K bye
46 Votes in Poll
25 Votes in Poll
Renovated the bedroom, got true forms 5, 6, and 7, brute forced through 1 crown SoL up to Jail Break Tunnel (given how I barely got through Sin and Punishment I'm not sure I'm ready to take on Ururun yet), went and also cleared the first three chapters of SoL up to 4 crown (and then a quick Zombie outbreak for that last ten catfood needed to gamble on Superfest), I'd say it's a good day -w-
Also I have all my scaling references except Gladios, Dreadpirate Catley, and Catellite (I just need a screenshot of them next to a Tank Cat or the Cat Base please and thank you)
She will be and has been of use :)
Say what you will but I want to make as much use of him as possible before SOMEONE comes and ruthlessly dethrones him >:|
Sweet Bro Cats work well enough but waves should feel even less scary now (Bun Buns definitely aren't anymore) -w-
I do not know if they're good or not but cool ig
...I was not expecting to get my first ever Uber once again, Deja Vu much :|
Very cool beans -w-
Last time, Catman got into B, but was close to getting into C. I guess this is what being outclassed and/or outdated does to a mf. Anyway, next up is The White Rabbit, vote on where you think she deserves to be in the tier list and tell me why if you can.
Rules in case you don't remember:
Vote on where the uber goes on the tier list based on viability
The placement with the most votes is where that uber goes on the tier list.
If there's a tie, I will do some goofy thing to decide the tiebreaker.
You can only vote for a tier that is listed in the tier list
The next set of ubers is decided by a wheel that was rolled (the order is already set now)
If you have any more questions, ask Flint40, not me.
@SneeryBasket508 @ThatExperimentalKid @CatsInABox1650 @FurnitureEnthusiastAstral @Your Local Idiot lll @Sleepy Yoru @FreefanofPI o7 to MeowMewMan @Huwdte @Deezcheese @DMSVesper1 @HTFG Inc. @Basic Chuchu (yes ik I'm pinging myself but I cant be bothered) @Sharkey192 @Soul of the Maniac Marc @NerdyBoy5 @Thunderai175 @ZerotheHero1200
Oh cool 50 parts yippee
Baby Cat, Aer, and TWR are some of my favorite units in the game. Why the fuck is ponos like this...
20 Votes in Poll
White Rabbit's ultra form looks insanely good, the attack animation is really well animated and the longer hair makes her look amazing.
Also, if Doremi revenge stages don't allow specials I can always use Yukimura and some Attack combos.
Also, another speed up (M) combo, with Daliasan, nice.
13.4 is coming.
And our wrathful god (Ponos) has decided to bless the worst Dark Hero with a UR! She's got a TBA reduction, huge ATK boost, decent HP boost, a backswing reduction, and keeping all of her abilities from all forms (except KB) and gaining LD.
I have no clue how balancing works, but I feel like that's pretty good. What do you guys think? I need to know.
Yesterday’s Answer: The Grey Fox
nobody got that lol
Some people love this island. This is especially important for a dark red background. Lord of war and protection.
@AAGaming138 @Brute Bendy @CheezcakeForBekfast @Deadlocked0990 @FlamingRedWaffle @GmaticLooksIntoTheWiki @HTFG Inc. @King Kang Roo @Liege Spectralis @MercuryScience @Moopymeebloopy456 @PirateStack2693 @Platinumv @Sleepy Yoru @TheLocalPlayerSays @TheSillyKitty @Yaaph @Yyyyyyyyyyy520
Pinglist: @CorruptedAngaburu @Fezz sizzle @SakuraDiamond @Skeptical27 @Thunderai175 @BalrogBOIIIISSS @Liege Spectralis @Marcsalv1821 @A1vin485 @PirateStack2693 @Eeee1011
I've been having fun imagining how the characters interact. Somehow ended up on the idea of Vigler being Myrcia's butler. So I guess there's a reason I always have the two in my lineup besides both being my highest level ubers idk
Last time I got The White Rabbit and now I got Summoner Satoru
Yeah... he probably sucks first of all he is only good against aku
Which being in the beginner meta kind of sucks rn because
I am nowhere near unlocking aku realms yet I haven't even beat itf 3
I'm considering just selling him.
That was the only thing I got from that 11-draw.
Idk why but i have extreme luck on 150 catfood rolls, like half of my ubers are of 150 rolls
Idk if she is good but a new uber (i will see later)
I did the thingie+treasures
Platinum Ticket She’s not the best but she’s new and cool
31 Votes in Poll