Rare ticket one
2nd Rare ticket
150 CF
And finally 3rd and last Rare ticket which i got from the Cat dojo, everything else was either free NP or Rare/Super Rare
Rare ticket one
2nd Rare ticket
150 CF
And finally 3rd and last Rare ticket which i got from the Cat dojo, everything else was either free NP or Rare/Super Rare
Use pin-pad to complete life on this wiki
Bye guys o/
This is your R.E.I. guy, logging off for the last time.
Is this cat worth it??
I got it from the platinum ticket from 10000 rank
If you could take one Cat Unit and bring it to life as your friend, who would it be and why?
Excluding Collab units.
(paraphrased from litera1lytrash on Discord)
I'd choose Flight Unit R.E.I. 100% because...
Yeah :3
52 Votes in Poll
Yep, I got Doron. It was pretty easy, honestly. Artificial Strawberries was the only hard thing to me.
And then progress halted for a while.
-like a couple weeks ago-
I used my platinum ticket on the right roll to get her (@Paperier ).
However, there's something more important that happened today...
Jackpot. Time to steamroll the rest of UL.
Oh yeah, ignore that it's in German.
65 Votes in Poll
Because why not, the wiki is dead (real) and I'm bored...
Also Strike_Unit.jpg because why not
I completely forgot about this series
Red Riding Mina---> Red horses are dangerous
Strike Unit R.E.I.---> I work in Florida.
@Novastrala---> Is this worth it?
Credit to @CatsInAHoodieThatNeedSleep and @Paperier!
Ping List: @King Kang Roo @Just some meatshield @LiterallyJustN @Totaldestroy1234 @Loneguy67345 @Sleepy Yoru @Huwdte @CharlotteButMaid @Brute Bendy @Ramielinbattlecats @Mizu-na Tsubassa
@TheSillyKitty @Foxy76ru @Pizzamemes @DasliSimp @Basic Chuchu @Pastry Cat @PirateStack2693 @GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki @GMD Permanent
Ok jk its actually better: R.E.I.!
@Paperier magnificent, isnt it?
Oh, also
Buster collection completed so, woohoo :D
Inspired from @Fezz sizzle and @Paperier
Oh... wait... you meant the black version? nah im too tired, have this instead (sorry)
@GoofyGlizzyGremlin @Personguy607 @Liege Spectralis @Cinnamon Is Me @PlYmAuSy AgUyWhOlOvEsToPlAyBc @Loneguy67345 @Justice615 @Basic Chuchu @Solar Syrup @Fanplayer @Marcsalv1821 @ItsCforCattail @CatsInAHoodieThatNeedSleep @CorruptedAngaburu @LiterallyJustN @DMSVesper1 @A random asian person named khafidz @Loonaroonar @ObamaRunGaming6969 @Jas0n516 @Shadoscorpion @Thunderai175 @SneeryBasket508 @Radimthefirst @BigVoiceBird2 @Fishcat11 @ImNot.Matcha123 @PirateStack2693 @AnoopDAZ @EXLord1 @Reedlingfan265 2.0
38 Votes in Poll
Alright so i have greek in my school for mythology purposes and/or extra torture
And basically there's a thing where if the base of the word ends with r, e, or i then the ending of the word changes letters
But those letters.. are R, E and I
And they even call it the REI-rule
@Paperier get a load of this guy
Now ok. Because it's halloween. I was just gonna spin until i got a halloween cat. But uhh.... yeah i got something better.
Today's Cat is...
40 Votes in Poll