though a much lesser pick, is definitely lacking in the stage department. Yes, it has some of the toughest levels of any collab, but "You Will Find Happiness" plus a few 11-draws to get an uber completely wreck the levels. Ignoring that, there are a lot more Eva Angels that could be added, especially combined with the brand new Brutal difficulty.
What about you guys?
40 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
A while ago, I was thinking about the new Brutal Advents, as you all know, these Advents consists of 4 stages that raises it's difficulty from 10 to 12 stars, being the final stage the harder and the only who drops the Cat Unit.
So, a thought came to me, if all Advent Units needs a Revenge Stage to got it's True Form, and, these Revenge Stages are considerably harder than the original one, (Except from Kappy Jr.), is a fact that the Revenge Stage of Brutal Advents will have a highest difficulty than 12 stars. (Maybe PONOS raises the difficulty up for 14 stars?) I don't know...
Also, about ZL, that already have 11 stars difficulty, will very soon raise to 12 stars! But, I realized that 12 stars difficulty is not as hard as it seems (Maybe cuz the game is being more powercreeped by each update). And last, If we will get harder stages in the future, 2 and 3 crowns difficulty will only get magnifications of 110% or 120%? Or maybe more restrictions? Whatever it'll be, I wan't to know what you think about my crazy idea.
One more thing... Anybody knows when Version 12.6 Update will come to Japanese servers, it's not like I'm going to play on Japanese server but I just want to know.......
In order of appearance
I wasn't trying to get moon operators
Storage of all time
BRO got 2 shot
In total : @ShitStainer @Ramielinbattlecats LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO
67 Votes in Poll
I only get 2 eva angel killers (excluding shinji and kaworu), both are super rares. Actually I got ubers too, but none of them has eva angel killer (one of them sold for np cuz that’s a death moon variant), that means I must be struggling with these buffed angels like zeruel and eva unit-13. and most importantly, NO ASUKASLI FOREVER (by didn’t save enough rare tickets and cfs)
Only Eva collab uber I have now
So I spent hours of griding *3 starred sol to get up to 1.5k cf and HOPED I could get asukasli... (that's the reason why I was inactive today in wiki)
Well time to wait another 3 years till this collab comes back (I ain't grinding *4 sol 48 times for 1.5k cf)
Pinglist: @BalrogBOIIIISSS @Skeptical27 @Deadlocked0990 @Marcsalv1821 @PizzaMunch @Keyboardspamdjifwjfjdsl @ManicEraserBestCat
Whats with my luck with eva collab recently?
I could have prefered the anti aku unit thingy because i know lilin wont be enough (probably) soon but i guess ill take a S+ uber (again) wannabe
@Khafidz is sus get more in shambles muhahahahahaahahahahahhahaah
@Paperier also i got rei but womanoid so cool ig
I have 3 eva-01 dupes what should I do with them.
🎵 The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky, are also on the faces of people going by. I hear friends shaking hands, saying "How do you do?", they're really saying "I love you". I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, they'll learn much more than I'll ever know, and I think to myself, what a wonderful world~
I was finally able to play my very first battle cats collab. This was probably the best collab I've played(until PMMM finally comes out) and the 1st collab I've done to 100%(or maybe 2nd because I remember beating most of the merc storia stages)
I got more collab units than I could get from any other collab
I remember getting her on my 1st account and getting upset because she didn't have the eva angel killer ability
User rank dumps and u. labyrinth units, nice
Powercreeping angels to no end
Kawaii chibis
Time to delete all aliens from the game(except for elder sloth)
I always overlooked this guy when I was watching videos about the collab, he is actually a G
Now I won't have to fucking get tortured beyond belief by henry and croakley. I also got a dupe of her but idk if I should exchange her for np or use her
Too bad he has underwhelming stats, he could have been a great akuber
The best waifu in the entire fiction! I've waited for 4... no, 5 thousand years for this! @Ramielinbattlecats
The one I was told was the best eva uber because of his wave blocker. Sadly, he wasn't actually the best back then(especially now since asukasli and reitama were added). Nevertheless, I won't have to deal with wave enemies' fucking bullshit no more.
The one I liked the most because of his design. The true best eva uber(before asukasli was added). his tf was actually kinda unnerving for me when I saw it for the very first time.
I'll also be able get 00 and 02 on my alt but I'll have to choose between AAA wunder, takeda shingen and warlock and pierre before getting them.
I could have also gotten iz the dancer on my alt during uberfest but my dumbass eventually forgot about it and now I can't get her anymore
used tickets, then rolled in the order of 1st, 2nd, 1st and 2nd again in that order. why? because i can.
from tickets:
and that was it. no ubers from tickets.
onto guaranteed #1:
certified ??? and smol moment
what happened to him
uber #1, not too shabby at all! all i've heard about this one is that it's really underrated
ok i've heard only good things about this one, very nice pull
ok this one is REALLY good, now i have two red enemy destroying monsters (this and courier)
now onto guaranteed #2:
smol #3, why so many small characters
smol #4, there's a LOT of these!
moving on to guaranteed #3:
asuka #2, ironically i got more super rares than normal rares.
asuka #3! i got all 3 asuka's from these banners for some absurd reason
and finally, guaranteed #4:
strangely, i only got 1 collab unit this time. but she's definitely a great way to end this streak.
and that's it lol, probably my longest post ever but hey, what can you do
38 Votes in Poll
I just wasted all my rare tickets and cat food on evanglion (got five new ubers including asukasli) and now I have a lot of NP. What should I use it on?
So this collab was uhhhhhh painful. PONOS did a funny and made all the stages terrible to play even with Eva Killers for the same rewards as all Gauntlets. I've not bothered to beat all the stages, they're not fun to play, but what everyone is talking about is the OP units from the banners. I rolled any tickets I had and I saved enough for one discounted roll and got...
I'm probably never using her
Saru, Kiso, and Sanzo, all in one!
Made the Eva stages I did play more tolerable
haha, Legend Quest go brrrrrr
As for Ubers, I got dupes of all the Ubers I already had from last time, with only one new one.
I got this bugger four gosh darn times and I still will never use him
Used to love this guy before I Tf'd Saru, but really happy to see a TF for him.
Best anti-Black unit, nice.
The only new Uber I got was from the discount roll, being
Looks really promising! Red has been powercrept from hell and back, so it's nice to see one of the Nukers having alot of rolls outside that!
I played Eva and rolled the last time it came around so I already had some units and TF's, stuff like Moon Kaworu, Plug Suit Shinji Black, Giraffe Unit-02.
Overall, kinda underwhelmed by the collab as a whole. Don't really know how it could be fixed though, so I'll just take my free stuff and go.