Is the new Kang Roo variant carrying potions as boxing gloves?
If something has a long attack animation, Rock can stall them for a while by bumping into their range during their backswing, causing them to fully complete their attack animation. Plus, it usually dies before getting hit, so things that require hitting an enemy(like Wave or Surge) don’t trigger if there’s no other cats in the enemy’s range.
Congratulations! Enjoy the 1% health boost!(and Double Money, I suppose)
See you, Jambi. I hope the situation gets better.
Welcome to the Battle Cats fandom! We hope you have fun participating in our active discussions and eventually become as wise as Hermit Cat with all of the knowledge from our pages.(Please erase any vandalism or report it to the nearest moderator.)
If you don’t mind, can you show me a link to the music, or is it just on the Music page?
Goodbye, Jason. I hope to see you again sometime.
Banned for violence
And yes, Dancer outranges D’ark, but he’s still viable due to him not outranging the LD and D’ark’s Massive Damage + Strengthen abilities.
Dancer Cat’s damage isn’t really the problem; it’s his high health and support. He has 3,000,000 health in that stage with only 5 knockbacks, and several annoying pushers are added over time so you can’t really just chip him down, such as Angelic Gories, Bores and Metal Doges. While his 42,000 damage is still high and can one-shot most meatshields, his decent delay between attacks allows for fast-moving ones to slip in between them.
Morning Rush Hour is supposed to be, well, “rushed” because of the unbelievable amount of Sunfish Joneses & Capies that spawn after around 3 minutes. You probably failed to reach that time limit due to the high health of the Sunfish Jones & Capies on 3*, but you should still be commended for eventually managing to defeat the horde of Capies and Sunfish Joneses, even with the help of Ubers.
I think either will work, because Awakened Bahamut outranges the Manic Lions. Might want to get confirmation still, though.
Yes, especially if you have a problem with Ragin’ Gory or Black enemies in general, as the massive damage multiplier allows for her to melt through their HP. Plus, they’re continuously kept away with the surge abusing most Black enemies’ high knockback count.
Yeah, but only after you’ve invested into some of the high priority talents. Weaken and the stat boosts are good, but they just make a good unit slightly better.
It’s nice to meet you, Azurastral! I hope you have a great time here.
It’s not (91/100)*11, it’s (91/100)^11. Exponentation is far more powerful than multiplication.
Because there’s never a 100% chance to get an Uber in an 11-draw unless it’s explicitly stated.
Good job! It must’ve taken a lot of hard work and luck. And also, how many Zombie Outbreaks do you have left in ItF?
Good job!
Ah yes, a perfect combination:
-The most annoying frontliner in the game
-The most annoying backliner in the game