I'll just say every disagreement I have. If you need me to expand on any of them, I'll explain.
Akuma right down at the bottom. Poor survivability and doesn't contribute anything to the field if you
Miyamoto WAY higher holy shit he's actually great and the community doesn't see that for some reason. Amazing anti-black, destroys two colossus stages and allows you to farm them easily, works as a generalist, and single target is not that big of an issue nowadays.
Izanami higher. She is arguably the best anti-traitless in the game and is able to make up for her poor generalist stats through her spirit giving her use on mixed stages as well.
Muu higher up. One of the best anti-zombies in the game with his base defender niche being amazing for being an anti-zombie.
Emperor Cat down. His procs are inconsistent and throughout the course of a stage has a likely chance of not helping. Being a standard super backliner while still making him an overall good unit, does not allow for him to compare to the legend rares below who destroy their traits.
I know someone who got warned for saying the word "Jizzer".
I also pulled out a case deep in my mind of when my friend was talking about seed tracking outside of underground channels. Someone asked him, "What is a seed tracking?" and got warned for it. Meanwhile my friend who was the one who brought up the topic outside of the underground channels got off scot-free.
I cried so much with this post.
Thank you for posting EpicCybop1234.
I have both Dasli and Izanagi and have completed all of crowned UL.
Dasli is better.
Yes save for Bahamut explosion talent. It's so fucking absurd.
Would've been diabolical.
Izanagi is leagues above other legend rares it's kind of crazy. He is by far the best choice.
You can just Sniperpunk cheese through the stage if need be.
If you hate Snierpunk, then you can just play it like how you would Floor 30.
Is bro really saying 18k LD DPS is weak and just makes Dasli a "supporting unit".
Holy shit that is fucking delusional.
No I invested NP to get slow against angels frfrfrfr.
Fr Cybop is peak celebrity.
Yo Kalisa is my favourite supporting unit in the game fr.
So don't use Dynasaurus on your generalist team lol.
Does bro really think curse is the only thing Dasli can do? 💀💀💀
@Orthosglazerbc Actually Bahamut has no stat talents lol. He still gets the explosion that doubles his damage output however.
If you're not tracking, Almighties is better.
If you're tracking, Dynamites is better.
@Egostic Ergo Are you seriously saying doubled the amount of damage output + pierce if you land an attack is worse than a 50% damage increase that only happens at low hp?
You are actually just spreading misinformation at this point I'm sorry to say.
yr'oue* ngl