Where blanka
@Ninjasavvy Crazed macho has the same speed as manic eraser
If you’re going for the legend rare just go for gaia
@Qwdfv Octo gets annihilated by the cyclone
Replace eraser with bullet train, cutter or awakened bahamut
Nyandam when lv 50 courier
Just use dasli lol
80% boost is only for purchasable specials
Lils only get 20% increases
Uf windy or your lame
The step by step rolls have a guaranteed roll at the end
@D'arkatanyan Pretty sure your supposed to get idi somewhere between dogu and doron
@BaniTheBunny What?
Healer collab
Cat machine, lassvoss, masamune, lilin, hejivak, the white rabbit, ganesha, poseidon, nobiluga, kaoluga, darktanyan and dphono
@TakisManagerTheFirst he wasn’t even the vandal lol
Friday is epicfest
Why is he even doing this lol all its doing is flooding recent changes