Tell me do you have Phonoa or Izanagi, or both
Tell me do you have Phonoa or Izanagi, or both
Whens the next fest, cuz im tryna see if I have any good ubers coming soon.
New Year, new luck, or thats what I thought. I checked my seedtracker for the next few dozen banners and what a magnificent view! Not a single uber within 100 rolls of any banner in sight. Im cooked since my luck has been abysmally bad after I rolled 3 ubers in one 10x pull for ultra souls 2 months ago.
I got almost 30 rare tickets
Idk which fest I should roll on, (I want to get dasli) here are my fest ubers & legends
Should I roll on uberfest, epicfest, or superfest? (I know dasli is in epicfest btw)
I checked the pages for them, and either I read them wrong or it doesn't tell you when they happen. I know they happen in the weekends, do you know which one is coming for the weekends?
Hi everyone, i have some question today !
I don't know if the busterfest is a good event for spend some ticket. i have already 4 uber on this event before so i think is not a good event for me.
I don't really know how to spend my golden tickets yet but I think the best thing is to wait the superfest or the uberfest and only invest in these two events, right ?
And as soon as there is a half price promotion for the 11 draws I pay it on the best events available, it's a good idea or it is better that I save my cat food to spend them on the superfest and uberfest ?
And i don't have any super rare limited like metal and rich cat so waht do you think about this super rare limited ? Its a good idea to spend some ticket on busterfest for touch it ? ( 7 super rare limite as available on buster fest )
And what do you think about all super rare limited ? What super rare limited i need to touch in priority ?
That a lot af question XD
Thanks all for yours answers !
34 Votes in Poll
What’s with the 1A and 1B? I’m a bit confused about how it exactly works, hopefully I can get some answers, if anyone can explain it simply, it would be a great help🙏🏼
Here are his options.
Nurse Cat (uberfest)
Drednot (epicfest)
(Why are most all of them Akubers?)
Which one do you think is the best?
For context, he already has Aether, Squirtgun Saki, Togeluga and Mola King.
Just got them with rare tickets. Imma keep them in my refrigerator until I get them
.. did you really expect something else?
39 Votes in Poll
I thought I got the curse of anti red
Turns out I got the curse of gimmicky Ubers.
Now what do I do with...
2 archers
A Jurassic, matador and pirate
1 Swimmer, fencer, and hip-hop?
Oh yeah I'm at chp.1 I.t.F level of progress and I already have archer + Jurassic
38 Votes in Poll
Ok, long story but basically I need to get good ubers (I have no op ubers except for gao) I need to catch up on true forms (I can't decide on liberty cat or fishman cat tf) and I'm in need of + levels. What I want answered is, 1: how do I seed track? 2: how do I get to easy rare tickets / cat food? 3:liberty or fishman.
I also have a legend in 5, but we all know I’m waiting for Uberfest.
Anyway, the (non-dupe) ubers available for me are:
Lucifer (Uberfest)
Terun (Epicfest)
For reference, here are the Ubers/Legends I have.
Starred Ubers are either Ubers I have already TFed or ones that don’t have a TF yet but I have already boosted them to at least level 30. (Except for Momoco who is LV 27)