Battle Cats Wiki
Battle Cats Wiki

An Hour's Training (Insane) is one of the many Enigma Stages.


  • Infinite Zrocos spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 20~26.67 seconds600f~800f.
  • 1 Gory Black spawns after 13.33 seconds400f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


Strategy 1[]

Lineup: Eraser Cat, Crazed Wall Cat, Sifu Cat, Crazed Sexy Legs Cat, Pizza Cat, Crazed UFO Cat, Li'l Flying Cat, Awakened Bahamut Cat


  • Fill the remaining slots with any Anti-Black Units like Kaza Jizo or extra meatshields.
  • Sifu can be replaced with Ramen Cat.
  • Li'l Flying can be replaced with another Anti-Zombie unit.

You can wait for the Zroco to almost reach your base while you save up your money and upgrade to lv.2-3 your worker cat, before it attacks or the first Gory Black appears you can start sending your units to attack while sending meatshields (depending on your levels can be less or more meatshields). So when you hit the base you have enough units to hold the SBKs, don't worry if the zombies bury at first, stop your units midway and the blacks push back a bit at the start, the zombies can be easily killed and after you defeat the black units you should be able to win easily.


Video Player Notes

The Battle Cats - Shack of Spirit, An Hour's Training (Insane)



