Renovated the bedroom, got true forms 5, 6, and 7, brute forced through 1 crown SoL up to Jail Break Tunnel (given how I barely got through Sin and Punishment I'm not sure I'm ready to take on Ururun yet), went and also cleared the first three chapters of SoL up to 4 crown (and then a quick Zombie outbreak for that last ten catfood needed to gamble on Superfest), I'd say it's a good day -w-
Also I have all my scaling references except Gladios, Dreadpirate Catley, and Catellite (I just need a screenshot of them next to a Tank Cat or the Cat Base please and thank you)
She will be and has been of use :)
Say what you will but I want to make as much use of him as possible before SOMEONE comes and ruthlessly dethrones him >:|
Sweet Bro Cats work well enough but waves should feel even less scary now (Bun Buns definitely aren't anymore) -w-
I do not know if they're good or not but cool ig
...I was not expecting to get my first ever Uber once again, Deja Vu much :|
Very cool beans -w-