(warning: SEVERE cussing alert, because it's the anti alien alarm. so no marcianitos either.)
Normal Form will stay as an Anti-Red, HOWEVER, We'll buff his health, attack rate, and speed a bit. Yeah.
Brave Cat Will get revoked from the Anti-Red grades, and now he'll have a 50% chance to either knockback far enough, or critical hit.
Dark Cat? Uhhh, idk??? You do the stuff.
And as soon as i looked at Ninja Cat, I just thought of this but with both the latter and the former
Seems like Actress Cat decided to practice kicking rather than punching...
Not sure if the IR fellas will like this so i posted it here
Oh HELL nah, we're not going throught the oil again
I'm NEVER leaving Gross Cat until i get the Crazed or Brainwashed Gross Cat
Because if Gross Cat has no fans, i don't exist
If Gross Cat has fans, i'm one of them
The image even says "boxing sans"
No, like, leave 2 weeks the game
I need to wait 2 weeks to get a Rare Ticket, that's what my cousin told me
You just won the lottery
Silly guy
Mohawk cat doesn't use his newfound arms to fight, because if he did... well...