i big bug.
Don’t listen to @ABattleKitten
There’s some decent shit in SOL you can find, notably Ururun who is a really good backliner and comes pretty early on (I think subchapter 16), and Mina who’s only halfway through, and that’s shorter than you think it is
No, the thing is that immodest modesty comes right after moby dick
i big bug.
Domain expansion.
n u h u h
This is the response I expected
@Skeptical27 nuh uh
Bc players when someone says something that’s slightly different than what they say (it’s barely even that different)
Bruh the only reason I didn’t put balrog in S was because he does make your loadout 100x better instantly. I’m pretty strict with S tiers
@FreefanofPI i don’t even know what that is
@BaniTheBunny yes
Shut up @Jambi44444 nobody gives a fuck
I think he is A+ mostly because he is a more versatile musashi. He’s got crazy highs and crazy lows, but you typically see the highs. But the fact he’s not good literally everywhere is the reason that has A+ instead of S tier
@Soul of the Maniac Marc wanna know something funny? I got lumina in my first 150 cat food draw. People advised me not to
I got shadow gao from my first platinum draw, by getting from an 11 draw. People advised me not to.
This was after like 4 failed strings of Uber hunting. And my first plat ticket gets me THIS?
I’m a little late but moving some units around helps with placing, atleast for me. (Put macho, tank, and samba close together)