Mogger cat
Valk should be bumped down a tad just because the unit is not worth it at all, Valk really needs those special talents.
Literally the tracker website, tab through the events.
Sea angel!!
We don't even have this man lmao
Dude the XP costs should just be the defaults for legend rares, also just provide level 30 stats.
Stats are not high so he'll get one shot regardless
What the tier maker link?
"It feels like gambling"
You won't like the truth
It is gambling
Funny yellow sumo wrestler guy with glowy forehead
Put all of them in top tier except for the children and the pixies 😇
Tell tale cues pointing to Japanese are present, besides, Korean is way different
I've spent way too much trying this lmao I have not been active here because of it
This one achievement has caused me such insanity and I watched as I failed, a foot away from victory
I don't remember the stats exactly but Xskull has a video review on B. Balaluga, he explains it very well.