Was i uber carried ? Cause it didn't feel like it
Took three attept with this line up
Yea thats my last manics I got to get
My best units is Cancan, Dark Kasli (lvl 40), Dark Phono (38), Pizza (lvl 50, max wave talent, lvl 5 slow talent), courier, manic Eraser (lvl 37), Paris (lvl 50), lufalan Pasalan, And Doctor Heaven
I got other goods if u wanna ask if I got it, and Im just tryna get a good trat ykyk
Accedently found a cheese method lol
Cool Japan
Manic Cat (lvl 30)
Manic Tank (lvl 31)
Fishman (lvl 32) (small health talent)
A.Bahamut (lvl 30)
Dark Phono (lvl 37) (You can use any other uber that will outrange the dragons)
Powerups: none :)
So i bought 1 fishman and a manic tank as fast as I could
Then also l leveled up wallet 1 time before first mooth died, then when the mooths are in a big lump, I get first darkphono and when he does his attack, get a.bahamut to kill them while they are slowed, this is also make phono do another attack after bahamut killed them and phono then wipes out the snakes and other peons, then bahamut kills the otter and smacks the base, bahamut will actually not die AT ALL if you time it perfectly (so no otter or anything hits bahamut) with phono as the dragons will not only get knocked back, they will also be slowed and then they both just take out the base
How on earth was it hannya and not bakoo
This Tier List Is Based On Advent Stages That Are “Deadly” Difficulty Easiest To Hardest.
This tier list is for new players who are in early mid game who can’t figure out how to beat certain bosses.
I did these level uberless but I still use some cat that people may not have yet at the time.
This tier list is based on my opinion so if you don’t agree with my tier list just change it yourself.
You should also have crazed or manics cats in these stages for better meat shielding and also all cats should be lvl 30 doesn’t need to be higher than that because they’re just deadly stages.
And finally some ranks will be due to their revenge stages like how bakoo revenge stage make you have to fight three of them (he still too ez tho).
6.Deeply Dreaming
This is a good uberless loadout but you do not need some true form like elemental duelist or prisoner. But if you can get them try to because elemental duelist can do great damage to the bore and prisoner can do great damage also to the bore and easily counter Bakoo due to his range. Other cats like Apple And island cat you need there true forms to take care of the bore so you can attack Bakoo. And then add some really good range attackers like double dragons and hacker cat and vaulter cat. Anyways moving on talking about the stage the only boss here is the bore because he is a tanky front liner protecting bakoo but with good anti red and a apple it shouldn’t be that big of a problem, if you have any long range Ubers definitely use them and the only Uber that doesn’t have long range but does great is yukimura atleast get his second form. He can easily rush in there before bakoo attacks and do insane damage because bakoo is a black enemy. But other then that this level shouldn’t be too difficult and it gives you a good cat for heavenly tower bosses since the cat can freeze and knock back while also being resistant to tank some hits and can be useful to push back kapy jr.
5. Queen Coronation
First thing I want to talk about is some of these cat do not need to be true form but if you can get their true form it will help a lot. The true forms you mostly need are Janshi, Cameraman, Fishman cat, Sea Farer, and lastly Awaken Bahamut. Jangshi you definitely need because of his 100% survive this means he can tank the 400% sloth and still be standing he is almost needed to stall the sloth, Cameraman has 4k dps (6k to floating) and since he is so stackable and cheap for his damage he will make the brollows become ants and do tons of damage to the sloth and Queen bee, Fish Man cat to do even more damage to the Queen Bee, Sea farer because he can freeze the queen bee for a little bit and he has a 100% survive so he can keep on freezing even after the sloth hits him, and lastly awaken Bahamut to rush him and either put a dent in the sloth health if he pushed to far or the queen bee to make the level faster. Then other true forms I used are not need but definitely have value in the stage. Any epic fest Uber like “Dar’ktanyan” or “Iz The Dancer Of Grief” is good to kill the sloth easily and defeated the stage and any rushers like “Yukimura” are also good to lower the Queen Bee health and if you are struggling with brollows then use aoe cats like pizza or housewife but this should be easy with little to no challenge.
4. Clionel Ascendent
You should now get manics to make these level easier and you should have all the true forms in these load out even if it not a must true form. The enemy that make this level hard is the “Angelic Sleipnir” due to his high attack rate and high chance to knock back it is hard to get into the Clionel blind spot, so any Uber you have that has long range or immunity to knock back or slow would be amazing due to the Clionel and Sleipnir. Cyber Punk is basically needed for crowd control and to chip the Sleipnir health, if you take too long to kill the Sleipnir and the second one comes they will push too hard and end your run so make sure that you are constantly chipping its health even if it just a little bit. I added cameraman because of his dps but if he doesn’t do that great ( because idk what level your cameraman is) you can take out acrobatic cats and instead use cyborg/can can for more dps, if you don’t have a high enough level for Ramen make sure to invest in his defense buff talent to give him more HP a level 3-5 defensive buff should be good enough. Also bird cat true form is good here because if you can weaken the Sleipnir it would make the level easier but this level definitely bring a challenge this time.
3. Dead On Debut
Daboo is a tank and though 30k damage may seem kinda low it’s way too much for his range I mean the only cat that will survive for a while is shigong and even he dies due to the boosted waves of angles that why you also need ramen. It is really difficult to keep Daboo in place due to the waves of zombie and angles over time so because of this level he is a constant wall that has 3m hp so if you have any anti-zombie Ubers who are class are nukers use them basically use any iron legion Uber you have so they can do damage to Daboo but there is other Ubers you can use such as Kalisa to rush in before Daboo attacks and can destroy the angles, you can also use bliza here because she can tank a lot of hits from Daboo and do alright damage and in her true form you can have two before the first one dies in this stage, yukimura can act like a second awaken bahamut because he can do good damage to Daboo and rush in, sarukani is amazing if you have him get his true form to make this level 10x easier. And some additional things to make this easier if you want to use house wife get her save blow talent and make it level 5-10 because with it she does 30k damage at lvl 30 and though it might seem low you have to realize she a long range non-Uber, and lastly give can can a attack buff so she can do even more raw damage but with that in mind Daboo 3m health will go down to 0 and even if you don’t kill him with zombie killer he will come back with only 300k health but I decided to rate him this high because of how hard it is to keep him away from your base especially when he immune to everything.
2. River Styx
Yes I know courier cat is in the game but people at this time probably won’t be worrying about getting courier and the behemoth enemy’s may be hard for early mid game players and even if you do have courier it doesn’t make the level 5x easier there still a r.ost and since your courier probably gonna be at lvl 30 if you even have him at this time he gonna get destroyed by it I’m not saying that courier is bad I just think you can still do this level without needing to grind behemoth levels, anyways I put this level at two because the hard pusher the occasionally spawn with hannya and since hannya has a 100% to weaken units to 25% it can be very difficult heck I barley pass through this level when I didn’t beat it at that time and I had dar’ktanyan to try to take care of the r.ost. Since hannya has a harsh range, with it if he attacks once it probably going to weaken every unit you have on the battle field making the r.ost’s job easier and you don’t even have that many anti-traitless non-Ubers cat at this time. And sure Hannya only have 1m hp it basically 4m due to his weaken and you just have to rely on chip damage from cats like m. Island and cyber punk and occasionally you can do good damage with awaken Bahamut but he dies in like one hit. I mean the best attacker you would probably have is M. Island and he doesn’t do that good damage but atleast he tanks one hit to be able to attack hannya, and the last thing I want to say is if you have a lvl 35-40 roe cat replace apple cat with something else because apple cat can only be useful to the bore and if the roe cat is taking care of the bore you don’t need apple cat, just don’t worry about grinding out behemoth stages I mean you can if you want to but it doesn’t really matter.
1. King Wahwah’s Revenge
This level just sucks the boss with the occasional enemy’s is already tough and then whoever said “let make the player only be able to use normal and Uber rares” I hope they never seek happiness. Just reminding you that King Wahwah has a 100% to knock back your units and he also has a 3 part multi hit and his range make him even more annoying and since he attacks every 10 seconds every cat will die and do nothing I mean ponos made this level to make you spend your money to try to get a op Uber to beat this stage and sure you can do this Uber less but then all your normal cats have to be lvl 60+ this level just makes the most happiness man depress I mean the revenge stages are actually easier then the first time you face the boss the first revenge stage is the exactly the same except you can only use super rare which is better then normal and Ubers and the second revenge stage they just spam peons at you and if you are struggling on that stage just time slime cat to take care of the peons. The only redeeming part of this level is King Wahwah has only 1m hp making this somewhat fair, key word: somewhat. Any epic fest Uber will be good especially iz for being immune to KB and does massive damage to King Wahwah. Also use any Uber you have that has a long range wave or just long range in general to be able to knock back King Wahwah but hey at least you get glass cat which is really good for heavenly tower and kapy jr. just don’t overthink this level and you don’t need to Uber carry to beat this stage so don’t spend all your catfood just because one Uber will carry you through this stage, no Uber will carry you for this stage just login daily to try to upgrade your normal units.
Well here’s the end of the tier list I will probably do deadly cats tier list next and I don’t know when I be able to make a merciless advent tier list because I haven’t beaten all of them it may take me time but while I’m doing the merciless stages I will be doing tier list of other things probably certain Ubers from certain gachas event and unlike some people who make tier list ( I’m talking to you Xskull and dr.skull) if the Ubers get a true form which make them better or a whole new Uber get added to set I may make a new one since the meta change ALOT but like I’ll update it if like two of those Ubers get a true form or like if there two or more Ubers that get added I mean I don’t think only one new true form/uber will make the tier list completely change but that could happen I mean look how many people switch up on Lasvoss when he got a new true form.
And also sorry for the long writing on each level since there was only 6 deadly advent stages I though long writing could make up for it.
Thank You For Reading All That
Hints: it's not a cyclone stage
Loadout on defeat:
Loadout changes to win: replaced thundia with D'arktanyan
(Main) Death cause: r ost
I have beaten Into the Future Chap. 3
I have every cat unit in the excellent selection
And galaxy gals, sadly i dont have any normal cats true form. No crazed cats has awakaned bahamut and most ubers level 10~40ish
The day is quickly approaching, might as well have some fun with it ig
Today we have Realm, the original creator of the Multiverse
And Majesticora, creator of the original True Realm
40 Votes in Poll
Yeah so school is starting soon. I was gonna leave the wiki and return for winter break, but today my battle cats crashed and didn't reopen. I have the inquiry code though, but if that does not work I'll just quit the battle cats as this would be my eighth time having to start at square one. Cant believe 3 years of pretty damn good progress might go to waste. So yeah, the state of my account is in ponos hands and if I fail to get it back I'll say farewell to a game that I found long ago at my grandma's and made me happy for many years.
After 2 years I finally have them
Does anyone know how to put a gif on this the thanos one
26 Votes in Poll
i killed hannyaaaaaaa
actually, it was pretty easy, prob the 2nd easiest for now
I literally failed the cheese, how did I make a come-back???
This is the Team I used
The strategy was to use driller to basically remove R.ost as a threat which somehow actually worked allowing A.Bahamut or Can can (if Bahamut was on Cooldown) to Obliterate R.ost without dying to it imma abuse this strat in SoL So Much lol
Levels in case anyone wants to try this
Eraser 20+16
Crazed Wall 10
Crazed Sexy Legs 20
Can Can 33+1
Courier 34
Driller 1
Awakened Bahamut 30
Fried Shrimp 29+1
ICat 29+1
Vendor Cat & Kitten 18
The Levels could definitely be higher now I need a Cat CPU for Maglev
God finally
Well time to retry hannya