After testing, yeah uhhh you can confidently skip Yukimura. Baha Blast legitimately does about 3-5 times more per cast than Yukimura
Because everything he does, courier is better at. Even without courier's existence, Raiden is aggressively whatever as a behemoth slayer
@BaniTheBunny even against blacks, Bahamut is sometimes better since he can hit blacks walking towards him and juggle them, Yukimura can not.
@Egostic Ergo lmao no. Boarderline, you're trying to say 2+2=1. One is a 50% dps increase when nearly dead, the other is doubled damage with higher range, 70% damage even further, and 30% even further. Bahamut is better against Aku, Bahamut is better against high KB enemies, Bahamut is better against enemies he can hit, Bahamut can unironically snipe enemies. Explosion is the best ability for a rusher to have outside of a ridiculously high chance Savage blow, and even then, Blast is still better if there is more than 1 enemy. Even Balrog strengthen would be worse than blast. Wave can't hit an enemy that got 1 hit kb'd, Blast can. Surge needs a good spot to hit an enemy that was 1 hit kb'd, and doesn't have as good of an area, Blast is 100% consistent and has a better area.
Not even remotely close. If Yukimura is an atomic bomb, Bahamut with blast is a supernova. This one change makes Yukimura drop at least 3 tiers (SS down to A) on the uber tierlist, and at least 4 or 5 on the investment tierlist (meaning them being worth investing) literally the only thing Yukimura has over Bahamut, is a faster cooldown, which doesn't matter since Bahamut can legitimately get 3-4 times more usage per cast at least even despite the lower hp. Blast lets Bahamut chain enemies with double the hp and lets him get 70% more damage on enemies he already 1 hit kb'd, he's sometimes better against blacks since blast juggles them. Yukimura is dead. Count Yukimura is better now.
Hi Skeptical
I changed it anyways
You are stupid
Baby Cat is best, it's simple but fixes every single one of their problems and they're already stat based
Next is Windy, Floating is no longer a trait, but a pile of corpses
Third is Kenshin surprisingly. Weirdly good for her traits, and isn't replaced by anything
Not great, not horrible, very whatever but a good combo
Who tf is voting Phonoa? He's only better in like 10% of stages with Dasli being better in the rest, or both being useless
Imagine not reading the context first. Ffs y'all the type of people to say "get Klay UT instead of Kaguya" to someone who has D'ark and Sao, and struggles against Metals
Balrog needs a lot more investment than you can afford to be usable, Bazi destroys the part of the game you're at. Guess.
@AAAAnomaly Shishilan isn't even in the upper half of lugas lmfao. Get out of 2019. He fucking sucks
Best is Assassilan or Luffy.
@Ninjasavvy no, Shishilan was out of meta in 2020. And things have only gotten much much worse for him, to the point there's a lot of stages where it's a burden to take him. UT Nekoluga surpasses him simply due to a shitty knockback and freeze with surge imune being better than what he can do
Max potential assumption? Nekoluga. Practically? Shishilan since you're never getting UT Nekoluga. They all suck though and are xp drains
Icat fucking sucks lmao
Emma is literally the only good option for this
This shouldn't even be a poll. The only non uber that's worth using a elder catfruit for, is slapstick. The rest are liabilities to use