1% chance!
Now I'm a 15th of the way to the next UF!
That is all.
Yellow B. Gems? Yay...
I haven't had to farm those for ages.
Aw no, I actually have to do starred UL now...
Gotta love the creativity that went into the name.
Squid is a fun word, but I prefer Sardine.
48 Votes in Poll
1% chance!
Now I'm a 15th of the way to the next UF!
That is all.
The name is a bit lazy, they just stuck a Z on the end. Other than that, she looks pretty good.
I've already done the ZL stage designed for her though. Oh well.
I keep getting million-dollar cat
Tribute to slime cat 🫡
Not promoting a video because this one is set to unlisted.
That means only you lucky lot can see it.
Ultimate Windy can one-shot Corrupt Valkyrie (with all treasures)
I don't bother grinding the stages during the event because I'm lazy. I think Kuwagata and Kabuto are both around +20-+25, whilst Firefly cat is a bit behind.
Bill Cipher?!
Which reminds me, Amazon STILL hasn't delivered me the book of bill.
And with more pixels
Managed to do both of these uberless. Turns out that you can rush the second stage. (I learnt that after clearing it from the comments on the wiki page.)
Exact same lineup as the first stage, I just removed the combos.
Dogumaru is a good pick here, although the amount of times he was knockbacked mid attack was getting annoying.
No more slime cat usage 😔
This is probably like the 10th post on this you've seen today, so thanks for reading.
Necroposter happened
That's not my intention; I love people true forming cats.
Sakura's is actually good? I didn't bother reading up on it so I thought it was going to be meh.
Oh wait... If Oda wins, I've gotta grind aku catfruit! I hate grinding aku catfruit.