Oh nvm
Here is your lineup:
Cannon: Tbolt or Deafult if theres no Holy B. or Breaker B.
Battle Items: Rich Cat
Cheating Heart(Resarch up M)
Dark Phono
Cat of Liberty
Sniper/Talented Archer
No problem,subterra>weedwacker
Also bring a rich cat.
No need for gravi,he does well against aliens but if zyclone reaches hım(which it can with ease due to gravis mid range) he will die.
Use subterra. You can replace weedwacker with cyberpunk or talented archer since he is enough for zyclone('s) alone paired with ectos.
Use dphono and subterra for remaining 2 slots.
Dphono alone is better than both cyberpunk and sniper.
They are not that important. Do you have sniper the deadeye or cyberpunk? They can fill the remaining 2 slots if you do use the units i recommended.
Complete cotc and get all starred alien treasures.
Zyclone is so ez to CC. Just get ecto,weed,and housewife.
For aliens,Cat of liberty is a good choice(even better if talented). A resarch up M combo would be nice if you are planning to use Catellite and shigong.
Replace Manic Mohavk with samba,so berserkory will land hits less frequently. Manic mohavk is fast so it causes berserkory to do successful waves.
I thought Cat machine always had that sry
Pizza is better than both keiji and jizo,i mean you cant really compare pizza and keiji to eachother due to different roles but pizza is just more effective. I use hım in my general lineup and he does very well. Also he is a midranger so he can safely hit melee enemies. Jizo... I heard he is not very op in todays BC anymore.
Fishman is worse than can can once you get double bounty. But very good against floatings ofc.
Octo is must use for some stages. Tho if you have cat machine no need for octo. Except in manic/crazed flying maybe.
Nah this is not worth upgrading to lvl10+
Only ones worth are:
Tecoluga(Has %50 crit chance with talents and VERY high single target damage,known as a boss killer. Also he literally one-shots metal cyclone)
Balaluga(Cyberpunk but does freeze. Decent CC. But just upgrade hım to lvl10 he already has trash HP and DMG nothing changes much. Tf it if you are rich enough.)
Assasinlan(A 2nd cyberpunk. Also has the highest range in the game)
Others are either trash or just need too many investments to be viable.
Talent him if you havent done yet too.
Worse than dphono and dasli smh but does a good job against traitless backliners and peons.
I think jurassic catsitter is too much of a specialist.
I would switch that with kunio if you have hım.
That is the worst pixie though.
Whos gonna tell bro he got one of the best units in the game? Oh wait i just did that.
But free 5 catfood from cat guide is something different🤑