Am i cool now
Then the rest
I like this unit alot for some reason
It came with 3 rich cat dupes and 1 sniper dupe, lol
I think that's it for all the reinforcements unless mini cat base counts as one
22 Votes in Poll
Alright it's catchup time before this page smudges too bad
First up we have a T90 tank for @BasedTDGamer alongside Hitman Cat since I already did Gundoros for Flint's tank
Next is Rathalos for @Manic titan alongside Barioth because that's what my indecisiveness landed on
We have the Crystal King for @NotADarkUser and King Olly because say what you will about the gameplay but the King Olly Suite is a banger >:)
For personal picks I was gonna do Deale and Verbena but since I ended up doing base forms I switched Verbena with Ruri instead
And finally we have my favorite duo of doughy doppelgangers, Fake Peppino and Boris :D
I am now officially caught back up on DTCs, so after this we return to our regularly scheduled format of just two a day
Yesterday’s Answer: Mer-Queen Ruri
nobody got that lol
Evil spirits are evil spirits. He comforted him and saved him from death. The enemy must deal a lot of damage (multiple hits).
@AAGaming138 @Brute Bendy @CheezcakeForBekfast @CursedXyster @Deadlocked0990 @Doge69696969 @FlamingRedWaffle @GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki @HTFG Inc. @King Kang Roo @Liege Spectralis @MercuryScience @Moopymeebloopy456 @PirateStack2693 @Platinumv @Sleepy Yoru @Soul of the Maniac Marc @TheLocalPlayerSays @Yaaph @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
Last round, Himeyuri was voted into B tier. Ok guys a research L combo is still a research L combo though. Next up is Ruri, vote on where you think Ruri deserves to be in the tier list and tell me why if you can.
Rules in case you don't remember:
Vote on where the uber goes on the tier list based on viability
The placement with the most votes is where that uber goes on the tier list.
If there's a tie, I will do some goofy thing to decide the tiebreaker.
You can only vote for a tier that is listed in the tier list
The next set of ubers is decided by a wheel that was rolled (the order is already set now)
If you have any more questions, ask me.
@SneeryBasket508 @ThatExperimentalKid @CatsInABox1650 @FurnitureEnthusiastAstral @Your Local Idiot lll @Sleepy Yoru @FreefanofPI o7 to MeowMewMan @Huwdte @Deezcheese @DMSVesper1 @HTFG Inc. @Basic Chuchu @Sharkey192 @Soul of the Maniac Marc @NerdyBoy5 @Thunderai175 @ZerotheHero1200
Since she’s inspired by shirahoshi, while shitahoshi is a smelt-whiting mermaid… so I make ruri’s upper body a whiting inspired fish with somewhat more flowy fins… also can’t be bothered to draw her ribbons and cloth too…
Btw, literally every bc players’ reaction ig:
So @Liege Spectralis had asked me to draw Defendic's pretty zombie lady
And at first I was putting it off because I was having serious issues with the head ×-×
But then today for some reason I summoned the willpower and capability to draw not one but two Violas, two variants that I've been wanting to draw for some time now :)
Dark Viola and Chibi-Star Viola :D
I freaking can't with the Chibi-Star cats they're way too freaking adorable >w<
So I decided to give Dark Viola kinda like a masquerade type vibe (mainly because the primary inspiration for her concept was Pointy Hat's Bard Lich video on Youtube), also I think it's funny if she talks like some Victorian lady and treats her Chibi-Star counterpart like a daughter :)
Not that she can actually talk because she died from her throat being slit, so instead she speaks through her little cat minions
Also for some reason I imagine the Dark Realm GirlsMons all kinda like live together or something so we have le gamer girl, victorian lady and sickly werewolf all kinda chilling together =w=
Ruri is a strong, but slightly inconvenient tanker. Along her insane health pool and extreme dps, you do have to deal with her inconvenient single target which restricts her usage more than other single-target ubers, but her overall kit is very strong and deserves praise. Now, she has ultra talents, so let's see how much they improve her.
The buffs:
Ruri gets a speed buff, transforming her speed from 8 to 18. Alongside that, she gets a 20% chance to dodge. Speed and dodge are good abilities for tankers, and Ruri is no exception. Compared to other tankers, who can utilize the speed more effectively, speed kind of slightly hurts her sustainability, but it's still an upgrade in most situations. Dodge helps patch up that weakness, giving her better compatibility against the slow attacking and the rapid attacking alike, but it suffers from only being a 20% chance. Either way, these are still nice buffs that make an inconvenient unit a little less inconvenient.
Freeze immunity:
I have no words
-Ruri's ultra talents are WAY more barebones compared to other ultras. All of these are just convenient buffs that you should only invest into if Ruri is your main uber.
Extra points:
-Siege did it better smh
-This better than Aer and Momotaro, but worse than Masamune. In my opinion, this the first ultra that's just good. And remember, "good" doesn't cut it for 15 dark catseyes.
-Man, there REALLY isn't that much to talk about here.
Not worth it, but you still get a positive result
Rank: Stay at B+
Both of them are Queen in Description so this is how i imagine them
38 Votes in Poll
W Relic Unit
Plus my next plat ticket should be D’ark so that’s cool
If I talent it it seems like the perfect cat to beat this stage, but I haven't heard anyone use it on this stage yet soooooo yeah
36 Votes in Poll
I wanna do another one of those Hunger Games things that went on a while back, except with Dark Realm Battle Cats and I will be drawing it
District One is Rush Order (Food Stall Cat) and Keyheart SkyRobot (Tin Cat) no questions asked purely because they're the two most loyal to my coworker Dark 3.0 -w-
I can only do cats that have a Dark Realm counterpart, and since there are a couple with multiple of a unit I will use multiple if they are requested multiple times (ex. Frosting Flaglance, Bloodbatter Spearbanner, Cookie, Cupcake, and Croissant for Pastry Cats)
Yes Gamatoto and his helpers are on the table, Ototo is not, you can even request to have my Dark Realm counterpart in there if you feel like enjoying some Tank Cat carnage; even a couple ubers are on the table but asking for them will increase the time it takes to get sessions out =w=
Killer Cats go brrrrrr