21 Votes in Poll
S tier. Destroys anything metal and is also a good generalist.
I will try to continue to make this daily, but no promises because I have a social life.
If you don't know, this is the name of a stage from either SoL, UL or ZL, generated using the random page button. You need to guess which. This is just a way to test your knowledge on useless BC facts. DO NOT answer in the comments. Also, I live in Australia, so if it is not quite the next day for you, oh well.
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21 Votes in Poll
They may be talked about, but hazuku.
What are the chances? Random page button is making this easy.
I will try to continue to make this daily, but no promises because I have a social life.
If you don't know, this is the name of a stage from either SoL, UL or ZL, generated using the random page button. You need to guess which. This is just a way to test your knowledge on useless BC facts. DO NOT answer in the comments. Also, I live in Australia, so if it is not quite the next day for you, oh well.
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40 Votes in Poll
Easier than 1* UL. There are only two hard-ish stages and that is metafilibuster (first stage) and this one stage about halfway through with pterowl hazuku.
I thought I would do the same, but 2* is MUCH more threatening than it looks. Don't even get me started on 3*.
You should when you get the chance. Idi hard carry 1* UL
Croconator. Seems threatening if you didn't bring a critter, but can easily be brute forced.
Probably Dogu ngl. (you should've already beaten 4* SoL by that point though)
If you don't know, this is the name of a stage from either SoL, UL or ZL, generated using the random page button. You need to guess which. This is just a way to test your knowledge on useless BC facts. DO NOT answer in the comments. Also, I live in Australia, so if it is not quite the next day for you, oh well.
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26 Votes in Poll
If you don't know, this is the name of a stage from either SoL, UL or ZL, generated using the random page button. You need to guess which. This is just a way to test your knowledge on useless BC facts. DO NOT answer in the comments. Also, I live in Australia, so if it is not quite the next day for you, oh well.
Pinglist so far:
@Soul of the Maniac Marc @Sharkey192 @ZerotheHero1200 @Deezcheese @CursedXyster @Basic Chuchu @BalrogBOIIIISSS @SneeryBasket508 @Thunderai175 @FurnitureEnthusiastAstral @Randomguy567 @IFloppa
31 Votes in Poll
If you don't know, this is the name of a stage from either SoL, UL or ZL, generated using the random page button. You need to guess which. This is just a way to test your knowledge on useless BC facts. DO NOT answer in the comments. Also, I live in Australia, so if it is not quite the next day for you, oh well.
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28 Votes in Poll
Random page generator is mean to me.
Sorry for not doing it over the weekend, I was away with the family.