I got shadow gao
^rare ticket from level 18 he seems pretty good
gao didnt get to snipe any of the bore jrs in this level but im pretty sure he helped cripple the mer which was good enough anyways because the other ubers managed to combo their ahh
also i got an epic seed from level 17, might use it on hades since I use him in some of my lineups but I also have all the grandons
i was desperate to try and beat archangel strikes (bore jrs are my opp)
F to my catfood (confidence prevailed)
also i cant even upgrade shadow gao yet
My birthday is in 7 days! This has nothing to do with the tierlist. Without further ado, here we go:
S Tier (Peak):
@Eggycat-bingus, @Jambi44444, @Liege Spectralis, @Pizzamemes, @BalrogBOIIIISSS, @Fezz sizzle, @IFloppa, @Lavatron230991, @Manic titan, @Defendic Barracada , @Urrune , @Defendic Barracada, @Paperier, @CorruptedAngaburu , @PirateStack2693 , @Chara-herra @Birdisnotluhword ,
A Tier (Y'all are really cool):
@Wasabi catgod, @SneeryBasket508, @Sleepy Yoru, @Yyyyyyyyyyy520, @Thunderai175 @LemonadeArt49 @AAAAnomaly, @HTFG Inc., @Battle Catser , @Azurastral @Dudeisrandom , @Tabbysquabby @Soul of the Maniac Marc,
@CheezcakeForBekfast, @Deezcheese, @Battlecats12344, @Nyanko Bros, @Ze Lil cat,
B Tier (Y'all are cool):
@AnExampleOfADeliciousBiscuit952, @EpicCybop1234,@GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki, @CursedXyster , @Ollleia, @Dubmass1 @Isblol @DrakoDragon42 @Fatewatcher2368 , @CooldoFunniMan
C Tier (Neutral/don't know you):
@AbraGo!8, @DMSVesper1, @BluePG3D, @HammXVII, @LorictheArtFellow , @TCC259, @Ajthaboss123, , @SpicySpork , @SynthSlash000 ,
D Tier (for Bums™ (Not the homeless type):
Nothing here yet!
F Tier (You’re not invited to my birthday party 🤬):
If anyone would like to be on the tier list, just mention me and I'll put you on there.
70 Votes in Poll
Fear me.
(or don't, this isn't anything special, lol)
....Now to try and grab Dark Mitama...somehow.
I had one ticket and then I got my 10th platinum shard. So now I got two tickets, lol. I'm already spending one on getting Dark Phono, I found normal Phono to be really helpful, and heard his counterpart is just as awesome.
That said...should I go for Baby Garu or Shadow Gao next? Gao's slot is right next D. Phono, Garu will take me a bit longer.
Honestly, like with the Phono's, I found Gao to be quite helpful at times due to his Strong ability. So I kinda want to give his counterpart a try despite him losing Strong.
Garu, I dunno...I have Mitama, but what bugs me with both of them is...they don't have freakin' Curse Immunity. lol
I'll say it... Darkt and Hitman is better. No one's stopping me from saying it not even 7 screenshots worth of an essay.
Alright then, why don't we start this thing off strong with a lovely little Epicfest Uber: Diabolic Gao!
Not all of these will be Battle Cats, but I figured it'd be a solid place to start -w-
Yes you can request characters/units for future DTCs
I feel so lucky , but rn i am near urs and alredy have diz , is he still useful ?
There was a Battle Cats Player they were a early/mid game players but they had some really good luck their 2 best ubers were Mighty Lord Gao and Gothic Mitama it's been awhile since that time that player lost that account ages ago and now has a new one but it seems their Favorite Ubers to use returned to them in a new form
I'm sure you see where this is going but if you don't I'm the player in this story and I got Shadow Gao from Epicfest
I saw siluman’s video gave her a unit score of s tier, and I realize that people may trust his rankings.
I have come here to say, absolutely, under no circumstances, should izanami EVER be put in such a tier, unless we’re running SSSSS tiers out here. Her general dps is awful, being just a little over strengthened dark garu’s miniwave dps. General usage is just out of the question. In terms of being an anti traitless, she’s a disappointment of an epicfest exclusive, and easily the worst anti traitless of them. Yes, the damage output is pretty decent, but most other anti traitless run circles around what she can do. Perhaps her most effective usage is master A, which isn’t inherently bad, but it’s pretty mid for that to be her peak. She’s not exactly outclassed, nor is her role inherently bad, but she’s just bad at it. Unless you get really consistently lucky with savage blows above average distribution, she’s ineffective. Honestly, this was the most disappointing fest exclusive, only slightly better than dark garu alone in terms of fest exclusives because of a specialized attacker having more versatility than a specialized tanker who gets beat by dogu tf imo.
Jones was wrong and I’m disappointed, both in him and izanami.
Chun chun carried with satoru knocking him back occasionally. Wasn’t as bad as some other people say. Didn’t even look up a strat but ig my D’gao lvl 50+1 was a big help when it came to kill the dolphinas. My first batch of satoru and chun did die to the other dolphina but overall it took only 2 tries to master this B*TCH of a stage
Hello everybody, I don't trackseed so I need your advice.... last time I rolled 25 single rare tickets on Epic Fest I got Shadow Gao. Yesterday I rolled a single ticket on Red Busters and got White Rabbit. Now that Epic Fest is on, should I roll 35 single tickets and hope for an exclusive? Or should I accumulate more tickets and try during next Epic Fest? Thank You
i seed tracked and i'm not sure if i want shadow gao or sirius (i'm in uncanny legends kind of close to urs) (plat ticket)
worlds hardest citadel (i did not Ubercarry, u are actually just delusional, and gaslighting is fun)
ticket wasn't notable
Also side thing, when looking at the lunar new year banner, the funni lion thing is in JP but not en. Will it come later on in the event? If it came after the year of the lion, it'd be kinda dumb lol
pings de sgao:
got this little man through uberfest
and I was on floor 28 of HT so I figured . . .
i would TF him, so I did. Now metal stages will be even easier bc I don't have to rely on hayabusa's shitass LD
he completely ate floor 28 . . .
floor 30 was easy. I tried healer cheese twice and couldn't do it but then I remembered I had sgao so he and boat keri just destroyed hermit lol
and from the tickets . . .
I got one of my very first Ubers again! Yaaaaaaay! I think my very first Uber was legeluga lmao
sgao 📌: