Awesome stage to test out new balrog and lasvoss
Awesome stage to test out new balrog and lasvoss
I just figured the visual novel format would make this more interesting idk
Oh and uhh heads up that one panel contains mildly hostile usage of the color red =w=
Yay 150 days
Yesterday’s Answer: Snache
Winner: @Defendic Barracada
Defeat all enemies in the world. Mark IV Hood Cover: No Time. Heal the dead/dying. Conservatives have a bad reputation.
@AAGaming138 @Brute Bendy @CheezcakeForBekfast @CursedXyster @Deadlocked0990 @Doge69696969 @FlamingRedWaffle @Flint40 @GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki @HTFG Inc. @King Kang Roo @Liege Spectralis @MercuryScience @Moopymeebloopy456 @PirateStack2693 @Platinumv @Sleepy Yoru @Soul of the Maniac Marc @TheLocalPlayerSays @Yaaph @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
Yes you battle cats wiki people can send suggestions for a pfp for me. why you may ask? Well its because i have no clue what to make it, so just post images bellow that you think would be good. After abit I'll make a poll and people will vote on what will eventually be my new pfp.
You can write what units or enemies I would make next:D
List: @Justice615 @Jas0n516 @Thunderai175 @Crushash @Its-finally-friday @BalrogBOIIIISSS @Deadlocked0990 @HTFG Inc. @Rehan1241 @PlYmAuSy AgUyWhOlOvEsToPlAyBc @Manic titan @Liege Spectralis @U for Ubercarry @Battle Catser @A random asian person named khafidz @Metal Cappy @Totallyrealperson2 @XKachi @Basic Chuchu @ObamaRunGaming6969 @CoolCase @Big Bird @AnExampleOfADeliciousBiscuit952 @PirateStack2693 @Ninjasavvy @Personguy607 @KUYERPIP @Lollipop20 @Markiplier @Pizza Cat Battle Cat @MeowMewMan @Joziah7777 @Soul of the Maniac Marc @AnoopDAZ @Dubmass1 @CursedXyster @Dumbestjtohplayer @OmniKingLordZenoh
To put it well, just enemies that go fast, have quick area attacks, and have tons of HP, but deal amounts of damage that are not to really worry about, unless they're in stacks
Some Moss enemies can even Kamikaze after having their health on 0, dealing either Toxic and/or Curse on your units.
Here's Leshy Sánchez, the first example of a Moss enemy
Unlike other Snaches, water just makes her stronger, this information doesn't have anything to do with the game contents anyway.
Aka, Season 2, Episode 2, all the cats are coming in now, huh, this was some intense shit happening in Singapore, hope y’all enjoy (SUBTITLES IF NEEDED)
Tank Cat swearing and Doge crying are two things I’d never predict would happen
Yup, it’s here……The Cats and Enemies are back at it again, in a whole new series! And it seems Hippoe is plotting something….I also didn’t know Axe Cat was scared of spiders until now!
I’ll still give Subtitles if wanted
Indeed, in this episode, I decided that Axe Cat’s axe is broken, aswell as tease a new certain character (That hoodie looks awfully familiar) I hope y’all enjoy, next episode will the the finale of season 1! Also check out my art completion for 1000 posts (link in message wall) And I can’t stress enough, subtitles will be delivered if needed
I decided to spice things up this episode and put Snache in a cast from the events of the episode prior, all I can say is enjoy the show, and once again, I will be more than happy to offer subtitles if y’all can’t read anything
I lost the ruler to use margin lines for, so it looks a tad bit messy, I introduced Those Guys in this episode, also I will offer subtitles if anybody needs them, enjoy!
Let’s go! a trilogy, stay tuned for next weeks edition, I made it less mysterious on who I teased (definitely not Axe Cat) but I hope y’all enjoy this, and once again, I’ll offer subtitles if y’all can’t read my handwriting :3
Link to episode 1 is in my bio, and once again, I’ll offer subtitles if you can’t read anything, enjoy!!!
Who is the least annoying enemy in the Battle Cats (if you pick me I will be flattered~) I wanna hear your opinion! -Doge Wanko