Battle Cats Wiki

Aguham is the 37th stage in Cats of the Cosmos.


Rarity: Only Special


Chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 3[]


Chapter 1[]

The Metal Hippoe is the main issue, as it makes it unnecessarily difficult to hit Le'Solar. Miss MONEKO will probably be the only anti-Metal Special Cat in your arsenal, but remember that Critical Hits aren't the only way you can win. At the 250% buff it appears with, Metal Hippoe takes 200 hits to get rid of; using rapid and/or multi-hit attackers like Riceball Cat can speed up the process.

While Awakened Bahamut Cat is good, Crazed Bahamut is arguably better here, with enough range to land hits on Le'Solar and the Star Pengs without getting hit for a while. If you're lucky, he may even defeat Le'Solar before Metal Hippoe.

Summon Miss MONEKO anytime she is available, and spam Riceball Cats throughout the entire battle. Summon Ninja Frog Cats or Dark Lazers for extra hits to quickly destroy any Metals, but not too many so you can save up quickly to summon Bahamut; both his Awakened and Crazed forms have their uses here. After that, you can summon everything else.

If you have extra slots available, you may use any Cat Combo for Starting Money, Attack or Defense.

Strategy 1[]

Start by waiting for Metal Doge to hit your base and summon Miss MONEKO: she has 3 attempts to kill the Metal Doge, but that isn't important. If she fails for the 3rd time or when the Shibalien Elite gets close, spam meatshields and Unicycle Cats, making sure to keep no more than 5 Unicycles alive. When the Metal Doge dies, spawn only meatshields and keep your money above 3,000¢.

After the boss spawns, summon Valkyrie and meatshields, including Miss MONEKO and Unicycle. Keep 1,500¢ in the wallet for later at all times. You have to stall and damage the Star Pengs until 3 are stacked, then use the Cannon to make them synchronize and prepare your wallet with 5,000¢ or more money. Now summon A. Bahamut to kill the Star Pengs at once, make sure to have Unicycles as extra meatshields for this part. Bahamut should get rid of the Star Pengs and die after a while. In the meantime, spam everything to kill the Metal Hippoe and stall Le'Solar until another A. Bahamut becomes available, but it is possible that your original one will be alive. A. Bahamut can easily beat Le'Solar and win at this point.

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 2 changes things significantly by replacing Metal Hippoe with an UltraBaaBaa. While UltraBaaBaa can be taken out more quickly and consistently than Metal Hippoe, options for doing so are even fewer: you effectively have to use either Loincloth Cat, Li'l Macho Legs or the Breakerblast Cannon to shatter her Barrier. On the other hand, stalling UltraBaaBaa utilizing her Barrier allows units such as Legend Cats to be stacked more easily and the Worker Cat to be leveled up.

Strategy 1[]

Use as few meatshields and Loincloth Cats as possible to defeat UltraBaaBaa, so that your Worker Cat can be upgraded all the way, and that money can be accumulated before Shibalien Elite dies. Save up before proceeding towards the enemy base. If this is not possible, allow the remainder of your units to cross the map, and release the boss wave. You can wait until they kill the remainder of your meatshields for some more time.

Spawn Ururun, Bahamut, and spam all other units, keeping a constant stream of meatshields. Continue spamming and spawning more Bahamuts/Ururuns as money and time allows. This should be enough to keep the enemies at bay, and eventually defeat them all.

Chapter 3[]

In Chapter 3, UltraBaaBaa is taken out of the stage and Metal Hippoe is back, but there are still only two Star Pengs and not three like in Chapter 1, making it easier than ever to just stall the enemies with meatshields until both Pengs have spawned, then lure them to the Cat Base and use Awakened Bahamut Cat to take care of them. Metal Hippoe is so slow that by the time it makes it to the frontlines, both Star Pengs should be dead or about to die.

Strategy 1[]

Lineup: 3-4 meatshields (e.g., Li'l Macho Cat, Li'l Eraser Cat, Samba Cat, Catburger), Miss MONEKO/Corrupted Moneko, Dark Lazer, Awakened Bahamut Cat and Cat God the Awesome. Use Breakerblast or Waterblast as your Cat Cannon.

Battle: Upgrade your Worker Cat only to level 2 and spam meatshields, also deploying 1-2 Dark Lazers. The main threat here is the Star Pengs. When both have appeared, stop deploying units to separate the Star Pengs from Le'Solar and Metal Hippoe. Don't upgrade the Worker Cat; just save money for Awakened Bahamut Cat. When the Star Pengs get closer to base, start spamming again, and spawn Awakened Bahamut. He should be able to kill the Star Pengs before dying.

After the Star Pengs are gone, the worst is over. The remaining enemies shouldn't have much pushing power, and can be stalled with simple meatshielding. The Metal Hippoe should perish shortly, and Le'Solar on her own is not a threat. The level is essentially over once Le'Solar dies.


Video Player Notes

Aguham, CotC3 - Star Peng Lure Strat - The Battle Cats

Lucas IV Chapter 3

Zombie Outbreak[]


Chapter 1[]

Max # of Deployable Cats: 5

Chapter 2[]

Max # of Deployable Cats: 10


Chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

  • 1 UltraBaaBaa spawns after 3.33 seconds100f.
  • Infinite Shibalien Elites spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 26.67~33.33 seconds800f~1,000f.
  • 1 Zoge spawns after 20 seconds600f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


Chapter 1[]

With enough Anti-Starred Alien Treasures, this should be a rather easy Outbreak. Just be sure to bring Seafarer Cat and at least one Critical Hitter to deal with the Metal enemies, as the Cat Deploy Limit of 5 makes chipping them down without a Critter really annoying and tedious.

Chapter 2[]




