i would get into competitive but im too lazy to get stuff like bottle caps n everything
i feel like posting this image a second time because im bored
sigma baby!!!
ass list, dioramos too low🤑🤑🤑🤑
oh my GOD its DIORAMOS🤑🤑🤑🤑
servers rarely get that far btw
and yea its raigforce
its an incredibly unfair game and we lost when the final boss had 255 hp
all this time i havent upvoted the store post and im not gonna be that guy who waits to be the 100th person to upvote it
moth is pretty cool, though personally i prefer prehistoric moth
dioramos’ ultra form
dioramos’ true form
i set my pfp to flutter mane like 2 days ago and then this happens
theyre all so diverse
it just seems bizarre
guys why is fezandipiti poison/fairy
at first i was certain it was poison/flying but it wasn’t weak to rock slide and it resisted dark aura wheel so then i was lead to believe it was poison/dark but then it was weak to steel so then that finally lead me to knowing its poison/fairy
but come on, it doesnt even get levitate
can’t believe i wasn’t pinged😔😔😔
@EpicCybop1234 the sequel has been out for nearly 2 years now