This Tier List Is Based On Worst To Best Uber In The Banner.
The Ubers Will Be Rank By How Best They Can Be.
Including: Lvl 60, Talents, And Ultra Talents.
But still if the ultra talents make them way better and since ultra talents are still hard to unlock it will affect if it totally worth it and how much it affects the Uber
And Lastly This Tier List Is My Opinion. So Who You think Is The Better Uber Than Some Other Uber, I may Think Otherwise.
11. Zeus
This Uber is really interesting for me, by first glance you can tell he is a backliner tanker. His main ability is to resistant Angels and with Talents He can Also Target Zombies. His Health Is Actually really Good Towards These Traits, Around 300k Hp At Level 30 and When Level 60 it Gets Pretty close to 550k, but even though he has high health He Not A Front Liner At All because He Has 480 range making him stay in back. Another thing to note is his targeted traits are Obviously dumb because we have ramen cat and Shigong cat, and Then To make things worse He has only Decent DPS at Best, At Level 30 he has Only 6K DPS and It 11K At 60, And even though his Stats Seem Good At Level 60 To Be a Solid Range Dps And Tanker, It is not worth all the Cateyes And Xp. And Then The Last Thing I wanna go over is His Behemoth slayer Ability Once You get His ultra talents, it actually alright for his zombie trait since I don’t think there that many good anti zombies behemoths attackers but his angles behemoth damage get outclassed due to mushroom, Over all he Gets out classed Pretty Easily And The one Singular Thing That Is Alright About Him is He can Be a good anti zombie behemoth slayer but that only it, and if you thought I forgot about his slow ultra talent, i didn’t, it just sucks so much I didn’t even want to mention it until the end.
10. Hades
Another strange tanker that I think it just too bad to be an actually pick in your line up unless you maxed him to level 60 and maxed his talents, His Whole thing is just to be a wall since his dps is horrible exactly 7k dps at level 30 which may not seem bad at first but when you realize he has muti hit at most times he will only get 2/3 of his whole dps making it around a disgusting 4.5k dps and even at level 60 it only about 8.5k. And with the cherry on top his range is only 250 making him a melee Uber with bad offense. But enough about his bad offense I told you early he is a tank even though he not resistant to anything, well that because he has a crap load of base hp. To make it more clear at level 30 he has 425k Hp and exactly 800k HP at level 60, meaning he can stall Hoards of enemies for a while until he dies and he also have a lot of immunities especially immune to poison meaning there not that many ways for enemies to just kill him and move on. And If you think he done there you are wrong because with talents he has a low chance to weaken relic enemies by 50% and with his defense buff max he can reach around 950k Hp at Level 60 so at max he can hold around 2m hp towards relics at level 60 but he can only weaken relic for one second and only has a 20% doing so meaning unless you are super lucky he won’t have double his hp for long amounts of time. So overall he is a fantastic tanker but the reason why he is place at #10 on this list is because there are better crowed controllers Ubers in this set and you have to grind a lot of cateyes and Np to make him super good, and his offense is dog water also relics enemies can curse meaning he cant weaken making him not be able to hold around 2m unless you spend another 100 np for curse immunity, and recently he just got worser because gravi just got relic targeting and gravi at level 60 with max defensive buff can hold 1m hp towards relics and even though that is still only half, gravi actually does good damage, has a good wave, is way cheaper and has a way faster cooldown. Gravi just stomps hades at relic targeting but you can definitely use hades against other traits if you don’t have a good tanker for that trait.
9. Light Mother Aset
The newest Uber in the set and actually not a bad one nor a good one. Now she doesn’t have a true form yet so when she does I may make a new one maybe placing her higher and maybe change some Uber around but for now she stands as a somewhat bulky decent attacker. Her hp at level 30 is a good 120k and even though that sounds bulky-even when she not suppose to be a tanker-it is because she has 3 kb making her less bulky. But her offense is quite unique she has a 100% chance to create a level 2 wave giving her a nice damage boost and gains 50% of her dps when strengthen at 66% hp and for some reason she is also a colossus slayer, Now she not really good at doing burst damage in fact she only does 7k damage a hit and also only 13k damage per a hit at level 60, so with all her abilities combined at level 30 she can probably do 10k-15k if mother asset was strengthen and the enemy is a colossal and probably around 15k-20k at level 60, so we can probably still guess even with rough estimates that she not suppose to do big burst damage but instead with her high health and only needing 44% health taken to strengthen we can assume that she is instead suppose to do high damage over time instead of being a nuker and also her wave may not seem important but it actually somewhat make her a peon killer instead of adding more dps to her kit. When she get a true form I can actually see her getting a better strengthen then only half and maybe even a better wave attack but for now she a decent chipper and can easily clear hoards of low health peons because of how fast she attacks and her wave.
8. Poseidon
This one may be a little bit controversial but I’m not saying he is bad but weird targeting in my opinion. Poseidon is a rusher who can freeze metal and zombies for some reason, at level 30 he has 56k Hp which is decent and 6k dps which is also pretty decent. He is able to do a savage blow that gives him a high damage boost but there already a good super rare who can stop zombies and has savage blow. He has around a 50% up time on his freeze ability but to try to make up for all of that he has good mobility including high speed and only a recharge time of 80 seconds which is pretty low and his cost is also pretty low ($3900) and even though his stats become way better at level 60 I don’t recommend to waste all your cateyes. His freeze towards metal doesn’t really matter because a stack of hoop cats can perma freeze metals same with a stack of weedwacker cat can perma freeze zombies but Poseidon has the advantage for having area attack, he has pretty good general usage for being a range rusher with good damage but he placed at #8 because his high damage is luck base due to his savage blow and his abilities are somewhat useless but nevertheless he is a good rusher
7. Lucifer
A good anti Aku Uber and is alright pick against floating also, he is strong against the traits I just mention meaning he has 5k effective dps and has 80k effective health at level 30 which is actually good but his base stats are too low for him to have general usage, the main selling point is he is a sniper who has surge immune and strong against Aku. He is a sniper because he has 550 range and he has a nice LD spanning of ranges 400~700, the only thing that is bad about his Aku targeting is that he does not have shield pierce but that doesn’t make him un-usable just bring Aku researcher to fix your problem. His surge is not really important but instead it just makes him have more dps, so looking at the factors of him having a huge LD, surge immune, and already really good against Aku at level 30, if you need good burst damage towards hoards of Aku enemies you can boost him I don’t think you should do the full 60 but if this is one of your best anti Aku Ubers you should level him up to level 40-45 probably not 50 but the reason why I think you should boost him is because of his surge immune meaning he can kill a whole bunch of Aku enemies at once while staying at a safe distance and does not get the back lash from all the surges and since he is also a sniper who stay at a safe range he can probably stay on the field for a while and do tons of damage over time. So over all is a nice Uber to have for harsh Aku stages but I don’t think he can just fully carrier you through Aku realms but he is still a good Uber.
6. Aphrodite
This may also be controversial but she is not the holy god of sniping anymore but still is a good pick for alien stages, I remember people praising her for have a huge range of 600 but after all the draw backs of her kit I don’t think she is the best anymore is this banner, the first bad thing about her is her massive blind spot but to make up for it she does have 4 KB but I actually think because of how far her range is she may still not be able to hit a close range enemy like a bore even when repositioning another bad thing about her is she has pretty bad general dps actually only 3k and even though she has 600 range making her dps low, 3k is not a good number and even when you bring her to level 60 and max out her attack frequency up ultra talent it still only bring it up to 10k dps but you need 225 np and tons of cateyes were it not even worth it, and her true form just gives her more Hp no attack boost so since to the lack of damage out put she has been getting worser over the years but she has an ok general usage and can still dominate any alien stage so she is not all bad now but she is not all good now either but if you got her while she was in her prime it made you feel like you could beat any level first try
5. Anubis
The biggest comeback anyone have ever seen, people will usually put Anubis right after Zeus and I agree with that at level 30 he is simply not that good, so what changed over the years? Ultra Talents. Like most Almighties they will get the attack frequency up ultra talents but what make it stand out for Anubis is that it gives him no more attack frequency time meaning once his backswing is done he attacks again and again so obviously that mean he get more dps well exactly at level 60 and max attack frequency he has around 20k dps and with his surge he can do around 28k dps these numbers are obviously super high for an Uber with 425 range, but we still got to account that you have to upgrade him to level 60 and that will take a lot of cateyes and in my opinion it seems worth it to have a Uber who can do around 30k base dps while being a mid ranger but you will have to be in late game to have that many catseye dark that why he is a good #5 you can only use his real potential in late game once you have the right resources but if you only have him at level 30 he is not really that good, well the other things to talk about except for his ultra talents is what he do, well he has decent hp at level 30 and at level 60 he can be some what bulky like nefer aset, with talents he can be immune to surge which is really good and combine with his immunity to wave he can be a decent mid ranger in some cases, overall he is just dog water at level 30 and you can only see his true potential once you unlock his ultra talents and that is mostly in late game since of all the catseye dark you need making place at #5, I don’t recommend you use him at level 30 unless you are struggling with surge and you have his surge immunity but other than that there are better dps options then him at level 30.
Here comes the legend rare of this set and is actually a pretty good one, she does insane damage to Traited and has good range but her downside is she has a huge blind spot and her attack only has 50 inner range and with only 2 KB also she only has decent health at level 30 meaning she sucks at surviving, but her dps is amazing, toward traited she has around 20,000 dps and it gets way higher when you level her up so make sure to use your legend cateyes on her for she can reach humongous dps but her stats are kinda like hades but instead of health it damage, you will need to protect this cat with all cost because 2kb and only 50 inner range suck so bad that if the enemy moves up just by a little bit she will completely miss her dps and she also has muti hit and like I said early it mostly make it where she only get 2/3 of her total dps so at level 30 she may average around 13k dps instead of 20k and 13k is still good but your missing out on a whole other 7k damage output, but if you can keep the enemies at bay she should put a huge dent into their health it just gonna be hard, so overall she is good but not perfect she need huge support in order to work but it pays off by the dps so it kinda keep things balance in my opinion.
3. Ganesha
A really good generalist, Ganesha has really good stats even at first glance you would probably notice that Ganesha has the strengthen up ability making him already have double his dps at 80% HP which is super good and if you max his strengthen talent it can be 150% instead of just 100% strengthen, he has a good safe standing range of 400 and a LD spanning of 400~700, and also he has really good survivability by having around 70k HP and having 5 kb so since he has a blind spot him being able to reposition 4 times is amazing, and his dps is great too, and even though it just 3.6k base dps with his strengthen talent max he can reach around 10k dps and with max attack buff talent also he can have 12k dps, and at level 60 it can go up to around 20k dps and with his huge LD he can easily pierce through hoards of enemies and destroy them or put a dent into their health making him still good in late game, his general usage is just amazing and he can definitely help in some stages. the only down sides about him is he have a long TBA ( about 9 seconds) but with ultra talents it kinda fixes it and he also can have wave immune being a good attacker against harsh waves and immune to freeze ultra talent is nice but not needed. So over a great Uber to have and can definitely be one of the best Ubers in the game because of how much you can use him to make stages easier.
2. Chronos
This Uber is pretty tough to rate because a lot of people thinks she the best in the set and yes she is good but I think she is not the best in this set, looking over on what she can do is she has a muti attack (she hits three times) and each hit freezes Traited by 1-2 seconds and the Total freeze time is around 5 seconds and she attacks every 10 seconds so around a 50% up time which sounds only decent but you do have to include she can freeze everything that is off the bat she sounds like a good crowd control Uber and since she only have 3k dps the first or second hit from her muti hit will most of the time not KB the enemy and make them stay in her range and she also stands at a good range of 450 and has an LD of 300-700 she also has pretty good survivability, with her freeze most of the time it makes the other cats on the field get back on their feet and gain back control in rough situations, another good thing about this Uber is that when you are entering relic and Aku stages and since most of the time if you don’t have a good Uber for that trait it kinda hard because you barely get any non-Uber anti relic and Aku so if you have her she can make those early stages easier and also she can carry you through cyclone stages and other bosses that need more crowd control than damage, over all she is a perfect Uber for crowd control so I understand that why other people put her at one but she is only crowd control and only has a pretty decent up time so you can definitely use her in a lot of parts in the game but I don’t think she can fully carry you but most of the time she can help a lot, definitely a helpful Uber to have if you have her.
1. Amaterasu
In my opinion she is too over power, she is like a way more reliable version of Gaia but instead of having insane amounts of dps she can hit enemies more often instead of Gaia huge blind spot. So now her main thing is she does massive damage to Traited so against Traited she has around 10k dps at level 30 and if you max out her attack buff she gets 12k effective dps and at level 60 it turns into 20k damage which is good when she is kinda of a mid ranger, she also has decent survivability by having 50k Hp at level 30 and 4 knock backs now her total damage towards Traited is around 120k which can definitely put a dent into a harsh enemy and can also take away a good amount of health from a boss, she also have good mobility by having a pretty good cost and have a good speed but the 120 second recharge time is pretty long but not as long as other Ubers, and the last thing that is mostly important is her talents she becomes way better with her talents, it like if ponos actually gave time to think for once instead of giving useless talents the only talent I don’t think is needed is being able to survive a lethal strike but her other talents just add more to her kit, she can have Z killer and barrier breaker making it so she can deal with aliens and zombies easier, and also like I said before she can not always carry you but she is definitely helpful and another thing to note is she can basically fit in most of your line ups because of how good her general usage is, over all she is an amazing Uber to have and can do tons of damage over time because she has decent survivability and has really good dps, and I understand if you don’t think she is #1 for this set but either way she is definitely super good.
Well if you read this whole entire thing I be surprise, I will do another poll in the future of what set I should rank next. Honestly I was quite surprise how almighty blow the other sets in the park right now in my poll the set has 25% while the other 4 only have around 16%, it kinda sad dark hero’s only have 3% and thank you if you did vote in that poll. You can tell me to change some things in the comments if I agree with it and maybe when a good update goes to an almighty like I said before I may make a new one with more information, obviously I do not have every Uber in the set which kinda makes it harder to for me because I just don’t have clear insight so I just watch like xskull and dr.skull review and rankings for like an hour and a half to try to get insight on some of these Ubers, so if I am missing some things that are really important just tell me and I may fix it, also honestly most of these Ubers in this set are really good so even if you got Poseidon even when I put him at #8 he is still a good rusher to have for levels, I will keep posting what new stages/ achievements I have done and I just need to complete a little more merciless advent staged to complete them all so I can have a good idea about a easy to hard tier list about them.
Thank You For Reading All Of It!