Hey, it's me Smug Bora. The one who posted the 1 minute of scrolling through a reply about Anubis. I'm pretty inactive on Fandom recently but something interesting happened to me. I got stalked on Discord! Well, it's pretty weird for me to post this on the Fandom Wiki but hey, it's like the only place I can yap about getting stalked outside YouTube. I'm gonna go a little in-depth regarding about this incident and maybe a "little" backstory... Ok I'll open my yapper and spend maybe 1 hour cooking.
How was I stalked?
It started because I started ignoring him. So, he's just salty for being ignored right? Yeah, but it's more than just that. Before I started ignoring him, he suggested me to play Blue Archive (this gacha game will probably be the star of this essay) because I posted on his server that I was downloading games because I just beat Soractes in Battle Cats. Little did I know this is where our friendship deteriorated. Maybe around Three to Four months passed, Canned Juice and a couple more prominent figures of the BC community hosted the e350 event. I was in a team full of my friends and one night, one of my groupmates posted fanart about Blue Archive. I showed this to him, and he told me to leave the groupchat. Basically, booting me out of the event. I obviously said no because we had a totally well-designed stage. Two weeks later, I posted on my YouTube on why I chose BC over Pokemon Go. I showed it to him, and he didn't care at all in the slightest. Keep in mind, this was the correct choice because the Pokemon Go community wanted me gone. He forced me to read an essay on why he retired on BC because, one of my reasons directly contradicts his essay. No empathy was shown... Ok, fast forward maybe like 3 days... There was this Total Assault in Blue Archive called Chesed (I personally call him Metal Meatball). He told me to do Extreme Difficulty. I told him I can't cause I lack the Stalin of Blue Archive. He then called me delusional in a very stupid way (by making an essay on why she's shit). I was fed up with his delusions. I promised to myself that I will ignore him no matter what. Fast forward a month, he finally noticed I've been ignoring him so he basically DMed me like 20 times. It didn't grab my attention, so he then resorted to stalking... He went to one of the servers I'm in and begged for my attention. Absolute asshole to deal with. He bombarded me with his delusions and now he traced my footsteps on a discord server. Luckily, he got banned pretty fast. But this is not over yet...
What I did after getting stalked
Day 1
So, I immediately informed my friends I'm getting stalked in a discord server.
A couple of them responded instantly. And one of them, although didn't respond immediately, said that he should disguise himself as my alt. At first glance this was a bad idea because he'll be suspicious of someone randomly joining his server. But then I realized that if I make him block me then he'll stop stalking me. So, me and my friend decided to prank him, and it was executed perfectly! Well until day 2.
Day 2
He'd eventually find out that it was just a prank. That's all what happened. Also, I forgot to block him, so I blocked him on this day. Then, one of his server members DMed me a picture of what seemed to be an apology. The thing is that it didn't matter. Stalking me and Block Evading via using people? That's pretty fucked up behavior! So, I sent him a screenshot of what was my latest post that day which was me telling him to fuck off and went to bed.
Day 3
September 23, 2024... First day of exams. The situation minimized my time on studying for it. I woke up to a 10-paragraph essay sent directly to me. The essay was so huge (not as big as the Anubis one :P) that it took Two screenshots from an iPad. Salty for getting blocked, eh? Also, after I came home after I finished making the "Operation 10th Anniversary" video.
Day 4
I got a DM from someone shady. I checked it and it's him block evading totally not a big deal, right? Well, evading blocks are against Discord Community Guidelines. I had a similar incident like four months ago but this one's worse by a mile. Had to make a post telling him to move the fuck on. Well did he stop? Yes...? No...? Not sure because tonight, I got a DM from my friend that he's still desperate.
Day 5+
Climax of the drama done. Nothing left other than minor reminders that he exists.
How this affected me?
To be honest, yeah it affected me personally because I got stalked for the first time. Like why would you go this far to get my attention? Also, I did mention about exams and how my time for studying was cut cause of this drama. Well, it was not just exams. I participated on an International Math Olympiad and wow the number of DMs this guy sent me when I was preparing is insane. Didn't affect my placement though. I don't have the pride to flex what I got so sure this is all you get.
Why did I post this in the BC Fandom out of all places?
Oh yeah, he stalked me... on a Battle Cats server. He went to r/battlecats and stalked me.
A little comparison to a similar case three to four months prior.
I had this one person in my DMs and I had to block her. What surprises me is that what they did is a little too similar. They both block evaded, they were both banned in r/bc, and both of them were desperate for attention.
Obviously, there were differences like I had to report one of them to Xskull for using his server to evade a block and one of them didn't stop after getting blocked TWICE.
That's all I have to say...
Bora out.